Research Services
Higher Degree Research – Change of Supervision Form
Student Details
Student Number: / Degree (Course):
Surname: / First Name:
Current Supervision Team (Please Print Names):
Supervision %
Principal Supervisor: / Title: / %
Co-Supervisor: / Title: / %
Co-Supervisor: / Title: / %
Proposed Supervision Team (Please Print Names):
Supervision Discipline Area: / Supervision % / Supervision Discipline Area:
Principal Supervisor: / Title: / %
Co-Supervisor: / Title: / %
Co-Supervisor: / Title: / %
Effective Dates (Dates on which the changes of supervision are effective): / Start Date: / End Date:
NB: If end date is specified, supervision arrangements will revert to previous/current supervision arrangements unless otherwise specified.
External Supervisors are persons not employed by UNE.
External Supervisors cannot be a Principal Supervisor.
External Supervisors being nominated as a Co-Supervisor must have approval from Head of School.
Contact details for external supervisors:
Please indicate the reason for the proposed change(s) in the supervision team:
If it is required that the student transfer from one School to another School, due to the CHANGE of Principal Supervisor, please indicate below:
NB: International Students transferring Schools may be required to reapply for admission
Domestic: (Yes/No) / International: (Yes/No)
ETHICS (If applicable)
Is this student’s project covered by current ethics approval? (Yes/No)
If yes, please provide the current approval number:
Please seek advice from the UNE Ethics Officer about whether changing supervisors contravenes the conditions of Ethics approval.
Declaration By Student
I am transferring to another school? (Yes/No)
I confirm that I agree with this change of supervision.
Student Signature: / Date:
SignatureS of Proposed NEW SUPERVISION TEAM:
Supervisor: / Sign: / Date:
Co-supervisor / Sign: / Date:
Co-supervisor / Sign: / Date:
Declaration by Head of School or Nominee:
If supervision is from multiple Schools the signature is required from all of the relevant Head(s) of School(s).
As Head of School (or nominee) I confirm that:
  • Each member of the proposed supervision team is formally registered on the UNE Register of Supervisors and is qualified to supervise at the degree level indicated.
  • Supervisors who are being replaced have been advised of these changes

Head of School or nominee signature:
School: / Date:
Head of School or nominee signature:
School: / Date:

The completed form can be submitted via the AskUNE HDR Student interface:

Incomplete forms will be returned to the School(s).

Updated August 2015Page 1