Duval County Council of PTAs/PTSAs

General Meeting

August 23, 2016

Call to Order

The General Meeting of the Duval County Council of PTAs was called to order at9:36am by President Karen Nuland. The meeting was heldin the Cline Auditorium of the DCPS School Board Building on Tuesday, August 23, 2016. Recording Secretary Ann Gipalo recorded the minutes.


There were60 members representing ___ local units in attendance.


Judith Pratt gave the meditation (John Donne – No Man is an Island) and led the pledge of allegiance.

Welcome School Board Candidates for District 5

Brenda Jordan

Bradford Hall

Not in attendance: Hank Rogers and Warren Jones

Welcome School Board Candidates for District 7

Stacie Dern

Barbara Toscano

Greg Tison

Melody Bolduc

Not in attendance: John Turner and Lori Hershey

School Board Member Honorable Paula Wright

Ms. Wright said everyone needs to keep an eye on how HB 7029 will be implemented. This law gives every Florida student the ability to attend any school in the state they want to if they have their own transportation. In particular, how will this new law affect Academics and Athletics around the State.


Dolores Appleby reviewed who may make motions and who may participate in voting at General meetings.


Karen Nuland asked all DCCPTA Board members to stand and introduce themselves and state their position on the Board.

Executive Committee Reports


The minutes from the April 2016 General Meeting were audited in May and filed.

Corresponding Secretary

Karen Nuland reported for Melissa Daniel:

  1. DCCPTA received a Thank You note from Mindy Eisman, for the flowers DCCPTA sent her for hosting our Board Retreat in June.
  2. Melissa attended 3 meetings by phone and one meeting in person for JPEF coalition to plan and execute school board candidate forums:
  3. The forums were held August 8 and 9th – Edward Waters College and Mandarin High School
  4. Worked with Jenifer Morgan and administration of Mandarin High School to set up Candidate Forum held there.
  5. Juliann Gaus-Graeser, Karen Nuland, Felita Tutt represented DCCPTA at EWC.
  6. Ann Gipalo and Jenifer Morgan represented DCCPTA at Mandarin High School.
  7. Submitted minutes from April General meeting for board review.

Registration Chair

Presidents and DCCPTA Delegates MUST be registered with Florida PTA.

Treasurer’s Report

Cathy Guiler presented the April, May, June and July Treasurer’s reports as follows:

Starting Balance – April 1, 2016$ 64,195.29

Total Receipts$ 6,169.23

Total Disbursements$ 1,139.88

Ending Balance – April 30, 2016$ 69,224.64

Starting Balance – May 1, 2016$ 69,224.64

Total Receipts$ 2,200.48

Total Disbursements$ 16,749.18

Ending Balance – May 31, 2016$ 54,675.94

Starting Balance – June 1, 2016$ 54,675.94

Total Receipts$ 210.22

Total Disbursements$ 6,305.38

Ending Balance – June 30, 2016$ 48,580.78

Starting Balance – July 1, 2016$ 48,580.78

Total Receipts$ 2,508.42

Total Disbursements$ 1,752.65

Ending Balance – July 31, 2016$ 49,336.55

The April, May and June reports were audited in July during the end of year audit. The July report will be filed for audit.

President’s Report –

Karen Nuland reported she attended several School Board meetings over the summer; attended both National PTA Convention in Orlando in June and Florida PTA Convention at Innisbrook in July; conducted 3 Presidents and Treasurers training classes, with an additional training scheduled for this Thursday, August 25.

1st Vice President – Programs

Felita Tutt reported:

  1. DCCPTA will be posting Program ideas on our website, for example, Family Board Game Night, Family, Student, Faculty Sports Day, and hosting Parent Academy Workshops.
  2. At the September GM, we hope to have a sign-up sheet ready for you to volunteer with DCCPTA at a “Hunger Fight” event on November 5 at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. More details to follow.

Dr. Vitti Remarks

Dr. Vitti stated he wants to grow DCPS’s partnership with PTA in every school.

Additional topics included, Grasp Academy; Recess in Elementary schools; Gifted testing for all second graders district-wide; OneView Training for parents through the Parent Academy; Next year’s budget for school nurses and psychologists; the Accelerated Reader program; air conditioning for busses.

2nd Vice President – Local Units

Jenifer Morgan reported:

  1. Her email is nd she will be available in the back of the room for questions.
  2. Remember there are SIX requirements to be in Good Standing.
  3. As you plan your budgets for this year, set aside some funds for start-up next year, our Presidents & principals Luncheon in May and for training and Convention with Florida PTA in July at Innisbrook.
  4. Keep in mind, IRS rules require PTAs to be NON-COMMERCIAL; therefore PTAs may not include links to any businesses.

Tia Leathers – Dept of Community & Family Engagement

The Parent Academy Catalog for fall semester is available; you can see it or download a copy at

3rd Vice-President - Leadership

Celita Wilson reported:

  1. Our Fall Workshops will be Saturday October 1 from 9 am – Noon in the Cline Auditorium.
  2. Presidents and Treasurers, please join the Presidents & Treasurers blog and follow our regular Facebook page.
  3. November 5: Food Fight volunteer event at the Prime Osborn, 3 shifts, more info to come.
  4. Giveaways

Business Partners

Teri Davis reported the most recent version of the DCCPTA Membership Benefits flyer is now on our website. The newest benefits added are: Jersey Mike’s, Nothing Bundt Cakes and Woody’s BBQ.

Vison Screening

Tracy Scott reported:

  1. Please call her to schedule Vison Screenings at your school soon; they have two major deadlines to hit with the Department of Health in December and March 31.
  2. CHANGES to the Screening procedures this year:
  3. Must document 3 attempts to screen absent students.
  4. “Couldn’t Screen” students – must break out the reasons why.
  5. High School screening is optional
  6. They now have 146 working machines – versus 131 last year, thanks to funds from DCCPTA that allowed them to retrofit 15 machines.
  7. They will have 4 vision screening training sessions this year – schedule to come.
  8. Local Unit donations to DCCPTA also allowed them to provide eye exams and glasses to 400 students last year. Thank you!


Shawntoya Glover reported the #1 reason people report why they didn’t join PTA was —“No one ASKED them!” Keep asking all year long, at every school event.


Anita Edwards reported:

  1. The theme search deadline is November 16 (postmarked by). The application is on the Florida PTA website.
  2. She will have a training session on October 1 at our Workshops.
  3. Don’t forget about the Special Artist category; accommodations are made for these students.
  4. There is a $1000 grant available (matching funds) for Title I schools; find the application at PTA.org.
  5. Deadline to turn in Local Unit winners for district level judging is Monday December 5, 9 am – Noon here at the DCPS School Board Building (room number to be announced).


Betty Marty reported:

  1. Local Unit bylaws are valid for 3 years from the date stamped on the first page.
  2. If you need to renew your bylaws this year – you must use the new form on Florida PTA’s website.
  3. NOTE: The Purposes section has changed and there are two new sections:
  4. Your annual audit is due by September 30;
  5. The 990 must be filed by November 15.

Teacher Supply Depot:

Betty Marty reported for Chris Buckley:

  1. Presidents – OR their designee – may attend the giveaways; bring a picture ID.
  2. You can earn a Study/Discussion award if you bring 5 people for 2 hours and volunteer at the Depot. And 2 people can shop afterward.
  3. After the October GM – ONLY Voting Members may shop.
  4. High School PTSAs can have High school aged volunteers work at the depot on days school is closed. They need at least 1 adult present to keep them on track. They should bring their Bright Futures volunteer forms with them to be signed.


Priscilla Maas reported that our Fall Workshops will be held on October 1 from 9 am to Noon; and there will NOT be Presidents Treasurers training that day.

Audit Report:

The Audit Committee, consisting of Felita Tutt, Cathy Guiler, Santhea Hicks-Brown and Margaret Godke, met on July 7, 2016 and determined that all accounts were in order. Audit Summary is as follows:


Starting Balance – July 1, 2015$13,675.75$39,958.54

Total Receipts$38,718.47$14,640.03

Total Disbursements$41,832.11$16,579.90

Ending Balance – June 30, 2016$10,562.11$38,018.67

Budget for 2016-2017

The Budget Committee, consisting of Karen Nuland, Felita Tutt, Jenifer Morgan, Celita Wilson and Cathy Guiler, met on August 3, 2016 and recommends the attached budget be adopted.

The Budget Committee report was seconded and the Budget was approved as presented.


The meeting adjourned at11:15am.


Ann Gipalo

Approved as:

Date ______Written ______Corrected ______

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fn: GM Minutes 8-23-16