9:30 A. M.
Lori Kokoski, President Ted Kalo, Vice-President Betty Blair, Member
NOTICE: The Board of Commissioners complies with ADA. If anyone needs interpretative services while attending a Commissioners meeting, please notify this office 24 hours in advance!
Employees who have given 20 years of service to Lorain County;
Robin Jones, 911 Director
Victoria Pabon, 911 employee
Darae Williams, 911 employee
#1. Job and Family Services Bills
#2. Investments
#3. Appropriations
#4. Transfers
#5. Advances/Repayments
#6. Requisitions
#7. Travel Expenses
#8. Bills
#9. Authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners (at the conclusion of today’s Board meeting, the Commissioners may recess into an Executive Session to discuss: personnel/new hires)
#10. Approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of October 8, 2009
#11. Notify Lorain County Safe Harbor, Inc., (dba Genesis House) a shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence they are eligible for release of funds in the estimated amount of $78,000 collected as part of marriage license fees and annulments, divorces or dissolutions fees pursuant to ORC Section 2303.201 and 3113.33-39
#12. Authorize the payment of $1,000 to Pfeil Funeral Home, Sandusky for indigent Veteran Ernest E. Bedocs, Jr., in accordance with ORC 5901
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#13. Amend Res#08-97, adopted February 7, 2008 authorizing personnel to execute the necessary documents, including but not limited to the bank cards for Lorain County Transit. Said amendment is to reflect County Administrator, Assistant County Administrator and/or Budget Director remove LCT Director – Robin Bulan
Job & Family Services:
#14. Authorize purchase of service agreement with Mihalick Maintenance, Elyria in the amount not to exceed $12,250 for snowplowing/salting services for SFY10, effective November 1, 2009 – April 30, 2010
Workforce Development Agency:
#15. Approve & enter into various purchase of service contracts with funds available through WIA, effective retroactive to October 9, 2009 – June 30, 2010
1) YWCA-Internships $43,464.81
2) YWCA-Soft skills $20,000.00
Common Pleas Court:
#16. Amend Res#90-883, adopted August 30, 1990 fee schedule for legal counsel appointed by the Court to represent indigent criminal defendants. Said amendment is to reflect Felonies will be listed as degrees 1-3 at $1,500 and degrees 4-5 at $1,250
#17. Authorize various personnel in LCCS to use the Agency’s VISA card for the year 2009 not to exceed $2500 and the Shell oil gas card not to exceed $250. Said credit cards usage is for such items as food, lodging, transportation, telephone, gas and oil, minor vehicle maintenance and emergency repairs of county owned or leased vehicles (employees will be listed in the resolution)
#18. Approve & enter into a preliminary engineering agreement with CSX Transportation Inc, in the amount of $10,000 for the proposed roadway reconstruction widening of Station Road and milepost QI-18.10, Columbia Station to be paid from Acct#eng proj
#19. Approve & enter into a contract with Bramhall Engineering & Surveying co., Inc., in the amount of $220,000 to provide engineering services for the rehabilitation of Oberlin Avenue., Phase I from N. Ridge Rd to W. 30th Street, Lorain to be paid from Acct#prof serv
#20. Instruct Clerk to advertise for food service at jail. Notice to be in Chronicle on October 16 and 23, mandatory prebid meting at 10 on October 30 and bids to be opened at 2 pm on November 13
C. Mr. James R. Cordes, County Administrator:
D. Mr. Jerry Innes, Assistant County Prosecutor:
E Commissioner’s Report:
F. Clerk’s Report:
#1. Investment Advisory has been cancelled for Thursday, October 15 and rescheduled for Thursday, November 12 at 11 am in meeting room a
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G. Board Correspondence:
#1. Lorain County Engineer issued a highway use permit to Consumers Gas co-operative, N. Canton to lay 1,400’+- of 2” gas main on south side of Law Rd starting at 2,800’+- east of SR83 and then going east the 1,400’+-. The main shall be installed within 3’ of the south right of way line and at a depth of 36” below grade, Grafton Township
#2. Effective October 1, BMV fee increases. This increase was part of HB2 passed on March 30, 2009. Vision Screening Fee increase of $1.75; Temporary Tag Fee increase of $8; Registration for personalized plates increase of $15; registration for initial reserve plates increase $15. A $20 fee has been added for all late licenses and vehicle registration renewals. BMV began notifying customers of these changes on July 1, 90 days in advance through notification in the mail. More info go to www.bmv.ohio.gov
#3. Erie County Commissioners thanked the Lorain County Board of Commissioners for the support of the NASA Plum Brook Research and Technology Concept Tiger Grant Applications.
#4. Publications: “Governing”; “Vietnam Veterans Memorial Committee of Lorain County newsletter”; “CIDS #39”; “CCAO Statehouse reports”; “Electric co-op today”; “Consumers corner”; “
#5. Grand Jury – Judge Miraldi
#6. Fill My porch for the pound puppies – Halloween treat raiser. Donate any item at 181 Longfellow St., Elyria or email at
#7. 8th annual zero proof mix off event – December 3 at LCCC form 5-7 pm. 20 entries will be accepted on first come firs serve basis, form and recipe need to be submitted by October 30. More info call health District at 440-322-6367 or
#8. October 22 from 4-7 pm – Table Top Networking Exp. RSVP by October 13 at www.loraincountychamber.com
#9. Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services Board received a four year grant totaling $193,184 from Substance Abuse an Mental health services Administration-Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. The grant – Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act Program. ADAS Board will recruit and engage a local STOP task force, consisting of students, parents, law enforcement, retailers and others to design plan to ensure that those under h age of 21 do not have access to alcohol. More info call 440-282-9920
#10. January 2, 2010, employees of the Clerk of Courts office will no longer be allowed to leave the building on breaks. The goals of this policy are to provide a disincentive to people form smoking. As you know, smoking is among the most deadly contributes to lung, hear and arterial diseases. Clerk of Courts Ron Nabakowski is looking at positive incentives to improve the employee’s health. He request that the 5th floor of the Justice Center be made useable for employees who wish to walk for the health during incliment weather an action which could well positively affect the cost of health care.
#11. Lorain County Sheriff in accordance with ORC 311.20 submitted the cost of keeping and feeding prisoners and other persons in his charge for the month of August was 42,722 meals served at a cost of $1.1560 and September was 41,733 meals served at a cost of $1.1560
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#12. October 21 at 9 am, meeting room A - Children and Families will have their annual meeting. Info call Council Chairperson Karen McIllwaine at 440-246-3087
#13. Lorain County Community Alliance announced Wellington Township Trustee and Alliance Administrative Coordinator as the 2009 recipient to the 5th annual Mike Whitmore Award for Vision in Government at their 10th annual Summit on October 2
#14. 2009 Seasonal flu shots for county employees
- October 29 from 8:30 am – 4 pm at Admin Bldg., 4th floor. Employees must bring the following; consent form, employee id and mmo card. All employees who are not on the county health plan can receive the flu shot at a fee of $15, payable by cash, check or money order and must bring county id. You must register by October 19 with your payroll clerk. Questions call Gilda at 329-5616
#15. Lorain County EMA/Homeland Security is offering emergency essential weather alert radios. More info or to order one to go http://retail.petra.com/index.php/
#16. October 23 from 11 am – 2 pm., 5th annual open house – Lorain County Resource Recovery Complex, 43650 Oberlin-Elyria Rd., Oberlin, Ohio. Landfill tours at 11:30; 12:30 and 1:30
#17. Revised Briefing scheduling of Ohio Board of Tax Appeals dated September 15, 2009; Appellants brief will be due October 26; Apelles brief due November 23 and reply briefs if any due December 14 (cc: Pros)
#18. Oberlin City School District thanking the Board for the Solid Waste grant. They were able to purchase and install aluminum seating elevated bleachers with a capacity of almost 300 people and replace benches on home stands with aluminum planks greatly improving the safety, comfort and appearance of the home stands. The total project cost was $48,685 and asking for a reimbursement of $23,538.50 (cc: LCSWMD)
H Public Comment: (Please limit comments to 3 minutes Thank-you)
Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Saturday at 12:00 Noon and Monday at 11:00 p.m. and subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at 440-326-4866.
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