Edline Quick Guide -Shared Folders
You can use the shared folders function in Edline to createvirtual drop boxes for students to submit their work to you online. Be aware that, as the teacher, it is your responsibility to preview and monitor these. Nothing an individual submits is visible to others until you approve it.
Creating Shared Folders
1. In the CONTENTS area, click the EDIT Button.
2. Choose FOLDER from the dropdown menu and click Add.
3. Fill in the Folder Information. Be specific so as to avoid confusion.
4. Provide a brief description.
Using the Folder Management Area to Assign Policies & Permissions
This allows you, the teacher, to decide who can add documents to the folder. Nothing will be viewable to other people who can access the folder until you approve it.
5. Click Folder Policies & decide who can add documents. You probably want to limit this to students and teachers. (Administrators are added automatically). Click Done.
NOTE: It is not recommended that you assign new Member Permissions to students. This would allow them to take administrative control of the folder and bypass your ability as the teacher to preview and approve submissions made to the folder.
Folder visibility –Who can LOOK at a folder.
6. Click the Folder Visibility button & decide who gets to see this group. If it is a class folder, it really only needs to be made available to members of the class, but leaving it visible for Everyone allows all visitors to your class website to view the folder. Decide what is best for you.
As for user types, the more folks who can monitor, the better; the less likely something untoward will be done with the folder. Remember that nothing submitted to the folder will appear to others until you, the teacher, approve it.
Approving Submitted Folder Documents
The folder is ready for members to access and submit their work. Members should be given instruction on how to submit assignments.
Students also have a Visibility button. This allows them to make documents visible to you only if they want. You can change this later by clicking the Change Visibility button. When students submit a new item to the folder, it must be approved by you, the teacher, before it is seen by others.
- Items already approved by the teacher appear normally.
- Items awaiting approval are highlighted in yellow.
To approve a document, click the yellow highlighted item and preview it. Decide what choice best suits it. Click the appropriate button.
Ideas for Using Edline Folders
Studentscan submit their work to their teachers online. Parents and others can also see these if given access.
- File Types: many different file types can be uploaded into the folder, thus avoiding the need to take teacher time to add digital items to their computer. Text documents, sound and video files, pictures, and more can be submitted to the folder.
- Students can gain experience with online classrooms and real world technology.
Projects & ReportsDigital Video & Audio