Problems of Volzhskoye shipping company to organize transportations on Volgo-Baltic ship-canal / Alexander A. Shishkin // River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.30

Describes objective reasons which affects decreasing throughput of Volgo-Baltic ship-canal. Offers measures to improve the situation.

Keywords: ship-canal, throughput, lock, ships.


Market development strategy for water transport Russia / Vladimir I. Kostin // River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.64

Deals with the strategic directions of development of water transport in Russia, as defined in federal target programs, industry development and modernization programs waterway complex. Analyzes the target indicators of development of inland waterway transport and maritime transport. Propose an algorithm to determine the marketing strategies of enterprises, consisting of three consolidated stages that are specified in the light of the structural and procedural elements.

Keywords: water transport, transportation, strategy, marketing strategy, enterprise.


An integrated approach to the diagnosis of economic security and development of innovative water-transport complex in Russia / Alena R. Mikhalko // River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.67

Investigates the economic security of water transport complex of Russia. An algorithm for diagnosis of economic security and innovation capacity. Develop indicators of innovation potential and local potentials in general and their thresholds. Substantiates the concept of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of innovative potential and economic security of the state of the industry.

Keywords: economic security, innovative capacity, diagnostics, water transport, enterprise.


Modern level of self-repayment and social orientation of transport activity / Yuriy A. Pochaev // River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.70

Describes practically attained parameters of transport work in 2005-2007 years, influences on workers’ social level. Offers the method of aggregation estimation of these parameters according to all types of transport. Shows the method of identification of possible volume of development resourses on macro-level by transport type, gives an estimation of derived results.

Keywords: savings fund, development resourses, self-repayment, investment of capital, social level.

Контактная информация:

The method of experiment examination to calculate accuracy of ships’ receivers of satellite navigation systems / Ivan V. Aderikhin, Alexey I. Salnikov // River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.75

Describes the basic method of full-scale experiment for evaluating the

accuracy of ship's receivers of satellite navigation systems, the results of evaluation and recommendations how to account the affecting on receivers factors which is necessary to consider during operation.

Keywords: ships’ receivers of satellite navigation system, method, accuracy.


The features of normative-financial support of localization and liquidation of spill oil in inland water transport / Vladimir L. Etin, Valeriy M. Ivanov, Egor Y. Cheban// River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.81

The legal system regulating organizational and financial issues concerning

oil spills prevention and response in the inland waterways is examined. Details necessity to develop, provides location-specificbranch documents for oil spills responsein the inland waterways.

Keywords: spill oil, inland waterways, the legal system regulating organizational and financial issues.


The influence of changeable factors of navigation conditions on bridge sections over rivers / Sergey V. Pavlushkin // River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.82

Makes analysis of influence of engineering constructions of bridge section of road «Baykal» over river Ob on riverbed processes; calculating central navigational speed of shifting riverbed’s form for the purpose of operational planning.

Keywords: rverbed’s process, bridge section over river, ship-canal.


Tax accounting and control required payments in water consumption /

Andrey V. Terzidi // River transport (XXI century).2011- № 1(49). – p.83

Deals with questions taxation of water taxes, associated with the tax overorganize and accounting and also specialties of tax checks in water consumption required payments considering last changes in legislation.

Keywords: water consumption, water tax, tax control, Water code of the Russian Federation, Budget code of the Russian Federation.
