September 23, 2016


Request for Proposal:#16-1248-8EF

Subject:Electronic Notification System – Annual Contract


Please make the following changes, corrections, additions or deletions to the above referenced Request for Proposal:

This RFP and any addenda are available on the County of Henrico Purchasing website at http:/ download the (IFB or RFP), click the link and save the document to your hard drive. To receive an email copy of this document, please send a request to:

Page 3 Sec. III.A.5 – Currently Reads:

5. TDD/TTY devices – ability to deliver notifications to the hearing-impaired through TDD/ TTY (Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf/Teletype) devices.

Change to Read:

5. TDD/TTY devices– it is preferred the system has ability to deliver notifications to the hearing-impaired through TDD/ TTY (Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf/Teletype) devices.

Questions and answers follow on next page

Unless otherwise changed by an addendum, all other information will remain the same.


Cecelia H. Stowe, CPPO, C.P.M.

Purchasing Director

Eileen Falcone

Procurement Analyst III


8600 Staples Mill Road /PO BOX 90775/HENRICO VIRGINIA 23273-0775

(804) 501-5660 FAX (804) 501-5693

RFP #16-1248-8EF


SEPTEMBER 23, 2016

Q1.The specifications seem to be written to restrict competition. Will the County consider issuing and Addendum removing specifications that are related to School Messenger or incorporating features offered by the other solution provider?

A1.The specifications contain requirements important to HCPS in order to continue to provide electronic notifications to members of the HCPS community, including teachers, staff, students and parents, and related applicable agencies with timely notice of select events that shall be communicated using a diverse array of available communication technologies. The County welcomes firms to provide information in their proposal on how they feel their system can meet the requirements contained in the Scope of Services. (See Addendum 1 also)

Q2.Please share the historical utilization data for each individual specific feature for the following: TDD/TTY devices ,Multi-lingual capability , Prioritization, Log and Single Sign in.

A2.• TDD/TTY devices – currently HCPS does not have this feature

• Multi-lingual capability – no data available

• Prioritization – no data available

• Log –no data available

• Single Sign in–no data available

Q3.Please provide Evaluation marks of the above functional requirements as well as evaluation marks for each specific feature outlined in the RFP. Also provide the breakdown of the marks for each functional requirement feature which total 25 and technical requirement which total 20.

A3.The Evaluation Criteria is contained in Sec. IX.B. Proposals will be scored based on this Evaluation Criteria.