November 2014

Dear Applicant

Thank you for your enquiry regarding a position of Receptionist and Reprographics Technician at Oasis Academy Enfield. This post is for a fixed term to cover a maternity leave.

I hope you find the information pack helpful. If you feel that that this is a post for which you would like to apply, please complete all sections of the Application Form including the Equal Opportunities monitoring (CVs are not accepted) and return it to Sue Radford, HR Manager, by either of the following ways:


Post: Oasis Academy Enfield

9 Kinetic Crescent

Innova Park

Mollison Avenue



The closing deadline for applications is no later than 9.00 am on Tuesday 2nd December 2014.

Please ensure you provide the name, address and status of two referees, one of whom should be your current direct Manager. Candidates should be aware we will seek references on shortlisted candidates and may approach previous employers for information to verify particular experience or qualifications before interview.

Interviews will be held during the week commencing 8th December 2014. If you have not been invited to attend by Friday 5th December 2014 you should assume that your application has not been successful. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide feedback on your application at this stage.

If you would like to know more about us before you apply please see our website www.oasisacademyenfield.org, or if you are not clear about any aspect of the application procedure, do not hesitate to contact us for clarification.

I wish you well and thank you once again for your interest in what we think will be a challenging and rewarding post.

Yours sincerely

Graeme Plunkett

Interim Principal

1.  About Oasis Academy Enfield

Oasis Academy Enfield is located on the Innova Park site in North East Enfield. Although independent, Oasis Academy Enfield works closely with the Local Authority, local schools and other organisations for the good of all within the community. The young people who join the Academy have access to excellent facilities, exciting opportunities and first-class support. They are subject to high expectations and are stretched and challenged in their learning and personal development. All students are treated as individuals; there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Personalising learning is our aim, giving students the education they need and want. Learning is active, hands on, engaging and fun. Oasis Academy Enfield is a school for the community and a school for the 21st Century, preparing our young people for their future.

In March 2010 our first full Ofsted Inspection judged the Academy to be good in all areas. A range of quotations from the report are included below:

"The Academy has created an excellent environment for learning where students have a zest for knowledge."

"Students' above average attendance, very positive attitudes and good and sometimes exemplary behaviour in lessons lead to them making good progress in their learning. "

"Students listen well, persevere with their work and cooperate very well with each other and their teachers."

"Students respond well to the high quality care and appreciate the protectiveness of the staff whose vigilance extends beyond the Academy even when they are travelling home. "

"Students’ strong awareness of right and wrong leads to them knowing the consequences of their actions. Consequently, incidents of bullying and racism are rare within what students described as ‘a big family.’ "

"The Academy turns out young people who are polite and mature beyond their years. "

"Teachers’ good subject knowledge, meticulous planning and effective use

of well-timed activities and resources, such as interactive presentations ensure that

there is a good pace to lessons."

"The curriculum is distinctive and provides students with excellent opportunities to

experience different pathways from as early as Year 8. There is

very strong evidence of it inspiring and motivating students to do very well."

"Leaders and managers at all levels have a passion for students to succeed and the

vision for high achievement permeates through all levels."


2.  Examination Res








2. Headline Year 11 Exam Results Summer 2014

5 GCSEs A* - C Including English and Maths - 63%

5 GCSEs A* - C 70.3%

Three levels progress in Maths 70%

Three levels progress in English 87%

EBacc achievement 24%

Our headline figure of 63% 5 A*- C including English and Mathematics exceeds the challenging targets that we have set ourselves to be in the top 25% of similar schools.

3.  Local Context

The Academy mainly serves the culturally and economically diverse local communities of Ponders End, Enfield Lock and Enfield Highway in North Eastern Enfield. A significant number of students travel across the borough to attend the Academy. The RAISE online deprivation indicator for Oasis Academy Enfield is 0.49 – in the highest quintile. The intake of the Academy is changing with all indicators showing increasing levels of deprivation. Free School Meals is at 53%, students from ethnic minority backgrounds 73%, English as an additional language is at 35%. Over 30 languages are spoken in the Academy.

4. Vision and Values

Academy Vision

Our academy educates young people to enjoy a fulfilling and prosperous life. We work together as a learning community to inspire hope, build trust and celebrate achievement.

Academy Values


On a day-to-day basis it is an important feature of Academy life that students, staff, parents and carers treat each other in a way that is seen to be fair. For issues that arise it is important that everyone is allowed to have their say with reasons given for decisions that need to be made. The Academy works hard to avoid discrimination on any grounds and seeks to include everyone in the provision of a quality education. As part of the Oasis family we work with others to reduce poverty and social injustice on a local, national and global scale.


Everyday life tells us that we can only focus on growing as individuals when we feel accepted, wanted and valued. This is the reason why we make a strong investment in the emotional and social well-being of our young people. Those who are at peace with themselves will be best placed to take their place in a peaceful community. We pride ourselves in an Academy with low levels of bullying and attitudes that allow everyone to flourish and find their true identity.


Our curriculum meets national expectations at the same time as engaging our young people in an exciting examination of local and world events. We enable our students to discern right from wrong in a world where the media presents a wide range of perspectives. We also emphasise that 'truth' begins with one-to-one interaction and the need to express realities with compassion.


To “love our neighbour as ourselves” is no easy thing but where people do just that classrooms are more productive, staffrooms have more laughter and neighbourhoods have lower levels of crime. Our Academy has succeeded in bringing together people from very different backgrounds to establish high standards in a spirit of patience, acceptance and encouragement.

5. Learning – Curriculum

We provide a curriculum which caters for the individual needs and interests of students and offers a secure base of academic and vocational learning. Our Virtual Learning Environment enables students to access both class work and Extended Learning from home and communicate with their teachers via email.

Key Stage 3

Students follow learning programmes based on National Curriculum schemes of work in English, Maths, Science and ICT. They have access to the Humanities, Arts, Technology, Sports and Languages through the core curriculum, during our immersion sessions and optional learning pathways. Students have the unusual chance to choose optional subjects from the end of Year 8 – a year earlier than in most schools. Our Masterclass programme of extra-curricular activities includes a wide range of sporting and leisure interests as well as sessions put on by staff to help with progress in examination subjects.

Key Stage 4

In Key Stage 4 students follow a core curriculum of English, Maths, Science, PE and Humanities. Students then choose from a full complement of GCSEs, BTEC and other vocational courses. Students begin GCSE and other Level 2 options in Year 9 and have the opportunity to take exams at the end of Year 9 and 10 where appropriate. Others are able to take three years to complete Key Stage 4. We work closely with Enfield Local Authority to offer a range of flexible, vocational courses for students who wish to pursue this route of learning. As a Business & Enterprise specialist school the Academy develops excellence in students’ enterprise skills through regular whole-Academy events and in a variety of enterprise-focused subjects. The curriculum is divided into seven-week modules and once in this period we involve students at key stage three in a “Challenge Day” which covers important aspects of citizenship, personal, health and social education. This involves engaging with visiting drama groups, putting on workshops for primary school students, making a video or communicating live with Oasis projects around the globe.

Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form opened in September 2012 in brand new accommodation on Innova Park – a short distance away from the Academy. With close to 200 students, we offer a wide range of A-Level courses together with Level 3 BTEC and a selection of Level 2 BTEC and GCSE qualifications.


Our Business and Enterprise specialism is represented by the extensive range of curriculum options provided by the Learning Area as well as in the growing programme of opportunities to engage with businesses in Enfield and beyond. We chair the Business and Residents’ forum on the Innova Park estate and partner with a number of key employers such as our neighbours Swift Recruiting and an exciting collaboration with Sony.

Our membership of The Access Project enables a hundred students in years 11 and 12 to receive weekly mentoring form personnel in top city law and accountancy firms as well as gaining valuable experiences that can be captured in their UCAS forms.

6. Learning – Organisation

All students belong to a Learning Family, a group of no more than 28, supported by a Learning Guide. The Learning Guide gets to know the young person’s interests, skills, talents and needs. The Learning Guide works with the student and parents/carers to personalise their learning, helping them choose the right courses and ensuring they develop the skills needed for effective learning. The members of a Learning Family support and guide each other, sharing experiences and knowledge. We especially see the benefit of students encouraging one another and believe this peer support motivates the students to succeed.

In Years 7 and 8 much of the learning takes place in the Learning Family. Different combinations of students in classes are used to deliver the core subjects at Key Stages 3 and 4 (English, Maths and Science) and Pathway subjects further up the Academy. Students are grouped according to the stage they are at, with targeted teaching and support that enables good progress to be made by all students. Learning Guides receive information from subject teachers and feed back to students and parents/carers on progress being made. Discussions involving Learning Guide, student and parents/carers result in Personal Learning Programmes being developed. By treating students as individuals we ensure they study the subjects that suit their abilities, set appropriate learning targets and develop ambitious and exciting future goals.

7. Community – Living and learning together

Community Hub

The vision of hub is to create a community through various provisions such as an Academy, Children’s Centre, Youth Centre and Church which work in an interconnected way. The aim is for those in the local community to be able to access high-quality services which meet their needs, be that through sport, family support or family courses. We want to create a community hub that is a hive of activity and serves a purpose within this community.

Oasis Church

One aspect of the hub is the church which was established to support and work alongside the staff, students and families associated with the community hub at Enfield. The church is motivated by the life and work of Jesus Christ. The church gathers every Sunday morning from 11am in the Academy. We start with drinks and then discuss the bible, worship and pray. Every so often we host a family event and take on a project that would be of practical use for the community.

Youth Service

The Youth Team is another aspect of hub which was set up in 2006 and operates both within the Academy and on Enfield Island Village. Provisions on the Island Village are open to 11-19 year olds and they run drop-in sessions, help young people develop new skills, offer help and advice and run holiday provisions. Within the academy the youth team help run football at lunch, support the ARC and support staff during break and lunch times.

Children’s Centre

The Children’s Centre is another part of our vision for extended community and a valuable partner of our hub development. The Children’s Centre itself is based in Innova Community Centre next to the Academy. It is open Monday to Wednesday and provides Stay and Play sessions, Baby weighing, growing together, cooking sessions and more.


The full-time Hub chaplain has an important role providing additional capacity for embedding the Oasis ethos amongst staff, students and parents. He provides a listening ear for those that work in the Academy and takes a lead in implementing our extensive programme of spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.

8. Facilities

As a new Academy we have excellent facilities in a building designed for 21st Century education. The centrepiece of our Academy is the Agora; a large, open ‘market place’ where students’ work and achievements are showcased. The Academy has many eco-friendly features: solar panels and wind turbines, an eco-construction site and garden area for growing our own food.

We are ICT rich with easy access to the Academy network, both in and out of school. Parents/carers are able to access information on their child’s attainment, progress and attendance at any time. The sports hall, fitness centre, dance studio and multi-purpose astro-turf provide students with excellent sporting facilities.