Licensed Insurance Companies in Georgia
Insurance Company / General Director / License Date / Address / Telephone/Fax / Web page“Insurance Company Aldagi BCI” JSC / Nikoloz Gamkrelidze / Licensed non life insurance license # 003/2 (27.06.2007), Lifeinsurance license# 001/1 (27.06.2007) / Legal address: Kazbegi str. #3-5 0179 Tbilisi; Georgia
Factual address: Melikishvili str. #10; Kazbegi str #3-5
0179 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 444 808
(995 32) 294 905 /
International Insurance Company “Imedi-L International”JSC / Alexander Lortkipanidze / Licensed non life insurance license # 006/2 (13.10.2006) Lifeinsurance license# 004/1 (13.10.2006) / Legal address: Chavchavadze ave. #20
0179 Tbilisi; Georgia
Factual address: Chavchavadze ave. #20
0179 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 250088; 251 188
(995 32) 293 075 /
“Insurance Company GPI Holding” JSC / Giorgi Kvirikadze / Licensed non life insurance license # 005/2 (13.10.2006) Lifeinsurance license# 003/1 (13.10. 2006) / Legal address: Kostava str. #67
0171 Tbilisi; Georgia
Factual address: Kostava str. #67
0171Tbilisi; Georgia
/ (995 32) 505 111
(995 32) 365 222 /
“Insurance company Cartu” LTD / Archil Mamatsashvili / Licensed non life insurance license #009/2 (30.10.2006), Lifeinsurance license #005/ 1 (30.10.2006) / Legal address: Chavchavadze ave. #39a
Factual address: Chavchavadze ave. #39a
0162 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 251638
(995 32) 234 049
“Insurance company Vest” LTD / Avtandil Avlokhashvili / Licensed non life insurance license #101/2 (16.11.2006) / Legal address: Poti, 9 April Ave. #29
Factual address: Poti, King Tamar st. #42
N.Ramishvili st. #5
0179 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 293) 2 02 42; (995 32) 202 205
(995 32) 200 149
International Insurance Company "Irao" LTD / Vasil Akhrakhadze / Licensed non life insurance license # 012/2 (21.12.2006) Lifeinsurance licenseissuedby order#138 (18.10.2007) / Legal address: Kazbegi ave. #46
Factual address:: Kazbegi ave. #46
0177 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 949111; 420 940
(995 32) 369 392 /
Insurance Company Chartis Europe (Georgian branch) LTD / Nikoloz Kitiashvili / Non life insurance activity by the government order #183, 2005; as a OSCE member state / Legal address: Bambis rigi #7
Factual address: Bambis rigi #7
Tbilisi; Georgia 0105 / (995 32) 439 025
(995 32) 439 026 /
Insurance Company "IC Group” LTD / Tengiz Mezurnishvili / Licensed non life insurance license issuedby order# 001/2 (14.04.2006) Lifeinsurance license# 008/1 (15.02.2007) / Legal address: Arakishvili str. #2
Factual address: Arakishvili str. #2
0179 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 208 888
(995 32) 912 427 /
Insurance Company “Tao” LTD / Paata Giorgashvili / Licensed non life insurance license issuedby order#015/2 (27.08.2007) Lifeinsurance license#009/1 (27.08.2007) / Legal address: Tsereteli ave.#114 0119 Tbilisi
Factual address: Mickevichist. #70; 0194 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 555 333
(995 32) 372 042 /
Insurance Company “Partner” LTD / Vakhtang Dekanosidze / Licensed life and non life insurance licenses issuedby order #146 (13.11.2007) / Legal address: Tabidze st. #106
Factual address:: Tabidze st. #106
0162 Tbilisi; Georgia
/ (995 32) 292000; 555 110
(995 32) 252 945 /
“Standard Insurance Georgia” JSC / Zurab Gumberidze / Licensed life and non life insurance licenses issuedby order #147 (15.11.2007) / Legal address: Purtseladze st. #6
0105 Tbilisi; Georgia
Factual address: Kandelaki st #39
0160 Tbilisi; Georgia
/ (995 32) 313 230
(995 32) 241524 /
Medical Insurance Group “Archimedes Global Georgia” JSC / Nikoloz Ramishvili
Iaron Mordekhai Inbar / Licensed non life insurance license #155 (03.12.2007) Lifeinsurance licenseissuedby order#28/1 (10.03.2008) / Legal address: Pasanauri st.#13
0179 Tbilisi; Georgia
Kazbegi ave. #34a
0177 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 152006; 251 251
(995 32) 251 603 /
“Insurance company Alpha” LTD / Eduard Tskhovrebadze / Licensed non life insurance license #09-07/1 (09.07.2007) / Legal address: Bagrationi st. 6a;
Factual address: Bagrationi st. 6a;
0160 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 967 227
(995 32) 986 264 /
Insurance company “Mobius” LTD /
Grigol Kipiani / Licensed non life insurance license # 06-11/5 (06.11.2009) / Legal address: Kipshidze st. #7 app#24
0162 Tbilisi; Georgia
Factual address: Abashidze st. #58
0162 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 144 404
(995 32) 250 138
Insurance company “Ardi Group” LTD / Armaz Tavadze / Licensed non life insurance license # 288 (15.04.2010) / Legal address: Shroshis st. #8-10
0179 Tbilisi; Georgia
Factual address: Kazbegi ave. #14a
0160 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 518 516
(995 32) 518 516 /
“PSP Medical Insurance” LTD / Giorgi Geguchadze / Licensed non life and life insurance licenses # 302 (16.04.2010) / Legal address: Aghmashenebeli ave. #148
0112 Tbilisi; Georgia / (995 32) 185111; 752 544
(995 32) 752 033