Bilbao 2001 ITS CONGRESS



Ass. Prof. Ivan Bosnjak, PhD.

Ass. Prof. Dragan Badanjak, PhD.

Prof. Josip Božičević, PhD.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

HR-1000 Zagreb, CROATIA

Tel.: +385 1 2380 226

Fax.: +385 1 2314 415



Sustainable mobility in 21st century cannot be achieved with classical transport technologies oriented to partial modes of physical mobility and motorization. The partial substitution of physical mobility and early applications of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) can improve the existing transport/traffic system, but can't solve growing mobility requirements. The main thesis of this paper and background research is that the task of re-inventing mobility requires integrated systems approach and methodologies for solving very complex problems at a generalised level. More formally, functional design and scope of technological primitives for total mobility solutions (TM) have to be considered as a parallel association or functional composition of physical (transport) and virtual (telecommunication) mobility for defined space-time frame.

KEY WORDS: mobility, virtual mobility, physical mobility, Intelligent Transport Systems,

systems methodology


Transport and broader mobility problems have become the most important problems in both industrialised and developing countries. Several studies and authors conclude that sustainable mobility in 21st century cannot be achieved with classical transport technologies based on motorization (4), (7). Development and deployment of Intelligent Transport System can improve the existing transport solutions (especially private and public urban transport) but cannot solve the growing mobility requirements (1), (2).

The paper considers the basic approach and methodology background for "re-inventing mobility". The basic thesis is that we need innovative approach which integrates transport and telecommunication modes in solving mobility problems. The approach and modes include functional design and scope of technological primitives on a generalised level.

More formally, the scope of total mobility solutions have to be identified and described as a parallel association of physical and virtual mobility, i.e.:

TM = PM  VM(1)

or even functional composition:

TM = PM ○ VM(2)


TM – denotes the total mobility solutions,

PM – denotes the physical mobility,

VM – denotes the virtual mobility,

 and ○  are relations (operators) of parallel association and composition,


The used symbols are extremely rich in content, i.e. mobility solutions include all functional designs and technologies which can solve mobility problems. Formulation also covers appropriate subsystems and interfaces that the overall mobility solutions should be composed of.

The methodological background that can be used for analysis and solving mobility problem is considered at a generalised system level. Considerations suggest prescriptive models for the technological layer and the beyond-technological layer. A complete solution of mobility problems must address several key aspects: technological, organisational/institutional, commercial and transport policy aspect. If the institutional and commercial issues are not analysed, designed and managed successfully then there will be a lack of necessary relationships to support the technological layer and new transport/traffic theory.

Some important integration issues are associated with the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and National Information Infrastructure.

The basic assumption that the growing demand for mobility cannot be solved using relatively small improvements of existing technology and systems – is illustrated in Figure 1. Radical changes or re-inventing become necessary when mobility gap strongly affects the relevant stakeholders (travellers, drivers, local community, government, etc.).

MR – mobility requirements

IMPR – "small" improvements of existing technologies

(in partial time frames: 1, 2 ...)

INOV – innovations or redesign

Fig. 1 - Improvements and redesign of mobility solutions

Integrated approach to mobility problems

The traditional definitions of mobility were focused on specific categories of human interaction involving physical movement for defined purpose. The basic explanation is that transport systems permit people and goods to overcome the friction of geographical space efficiently in order to participate in a timely manner in some desired activity ((7), p. 1). According to the medium or network facilities on which the flow entities are supported, transport systems are categorised into several subsystems, i.e. modes and submodes (for example: urban road transport, urban rail transit systems, etc.).

A traditional view of transport is that railways provide the backbone connections between regions, road transport local connections between households and sea and air transport the longer connections. Cities have become places of high-density short-distance travel where different public transport modes (bus, tram, rail, rapid-transit systems) or private cars are the basic transport submodes.

Several authors consider the substitution relation between physical and virtual mobility (3), (8). For example, communications as substitution for traditional transport modes. Substitution possibilities seem to be growing in relation to information and communications technology development.

Telecommuting and teleprocessing facilities were recommended as possible solutions for reducing or eliminating needs to travel to a central place. Telecommuting has influences on reduction or displacement in the flow of commuters. Real impacts and improvements depend on the existing urban and suburban traffic levels and dominant transport submodes used by home-based worker (3).

Development in information and communications techniques and technologies (ICT) has influenced freight transport and logistics. Effective deployment of ICT enables integration of product supply chains with a reduction of inventory and transport costs. Activities along integrated value added chains become co-ordinated and synchronised, regardless of whether they are centrally owned or not.

Although the co-evolution of transport and telecommunications exists in history and some innovative concepts were developed, it is a fact that synergy effects were not systematically considered by transport engineers and policy makers. There are several "reasons" for that, but growing demands for mobility cannot be solved in a satisfactory way without integrated systems approach and methodological support.

The basic assumption about the integrated approach to mobility problems can be formally described by notations:

EE (MPS) < EE (TMPA)(3)

EE (TMPA) < EE (TMCO)(4)


EE – denotes the effectiveness and efficiency,

MPS – denotes the mobility solutions in the scope of physical mobility,

TMPA – are total mobility solutions with parallel association of physical and virtual mobility

TMCO – are total mobility solutions with functional composition of physical and virtual


Methodological background

Appropriate systems methodology is needed for the investigation of the whole domain of mobility problems and to construct prescriptive models with suitable technological primitives. These prescriptive models are oriented not only to the purpose of technological system design, but also to the policy or strategic decision-making. Policy models include economic variables, demographic variables, regulations etc.

The classical and the most damaging methodological error was to state as problem in terms of preconceived class of solutions related to partial transport mode and network facilities. When a solution is chosen in advance, the real mobility problem is never systematically formulated and effective solution cannot be found because the scope of possible solutions is not seen in an appropriate way.

According to A.W. Wymore, there are six categories of system requirements which are relevant for any system design problem. These are ([10], p. 8):

(i)input/output requirements,

(ii)technology requirements,

(iii)performance requirements,

(iv)cost requirements,

(v)trade-off requirements,

(vi)system test requirements.

The functional system design is basically a logical design which specifies what the technological system should do in order to accomplish its purpose or mission. The set of all functional system designs is called functionality cotyledon in Wymore's terminology [10]. The functional system design satisfies the input/output requirements and specifies what the system should do, but not how the system can do that.

Another concept of buildable system design can be used to specify technology. Performance requirements specify how well the input/output requirements shall be met. The cost requirements are based on what system (solution) will cost to build the facilities and to operate. The trade-off requirements compare performance and cost using trade-off figures of merit and their thresholds. The system solution is built by comparison of alternative system designs with respect to the basic requirements, performance, cost and trade-off algorithm. The system test requirements specify observance, conformance, compliance and acceptance of each possible solution.

FS – the space of all functional system designs for a given mobility problem

BS – the space of all buildable systems for a given mobility problem

IS – contours represent implementable system design respecting

the trade-off between the performance and cost requirements

Fig. 2 - Integrated systems approach in solving mobility problems

Several models and information processing supports can be used for system design and system analysis. System design includes models as the basis on which real systems can be built, developed and deployed in order to satisfy relevant requirements. System analysis is usually applied to the existing systems where the goals can be to improve performance or reduce cost, to control air pollution, to take advantage of new technology, etc.

Effective systems analysis and design include set of models not only those traditionally produced by engineers (such as physical models, prototypes, drawings, etc.), but also other models at technological and beyond-technological layers. Virtual mobility solutions typically require a high degree of interorganizational co-operation and co-ordination of commercially independent subsystems.

Elements for common development policy and strategy

In most countries, no master plans or national objectives ever existed for a harmonised transport and telecommunication infrastructure development. As transport is becoming increasingly information dependent, examining transport-related information and telecommunication technology becomes more important for the policy, planners, program managers and traffic technologists. Integrated approach has to consider the purpose (mission) and basic function of transport and telecommunication systems.

Telecommunication network facilities and services (service bearers, teleservices, value added services) have to be considered as core components of advanced information infrastructure - AII (1). Besides telecommunication facilities and services, the development of AII includes:

•capture and organisation of information,,

•acquisition of computers and information peripherals,

•development of application software,

•establishment of government regulations,

•users’ support.

Some authors consider ITS as a subset of National Information Infrastructure (NII), or as a specific domain that will utilise some or all capabilities of the NII (2). Information requirements for ITS include the following basic features:

•information access,

•real-time control,

•decision making,

•active sensing and monitoring,

•wireline and wireless telecommunications.

Information access is the basic feature of few ITS user services, but also it is the main feature of some NII services such as government information services and digital libraries. Typical examples of ITS information-access services are Traveller Services Information and En-Route Driver Information.

Real-time information and control are needed at several ITS user services such as:

•Route Guidance,

•Traffic Control,

•En-Route Driver Information,

•Traveller Service Information,

•Incident Management,

•Emissions Testing,

•On-Board Safety Inspection,

•Hazardous Material Incident Response,

•Collision Avoidance.

Decision-making is the basic feature in many ITS user services, but the degrees of sophistication and intelligence of decision-making vary in different application domains. In some ITS applications there are strong requirements for efficient traffic control and quick decision-making about situations. The transition from human decision-making using local databases to semi-automated decision-making based on a large scale ITS information infrastructure can be complex and slow.

Active sensing and traffic monitoring in metropolitan areas are set up at intersections and other key locations. These systems require intelligent information processing techniques, such as pattern recognition, image processing, etc.

One of the most important integration issues is associated with the deployment of ITS and use of backbone telecommunication network for ITS. Transport companies and ITS service providers must in the early stage of ITS development decide whether to lease capacity, build their own telecommunication network facilities or use another arrangements.


Enabling sustainable mobility and re-inventing mobility is generation task. It is a complex problem not solvable using classical approach oriented to partial transport modes and solutions without effective integration of transport and telecommunication facilities.

By treating mobility problems only on a physical level we impose constraints of the scope of feasible solutions and limit the effectiveness and efficiency of available resources. The paper discusses why and how the generalised systems approach and methodologies can produce better solutions for growing mobility problems. When we formulate a mobility problem in terms of preconceived or even a preconceived class of solutions, the truly creative and effective designs are eliminated at the outset.

Further research has to be oriented to formulating mobility problems comprehensively, without disastrous oversimplification, and in particular without the confusing ambiguities, and more concretely, without limitations to any particular modes or submodes.


(1)Bosnjak, I.: Value-Net Concept in Evaluation of ITS Benefits. Proceedings of 7th World Congress on ITS, Turin 2000, TS-104 (CD-ROM).

(2)Branscomb, L.M. and J.H. Keller: Converging Infrastructures. The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1996.

(3)Clarke, M.P.: Virtual Logistics. Int. Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Vol. 28, No.7, 1998., pp. 486-507.

(4)EMCT/OECD: Urban Travel and Sustainable Mobility. OECD Conference, Paris, 1995.

(5)ISO TC 204 WG1: Transport Information and Control Systems – Reference Model Architecture. ISO/TR 14813-1, 1998.

(6)Klir, G.J.: Facets of Systems Science. Plenum Press, New York, 1991.

(7)Papacostas, C.S. and P.D. Prevedouros: Transportation Engineering and Planning (sec. ed.). Prentice-Hall Int., 1992.

(8)Pollit, D. (Ed.): Physical Distribution and Logistics Management in the Digital Era. Int. Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Vol.29, No.5, 1999., pp. 285-347.

(9)Radic, Z., I. Bosnjak, H. Gold: Generalized Intelligent Transport Systems Modelling for Improved Intermodal Interfaces. Proceedings of 5th World Congress on ITS, Seoul 1998., Paper No. 2087 )CD-ROM).

(10)Wymore, A.W.: Model-Based System Engineering. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1993. (710p.).