Department ofHealth Care Administration

College of Health and Human Services

California State University, Long Beach

Fall 2016
HCA 353 01- Marketing For Health Services Organizations

Instructor: Linda Martinez, Ph.D.
Office Hours: Tuesdays 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm; - By phone anytime and by appointment – Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays
Office Location SPA 027 (basement)
Cell Phone: 254-493-8666 / Course: 5244
Class Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 8:00 to 9:15 a.m.
Class Room: HHS1-104
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill,
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886
/ Required: Berkowitz, E. N. (2017). Essentials of health care marketing,
4th Ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Bookstore has a package including the book and LearnScapes. This is a new book, so is not available used. If you rent the book, the LearnScapes is almost as much as purchasing the package.
/ Required: LearnScapes for health care marketing. (2014). Available
online. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
(Must purchase code from CSULB bookstore,)

Other Requirements: E-mail address and Internet access to use the online BeachBoard course software system the LearnScapes. If you have trouble with registration, contact the CSULB Technology Help Desk by phone at 562-985-4959 via e-mail at or in-person at the North Campus Center.


American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association, 6th Ed. Washington, DC: Author.

Tuten, T. L. & Solomon, M. R. (2015). Social media marketing (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Thielst, C. B. (2013). Social media in health care: Connect, communicate, collaborate (2nd ed.). Chicago:

Health Administration Press.

Course Description: Prerequisites: Open to Health Care Administration majors only and a grade of "C" or better in ECON 101 or ECON 300. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: HCA 300.
Development of marketing strategies and analyses in a health care setting. Design of services to include pricing, communication, distribution channels, and client motivation and services.
Letter grade only (A-F).

Course Outcomes, Competencies and Assessments. The Health Care Administration Department has adopted a competency-based curriculum, based on the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) Competencies Assessment Tool and the Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory. This course is designed to develop competencies in the business skills and knowledge - strategic planning and marketing (BSK-SPM). The chart below describes course outcomes and how they will be met and measured.

Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) /
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of strategic planning and marketing applied to service industries generally and healthcare organizations in particular. / 5D
BSK-SPM / Strategic planning processes development and implementation / A1- In-class exercises; A2 - Strategic marketing plan & presentation; A3- exams
Investigate customer characteristics, distribution channels, and competitors in a healthcare market service area / 5D
BSK-SPM / Marketing plan development / A2-Strategic marketing plan
Create a marketing communication piece promoting a healthcare product or service / 5D
BSK-SPM / Marketing principles and tools / A2-marketing communication product
Identify and appreciate the role of key stakeholders for healthcare marketing activities / 5D
BSK-SPM / Marketing principles and tools / A2-Strategic marketing plan, A3-exams


·  Class lecture

·  Small group problem-solving activities

·  Informal peer content critique/feedback

·  Informal and formal critique/feedback by the instructor

·  Readings from class texts, class notes/material, and from additional sources

·  Individual field and research activities/case report

ATTENDANCE: Regular preparation, attendance, and participation are necessary to maximize your benefits from this class. In-class exercises, some of which will be done in groups, will be completed during the class meetings. All students are expected to be prepared for class by having read the assigned material, completed the homework assignments, and to participate in class discussions. Poor attendance will decrease your class grade.


Your grade will be based on the following criteria:

Profile with Picture / 20 / 1.6%
Linked-In / 20 / 1.6%
Kelly McDonald Video / 26 / 2.1%
Attendance/Ice Activity 18 @ 3 Points each / 54 / 4.2%
Quizzes over Weekly Readings 14 @ 10 points each / 140 / 11.1%
LearnScapes Activities
LearnScapes Evaluation Activities 4 @ 40 points each – 160 points
Quizzes over LearnScapes 4 @ 10 points each – 40 points / 200 / 15.9%
Healthcare Advertisement Paper / 100 / 7.9%
Group Activity – Social Media
Presentation – 70 points
Handout to class – 30 points / 100 / 7.9%
Group Project
Proposal – 100 points
Develop an advertising plan for a hospital/clinic (PowerPoint Presentation) – 50 points
Sketch (Computer sketch) for a BillBoard/Magazine ad – 26 points
Individual retrospect of group – 10 points
Peer Feedback - 14 points / 200 / 15.9%
Midterm / 200 / 15.9%
Final Examination / 200 / 15.9%
Total Points / 1260 / 100%

Grading Scale

A / 100% to 89.5% / 1260 to 1127
B / 89.4% to 79.5% / 1126 to 1001
C / 79.4.5% to 69.5% / 1000 to 875
D / 69.4% to 59.5% / 874 to 749
F / 59.4% to 0% / 748 to 0


HCA 353 01 Schedule

WK / Session # - Date / Topic / Reading Assignments / Assignment, Deliverable & Activities
1. / Week of 8/22
Online Profile 8/26
Linked-In Invitation
8/28 / Syllabus and APA / Review syllabus, ask questions.
Review APA / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Online Profile Due (Follow directions in the syllabus)
Linked-In Invitation Due
Online assignment for 8/28
Watch the Kelly McDonald video and answer question under the content.
Submit the questions to the dropbox – due by 11:55 8/28
2. / Week of 8/29 / The Meaning of Marketing;
Marketing Strategy / Chapter 1 (Pages 3-46)
Chapter 2 (Pages 47-96) / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 1
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 2
(Quizzes are on BeachBoard)
3. / Week of 9/5
LearnScapes Representative / The Environment of Marketing strategy / Chapter 3 (Pages 97-154) / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 3
4. / Week of 9/12
Meet at Library on 9/13
Healthcare Advertisement Paper 9/14 / Buyer Behavior
Library Orientation / Chapter 4 (Pages 155-194) / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 4
Meet at Library Room 305– Bring Laptops
DUE – Healthcare Advertisement Paper
5. / Week of 9/19
No Face to Face In-Class this week (9/20 or 9/22)
(Online Assignment and work on group proposal)
Due: LearnScapes Assessment 9/25 by 11:55 pm / Marketing Research
Staying Relevant / Chapter 5 (Pages 195-234)
LearnScapes Scenario 1 / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 5
Quiz over LearnScapes Scenario 1
Watch LearnScapes and complete assessment (save document and upload to the dropbox)
Work on Group Projects
6. / Week of 9/26 / Market segmentation;
Developing customer loyalty / Chapter 6 (Pages 235-272)
Chapter 7 (Pages 273-304) / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 6
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 7
7. / Week of 10/3
No Face to Face in class this week
(10/4 or 10/6)
(Complete Midterm Online) / Complete Midterm / Complete Midterm
Work on Group Projects
MIDTERM EXAM / Part 1 - Chapters 1 - 4
Part 2 – Chapters 5 - 7 / Online –
8. / Week of 10/10
No Face to Face Class on Thursday 10/13 (Online Assignment)
Due: LearnScapes Assessment 10/16
Social Media Group Activity
10/13 / Product Strategy;
Patient Engagement / Chapter 8 (Pages 307-340)
Chapter 9 (Pages 341-376)
LearnScapes Scenario 2 / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 8
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 9
Quiz over LearnScapes Scenario 2
Watch LearnScapes and complete assessment (save document and upload to the dropbox)
Social Media Group Activity Due
9. / Week of 10/17
Social Media Presentation 10/20 / Distribution / Chapter 10 (Pages 377-412) / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 10
Social Media Group Activity Presentation
10. / Week of 10/24
No class on 10/27
Due Group Project Proposal
Due Friday 10/28 by 11:55 pm
Due: LearnScapes 10/30 by 11:55 pm / Promotion
Recovery and Retention / Chapter 11 (Pages 413-450)
LearnScapes Scenario 3 / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 11
Quiz over LearnScapes Scenario 3
Group Project Proposal due to dropbox
Watch LearnScapes and complete assessment (save document and upload to the dropbox)
11. / Week of 10/31 / Advertising / Chapter 12 (Page 451-486) / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 12
12. / Week of 11/7
No Face to Face Class this week (11/8 or 11/10)
(Online assignment and work on group projects)
Due: LearnScapes Assessment Due 11/13 by
11:55 pm
Presentation Components to the Dropbox
Due 11/13 by 11:55 pm / Sales and Sales Management
How are we doing? / Chapter 13 (Pages 487-514)
Learning Scenario 4 / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 13
Quiz over LearnScape Scenario 4
Watch LearnScapes and complete assessment (save document and upload to the dropbox)
Due to dropbox
PowerPoint Presentation
Sketch of advertisement
13. / Week of 11/14 / Controlling and Monitoring;
Appendix / Chapter 14 (Pages 515-546)
Appendix (Pages 547-568) / In Class Exercise (ICE)
Quiz over reading assignment Chapter 14
14. / Week of 11/21 – 11/27
No Class – Fall/Thanksgiving Break / No Class – Fall/Thanksgiving Break
15. / Week of 11/28
Group Presentations / Group Presentation and Review
16. / Week of 12/5
Introspect of your group
12/9 / Group Presentation and Review
Due to dropbox Introspect form of group activity
Final / Final online / Thursday, December 15 / Part 1 Chapters 8 – 11
Part 2 Chapters 12 - 14 / Covers material since Midterm

*Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced in class, via email and on the BeachBoard. It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.

ASSIGNMENTS AND PROJECTS: Each student is required to complete several projects. A student should utilize library resources, the Internet, and other resources to complete these projects.

Attendance/ICE Activities (54 points)

You will receive 3 points for attending class. I will take the attendance at the beginning of class. If you miss the roll call and come in late, you will receive 1 point for attending. It is your responsibility to see me after class and inform me you arrived after I called roll.

BeachBoard Profile (20 points)

Profile Page – this is the page on your BeachBoard (BB) home page – complete it there and I will check it there.

The requirements for each section of the profile page are listed below:

Must have picture of yourself for full credit

Interests/Hobbies: / At least 3
Favorite Music: / Favorite type of music and favorite song
Favorite TV Shows: / At least 3
Favorite Movies: / At least 3
Favorite Books: / At least 3
Favorite Quotations: / At least 1
Favorite Websites: / At least 3 with description – describe even if it is a common site –and explain why you like it - be creative on the sites - include the URL – example – www.google.com
Future Goals: / At least 3
Most Memorable Learning Experience: / At least 1 of your most memorable experiences and why it was memorable

“I don’t have one is not an acceptable answer for any of the above.”

Linked-In Assignment (20 points)

You must join in linked (free version), complete the profile (with picture) and invite me to link with you. When I receive the invitation, I will respond and check the profile. Remember, to complete the profile as though it is a resume. Do not put anything that you would not want a potential employer to see.

Kelly McDonald Video (26 points)

Watch the Kelly McDonald Video on You Tube and answer the questions. You can download the worksheet and complete the answers on the worksheet, save it and upload it to the dropbox.


Healthcare Advertisement Resources Paper (100 points)

Select two healthcare advertisements. Write a minimum of 200 words for each advertisement explaining the effectiveness of each advertisement regarding healthcare marketing. Typed, using correct English grammar punctuation and spelling. Take screen shot of the advertisements and add to the file. If you refer to any information you found in some resource, you must cite it both in the text and in a reference list – APA formatted. You must cite where the advertisement was found. You will have a reference list that has the source for the advertisement and any resources you used. At the very least it will have the two advertisement sources cited for each advertisement. Remember, if is cited in the reference list, it must be cited in the text.

Save in one file and upload to the BeachBoard dropbox.

LearnScape Evaluation Activities (200 points)

This is a virtual environment program that you must buy the code key from the bookstore. There will be 4 scenarios during the semester covering various areas of marketing. It simulates an internship. At the end of each scenario, you will have an evaluation exercise. You will complete the exercise, save it and upload it to the dropbox. You will be graded on knowledge of the content that you learned during the exercise, ability to assimilate the information and use it as a basis for the activity, correct grammar and APA formatting.

Social Media Group Handout/Presentation (100 points)

Each group will select one of the social media vehicles and define it, describe it and explain how it could be used in a hospital, clinic, or urgent care setting. The social media possibilities include but are not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Groupon/LivingSocial, Blogs, Pinterest, etc… Your group needs to decide and let me know ASAP, there can be no duplication. The group will present to the class a summary of 5 to 7 minutes and provide a one page summary for each member of the class. Upload the handout to the BeachBoard Dropbox.

Presentation – 70 points

Handout to class – 30 points

Group Marketing Plan Presentation (200 points)