Full Grant Application Form

Civil Society Involvement in Constitutional Reform Process

Please, note that the Application form should not exceed 25 pages!


Basic Information

This is an external form for completion by grant applicants.

USAID FAIR Justice Project staff is available to answer any questions you may have and to assist you in completing this grant application if necessary. You will also be provided with a detailed budget form that should be completed and submitted with your application.

If you previously submitted a Grant Concept Form, please note that many of the questions are the same in this document. Feel free to copy and paste your answers into this form if desired.

Complete Legal Name of Applying Organization


Date organization was founded

Office Address

Mailing Address (zip code included) (if different)

Telephone Number(s)

Fax Number

E-Mail Address (-es)


Key contact person(s) and title(s)

A Brief Description of your organization and its purpose



Project Description

Please, note that project description should not exceed 10 pages

Please describe overarching program elements such as objective of the grant and the linkage to USAID FAIR Justice Project's objectives, results, and indicators for measuring results, the activities' beneficiaries, and plan for disseminating activity deliverables.


Title of Proposed Project

Project Director (name and position)


Project Accountant


Other Staff Members (if any)

Please describe your proposed project answering to the following questions.

  1. Problem needs.
  1. Project Goals and Objectives.

What are the goals and objectives of your project?

  1. Project Activities.

Describe the proposed activities towards the project goals and objectives.

  1. Project Geography.

What regions of the country will your project serve?

  1. Beneficiaries.

Whom do you consider to be beneficiaries of the proposed project?

  1. Results.

Please, list the results to be achieved and the indicators you will use to measure success.In addition to quantitative indicators, you may also suggest others ways to measure success or impact.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation.

Please, describe how you intend to monitor and evaluate your project to ensure it is meeting its objectives. Please include measurable indicators of progress toward objectives and fill in Project M&E Plan (PMEP).

8. Plans for Sustainability.

Please, explain how the project fits within the long-term goals of your organization. Do you plan to continue the project beyond FAIR Justice Project’s funding? How do you plan to mobilize the resources required?

Section III

Project Implementation Plan

Please, note that the implementation plan should not exceed 5 pages

This section covers information regarding project implementation, including proposed personnel (CVs are required for all project personnel), and descriptions of each task. If available, please attach an organizational chart).

Each task must be:

  • Complete and sound.
  • Integrated and scheduled with dependent tasks.
  • Assigned to a responsible party.
  • Defined in terms of resources required.
  • Concluded with a viable milestone of achievement-milestones must be linked to results.
  • The tasks listed must show a logical, thoughtful approach to the overall implementation plan. Tasks should describe actions and be logically sequenced. Each task must contribute to the achievement of the activity objective.
  • The applicant must describe any relevant material assumptions made and/or conditions required for the achievement of the grant objective.
  • The implementation plan may be supported by a bar chart that shows all identified tasks over the duration of the activity.

Please describe the plan of work in detail using the tables below:

Anticipated duration of your activity:

Overall length (total number of months)
Start and end date (day, month, and year)

Main tasks, with estimated start and end dates for each task. Please include all events, trainings, publications, etc.

Description of Main Tasks / Start & End Dates
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Task 5:
Task 6:
Task 7, etc: (please add rows as needed)

Location(s) of the activity (add more rows as needed).

# / Target Group / Region/Settlements / Institutions/Organizations


Experience and Capacity

Please, note that the experience and capacity section should not exceed 5 pages

  1. Short description of your organization

Briefly describe your organization, indicate goal, tasks. Please characterize main program directions of your organization.


  1. List board members (or founding members if you do not have a formal board of directors).


  1. Describe your experience with developing public awareness campaigns, disseminating public awareness materials, establishing effective media communications,etc.


  1. Describe the experience your organization has with the preparation of the events regarding public awareness campaign (workshops etc.) and developing communications strategies.


  1. Indicate if you are familiar/knowledgeable with/aboutthe constitutional reform process and the Constitutional Assembly activities.


  1. Please list major donor-funded activities (U.S. and other) that your organization has managed in the last two years and currently receives, or expects to receive within the duration of the grant activity.

Donor Agency / Title of Project, Location, & Start & End Dates / Total Funding (in USD or UAH) / Donor Contact Person
UAH / Name:
UAH / Name:
UAH / Name:
  1. Indicate what media,computer equipment and software areavailable in your office to ensure this project’s effective implementation



Cost and Budget

Please fill in Financial Form the xls file attached to this application package in Annex C1 include up to two pages budget description if necessary

Amount requested from USAID FAIR Justice Project: UAH______

In-kind or other contribution from your organization:UAH______

Other donors or third-party resources

(Except for those originating from the U.S. government): UAH______

Total Estimated Cost UAH______

Describe any other USGovernment funding your organization is currently receiving for other purposes

Name of the activity UAH or US Dollars______

Budget Instructions

Salaries—Salary or any other form of direct payment of grant funds to any applicant’s employee (or consultant) who is directly engaged with the grant activity implementation plan. Grantees without verifiable rates will use the FAIRJustice Project’s rate sheet based on market research.

Fringe Benefits— For the allocated portion of the salary of the referenced personnel, per Applicant established policy and procedures, and Ukranian Laws.

Other Direct Costs—This covers non-personnel-related costs allocated to implementation of the grant activity (e.g. supplies, Applicant office rent, utilities, etc.).

Activity Service Delivery—Examples would be the rental of a training facility, or printing of training documents.

Travel & Transport— This covers activity staff and/or beneficiary travel costs and per diem (according to Ukrainian legislation), plus the cost of transporting activity materials.

Goods & Materials—This covers equipment and furnishings to be purchased specifically for the proposed grant activity; must adhere to USAID local procurement regulations. (

Financial Plan Summary —A detailed budget is presented by tranche payments for costs associated with achieving proposed milestones. Grant funding can cover direct costs that will be incurred by the Applicant to provide identifiable administrative and management support to the activity.

All proposed grant activity costs must be within the normal operating practices of the Applicant and in accordance with its written policies and procedures.

Submitted by (name and title): ______

Signature: ______Date: ______Stamp ______