Auto-Trail VR Limited
Trigano House
Genesis Way
Grimsby DN37 9TU / Manufacturers of Luxury Leisure Vehicles /
tel: +44 (0)1472 571000
fax: +44 (0)1472 571001
In order to achieve a fair and consistent comparison of candidates, applications will only be considered for a postif they are submitted on the official “Employment Application Form”. Please complete the formby handandplease do not use a pre-prepared CV.
Position Applied for:Personal details
Preferred Forename:
Home Telephone No:
Mobile No: / Address:
Post Code:
E-mail Address:
National Insurance Number:
Present/most recent employment
Name and address of employer:
Job Title: / Salary/wage:
Start Date:
Notice Period: / If applicable, leaving date:
Reason for leaving:
Summary of main duties and responsibilities:
Previous employment(include duties / responsibilities)
Employer: / From / To / Job Title
Schools, colleges and universities attended / Courses taken/examinations / Date
Passed / Grade
Education and training (continued)
Professional qualifications and membership of professional institutions (with dates):
Relevant training and how you keep your job skills up to date:
Experience, skills and abilities
When completing this section, it is helpful if you quote examples of work and experiences that relate to the job description and the employee specification. Explain why you believe that you are a good applicant for the post. Remember to include skills and experiences outside of paid work, such as voluntary work or domestic activities.
Please give the names and addresses of two people (one of whom should be your present or most recent employer) whom we can contact for a reference on your ability to carry out the duties of the post.
1. / Company:
Name: / 2. / Company:
Position held: / Position held:
Post code: / Address:
Post code:
Email address: / Telephone:
Email address:
Do you agree to this referee being contacted before the interview? (please tick) / Do you agree to this referee being contacted before the interview? (please tick)
NB: In certain circumstances references may be sought from previous employers not listed above
Additional information (please tick/complete boxes as appropriate)
Are you related to another Auto-Trail employee?
(If Yes, please give name and relationship) / Yes / No
Are you entitled to work in the United Kingdom?
Do you require a work permit? / Yes
Yes / No
Do you hold a full clean UK driving licence?
(If yes, please state categories) / Yes / No
I have completed this application form in my own hand
(If No, please state why) / Yes / No
I understand that any offer of employment is conditional upon Auto-Trail receiving satisfactory pre-employment/background checks, which includes medical checks and references.
Should this screening identify any discrepancies with my application details, or my suitability for employment, I accept that I may not be offered employment/my employment may be terminated with immediate effect / Yes
Yes / No
I can, and will, provide original and valid licences and/or certificates to evidence my ability to undertake the role, as required and when requested(i.e. driving licence, FLT licence, academic qualifications, etc) / Yes / No
Where did you hear about this vacancy? (Circle/delete as appropriate)
Radio Station / Internet / Newspaper / Recommendation from friend / family member / another Auto-Trail employee / Other
Please give details, i.e. Capital FM, ______
I declare that the particulars I have given are true, complete and correct. I accept that any false statement or material omissions may lead to my dismissal if appointed to the post. / Yes / No
Signature: / Date:
Please return this application to:
Emily Taylor–HR Administrator
Auto-Trail VR Limited
Trigano House
Genesis Way
DN37 9TU
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