PROJECT: Dance Infrastructure Assessment
To The Mayor of London:
1. I/We, the undersigned, having examined the instructions set out in the letter inviting us to quote (“the Instructions”), hereby offer to supply the services as defined in the Specification of Requirements to the Greater London Authority (the “GLA”) at the prices given on the Pricing Schedule.
Terms and Conditions
2. I/We agree that this quote and any contract, which may result from it, shall be based upon the Instructions and shall incorporate the GLA’s Conditions of Contract.
3. Any other terms or conditions of contract or any general reservations which may be printed on any other of my/our correspondence or documents in connection with this quote or any contract resulting from this quote shall not form any part of the quote or contract. I/We understand that any quote that is qualified in this way may not be considered.
4. I/We further agree that this quote, together with your written acceptance of it, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
5. I/We understand that the GLA reserves the right, unless I/we stipulate to the contrary in our quotation, to accept such part of it as the GLA may decide. The GLA does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced, or any quote.
6. I/We confirm that there has been no collusion with any other supplier to refrain from quoting or to limit prices and I/we understand that any collusion would result in disqualification from the quotation process.
7. I/We acknowledge and agree that the GLA will in no circumstances be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred in connection with this quote, whether or not our quote is successful.
Signature / DatePrint Name / Position
Organisation Name
If this form is not returned your submission may not
be put forward for evaluation.