kTalk Submission Form – Part 1

2011 kTalks

Contact Information






kTalk Title (10 words or less)

What specific knowledge will your kTalk impart that professionals can use in their practices?







Speaker Credentials & Experience(Brief description of your relevant experience and how you gained expertise in the kTalk subject.)

About the Speaker (50 words or less bio, including your preferred contact information, which will be included in the downloadable version of your kTalk notes.)

kTalk Category(checkone that best describes your topic)


Building Performance/Sustainability


Construction Techniques

Building Codes / Specifications

Business Development

Practice Management / Leadership

Project Delivery

Products and Materials

Furnishings and Equipment

Career Stages

Awards and Competitions

Who is your target audience?(check all that apply)




Land Use Planners

Interior Designers

Landscape Architects


Emerging Professionals

Building Owners

Other Professionals

kTalk Speaker Agreement

(Please read, sign and return this Speaker Agreement ).

aecKnowledge is pleased to offer you the opportunity to share your knowledgewith others throughout the AEC industry by presentinga kTalk. As an industry thought leader, your expertise will be captured in a 6-10 minute kTalk that will be viewable to professionals, students, public agencies and the general public. This agreement describes the responsibilities of each party for use of the kTalks and to ensure quality content.

aecKnowledge shall:

  • Film your presentation and produce an online video of your kTalk. Production shall include pre-production coordination and script preparation, filming, video-editing, post-production and optimization for web viewing.
  • Manage post-production to incorporate graphics used during the presentation and bulleted key points provided by the presenter(s).
  • Host high-definition streaming videos of yourkTalk and continuing education program, including cloud serving, broadcasting and technical trouble-shooting.
  • Upon final editing of your video, provide you with an electronic, high-definition copy of your completed kTalk, which you will have full rights to use and distribute for your own marketing purposes. You are free to distribute copies or to embed the video on your website.

You shall:

  • Meet aecKnowledge’s requirements in the kTalk Guidelines.
  • Travel to the filming location at your own expense. aecKnowledge does not reimburse for travel or lodging.
  • Use presentation materials that contain only your own work or the work that others have authorized you to use. You may not use the copyrighted work of others without their permission.
  • Warrant to aecKnowledge that you have obtained all necessary permission to use the work contained in your presentation materials (including photos and drawings) and that you have the right to grant aecKnowledge a license to use such work.
  • At aecKnowledge’ssole discretion, your video may be posted on and used for promotional purposes.
  • agree that aecKnowledge and Strogoff Consulting, Inc. own the content of your kTalkand that non-exclusive licenses may be granted to other professional organizations to use the content.
  • agree that aecKnowledge has sole discretion to edit your kTalk for flow and length including “final cut” authority and that aecKnowledge shall have an exclusive right to use your kTalk on aecKnowledgeand to grant non-exclusive licenses to other professional organizations to show your content.

aecKnowledge may terminate this agreement if:

  • You do not meet the deadlines or other requirements established by aecKnowledge in the kTalk Guidelines, including submissions of presentation materials;
  • You use presentation materials without obtaining all necessary permission;
  • You do not appear at the kTalkfilming; or
  • The kTalk is cancelled for any reason.

By entering your name below, you are electronically signing this agreement, agreeing to its terms and conditions, and confirming your authority to do so on behalf of your organization if it is a party to this agreement.

