Kirsten Marino
Coconut Creek, Fl. 33073
Broward County School District August 2008-present
Tradewinds Elementary School (August 2015-present) Grade 4
Oriole Elementary (2013-present) Grade 2 *Team Leader 2013-present
- Differentiated instruction based on reading and math data both in small groups and centers which focus on remediation, enrichment and review.
- Classroom management is based on respect with consistent expectations, rewards and consequences.
- Parental involvement is highly encouraged, parents are kept informed of student’s progress through interims, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, phone conferences, e-mails, agendas, etc.
- Student collaboration is used regularly through turn and talk, paired work, small group work, peer tutoring, etc.
- Daily use of Marcia Tate’sInstructionalStrategies.
Oriole Elementary (2011-2012) Grade 4
Oriole Elementary (2009-2011) Grade5 *Team Leader 2010-2011
Lauderhill Paul Turner (2008-2009) Grade 4
Utica City School District September 2001 – August 2008
John F. Hughes(2007-08)Grade 3
John F. Hughes (2004-2007) Grade 2
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (2001-2004) Grade 2
Oneida County Department of Social Services August 1994 - August 2001 Senior Caseworker
Act as Supervisor in absence of Grade B Supervisor;Mediate problems in foster homes and adoptive placements;Teach 10 week/30 hour MAPPS/GPS program which certifies foster/adoptive parents;Prepare legal papers for Oneida County Family Court and Oneida County Surrogate Court Provide casemanagement and case planning services to adoptive children and families; Find and supervise adoptive placements
Neighborhood Center and Oneida County D.S.S.(August 1993 - August 1994)School Partnership for YouthProgram Caseworker
Oneida County Department of Social Services(April 1992 - August 1993)Social Worker
Oneida County Department of Social Services (May 1990 - April 1992)Medicaid Social WelfareExaminer
FLDOE K-6 (2008-present)
Gifted Endorsement (2008-present)
ESOL Endorsement (2012-present)
NYS Permanent Certification in Pre-K -6 (9/03-present)
NYS PermanentSDA (9/05-present)
SUNY Cortland
May 2005 CAS -School Administration, Cortland, NY
The College of Saint Rose
May 2001 Master of Science -Elementary Education, Albany, NY
Utica College of Syracuse University
August 1989 Bachelor of BusinessAdministration, Utica, NY
Professional Experience
Career Day Committee Chair Oriole Elementary 2015
Grade 2 Team Leader (2013-present)
21st Century Grant Afterschool & Summer School Site Facilitator at Oriole Elementary School (2010- 2012)
Career Day Committee Oriole Elementary School (2011-14)
Grade 5 Team Leader (2010-11)
Summer School Principal Utica City School District (2008)
Assistant Principal of Summer School / Utica City School District (2007)
Acting principal in absence of principal(2005-2008)
Mentor for 1st year teacher (2006-2007)
Administrative Internship (June 2004-May 2005) *included assisting summer school
Principal in overseeing summer school site (June 2004)
Mentoring Student Teacher (Fall 2004)
Trained as a Mediator(March 2004)
Mentored Student Teacher(Fall 2003)
Summer School Teaching-Reading for Results (2003)
Educational Leadership Academy(3/03 -8/03)
Professional Committees
Science SIP committee member (2013-14)
Career Day Committee Oriole Elementary (2011 to present)
Utica Teacher Center Policy Board Member and Chairperson(2006-2008)
School Wellness Team –John F. Hughes School (2006-2008)
Safety Plan Committee- John F. Hughes (2004-2008)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Team Member- John F. Hughes (2004-2006)
& Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary (2002-2004)
CDEP Committee –John F. Hughes (2004-2006)
PATT- John F. Hughes (2005-2006)
District Wide Building and Safety Committee- John F. Hughes (2005-2006)
Utica City School District’s Grade 5-8 Science Team (2004-2005)
Classroom within a School Committee -Dr. Martin Luther King School (2004)
Magnet Committee-Dr. Martin Luther King School (2003-2004)
Community Involvement
CoachGirls under 12 Soccer Team (Fall 2011/Winter 2012) Coconut Creek Lady Hornets
Winston Park Elementary PTA Member (2008-2011)
Religious Education Teacher at Our Lady of the Rosary (2006-2008)
Fund Raising Committee Member of ALS of Utica-Lou Gehrig's Disease (2003-2008)