MTS Contextual Education

  • - All MTS students are required to fulfill a 4-credit contextual education requirement.
  • - MTS contextual education is an aspect of an MTS student’s program that:

o Incorporates 1) active as well as reflective learning; 2) out-of-classroom as well as classroom learning that is engaged with contemporary contexts; 3) self-reflective learning, in which students (and faculty) become aware of their position in, and effect on, the contexts in which theological education and religious leadership are performed and enacted.

o Intentionally focuses on—and facilitates—vocational discernment/professional development in the MTS program.

o There are 3 ways to fulfill the requirement:

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o MTS Projects
The MTS Project is designed to facilitate the integration of theory and practice, as well

An MTS project & Contextual Action Reflection (CAR) group
One semester of TC801 or TC802 (internship/site placement summer or semester)

An STH course-related travel seminar

as vocational discernment and leadership development, in religion and theology.

  • MTSprojectproposalsaredueMarch31,ofeverySpring(extensionsgrantedas


  • MTS students doing a project must also sign up for TF801 CAR (Contextual Action

and Reflection group) either in Fall or in the Spring

  • Steps to Designing an MTS project:

Developing Ideas
o Student meets with her/his academic advisor to present ideas for


o Student meets to discuss ideas with the Director of Contextual

Education and Community Partnerships
o Student meets with her/his academic advisor to present ideas for


Designing Project
o Reviews the guidelines for MTS Contextual Education Proposals (on

o Prepares a proposal (forms available on website)
o Submits the final project proposal to the Director of Contextual

Education and Community Partnerships by March 31 Approval Process

o The CELL Committee will meet to The Director of Contextual Education and Community Partnerships reviews the proposals and either suggestions or approves the proposal.

o CELL suggests revisions or approves proposal. Registration Process:

o Students with approved proposals must register for TF 801 in the appropriate semester.

Note: Directed studies are not projects.
o What is CAR (Contextual Action and Reflection group)?

  • Description: CAR offers students a learning community in which to develop their projects. The CAR group, facilitated by a faculty member, provides a setting for intentional vocational reflection alongside the student’s project. CAR is similar to ITP, but more loosely structured, given that the projects vary from one semester to the next.
  • A one semester group facilitated by an STH faculty member is required of all students doing MTS projects; it meets bi-weekly for 1.5 hours
  • CAR is taken the semester the student is working on the project.
  • Structure & format: unique & crafted according to the particular projects
  • Important vocational component – students have appreciated reflection on

professional development and vocation.