The Moro City Council met for a regular Council Meeting and Budget Hearing, Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 7:00 PM at the Moro City Hall. Mayor Andy Anderson (via phone); The following were present- Councilors Bert Perisho (Council President), Seth vonBorstel, Bryan Cranston, and Jim Payne; Rene’ Moore-City Administrator (CA/PM), John English-Director of Public Works (DPW); Visitors – Wm. Perry Thurston, Dan Talley, Nell Melzer, Lisa and John Waldron, Carol Anderson, Shawn Payne and granddaughter, Matt McGowan-PayneWest Insurance, Dan Meader-Tenneson Engineering.
CONSENT AGENDA-MINUTES-BILLS-FINANCIAL REPORT - There was a motion (vonBorstel/Payne) to approve the May 5, 2015 Council Meeting minutes as presented. Motion Carried.
There was a motion (Payne/vonBorstel) to approve the May 12, 2015 Budget Meeting minutes as presented. Motion Carried.
There was a motion (Payne/vonBorstel) to approve May’s bills totaling $29,616.34, check numbers 11190-11213. Motion Carried.
PAST DUE WATER/SEWER ACCOUNTS – There were 5 disconnect notices delivered. All paid a portion due.
· Matt McGowan with PayneWest is the City’s insurance representative and shared what PayneWest is all about and how they insure the City of Moro and most cities/counties in Oregon. PayneWest works cooperatively with City/County Insurance Services (CIS) which is a pooled insurance company. Because CIS is a pooled insurance company, CIS is able to keep the cost down; everyone’s premiums are pooled together. Mr. McGowan took the time to go over the City of Moro’s Insurance Renewal for 2015-2016. It was noted that property liability has gone up from the previous year due to the New City Hall and contents, new lagoon #4, and new irrigation building. Mayor Anderson asked if Mr. McGowan would explain what the City’s procedure is to run a claim. Mr. McGowan stated PayneWest has its own claims team that watches once a claim has been turned in from the start to finish. If the claims team feels it’s necessary they will turn the claim over to CIS and CIS will hire an adjuster and that adjuster will determine if the City is negligent or not. If the City is not found negligent then there is no insurance and all claims are denied and case closed. It’s a detailed process that occurs from start to the finish and its all insurance investigation driven.
· Dan Meader with Tenneson Engineering shared ODOT is sponsoring an updated Transportation System Plan (TSP) for the County which includes the four incorporporated cities. It was stated that the City of Moro undertook an update of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance just last year and for the record the changes made in that Ordinance are acceptable and no changes are required unless the Council chooses to do so. The Council expressed they would like to stay with the Ordinance they spent so much time on and stick with the street standards adopted at that time.
· Dan Meader shared he was contacted by Steve Lucker with the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) working with FEMA and their floodplain mapping program. FEMA is considering a floodplain mapping project in Sherman County and since the City of Moro is not flood mapped wondered if the City was interested in FEMA getting in contact with the office for more information. Moro is the only city in Sherman County that is not flood mapped. Since Shawn Payne is on the agenda later regarding this topic; Mr. Meader will let her finish the discussion.
WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UPDATE– Rene’ Moore (PM) shared there was a final walk through of the site on Friday, May 29th. It was noted the heater for the parshall flume was installed. The only item left to complete was to set up the auto dialer in case of emergencies. There was discussion about getting the last payment request in and paid before the fiscal year ends. Ms. Moore shared the IFA (Infrastructure Finance Authority) funding rep visited today and he would do everything he can to process the request as soon as it’s received. Everyone seems really pleased with the outcome of the project and glad to have it completed.
CITY HALL WELL PUMP – John English (DPW) shared the new City Hall Well pump was installed and pulled out again. There seems to be a problem on the way down around 230 feet deep. The contractor is going to try a conduit for the wiring instead of the casing to help protect the wires better. Councilor vonBorstel shared the same concern he had previously about how a 5” pump was going to fit especially when we were told it would work. The contractor still feels it is going to work but our quote to install the pump has probably gone up. Councilor Cranston wants to know if we have a “Plan B” if the pump doesn’t go back in. It was decided to continue with the original plans and listen to the advice of the contractor for what they feel would need to happen. The Council isn’t against holding a Special Meeting to discuss this matter if need be.
4 CITIES DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLANS – Mayor Anderson shared the City and some downtown business owners met again to see a draft plan that Mark Seder-Architect had planned for the City of Moro regarding the downtown revitalization project. Mayor Anderson expressed how disappointed he was in the plan and that we were expecting a lot more. Rene’ Moore (CA) also shared her disappointment on Mr. Seder’s draft plan. Mr. Seder focused on one main building downtown and showed nothing of the remaining downtown. Ms. Moore did share that a lot of Mr. Seder’s vision is to light up the downtown area so it isn’t so dark when traveling through at night. Ms. Moore shared she was going to attend County Court where Mark Seder and Jessica Metta were giving a presentation and maybe there will be talk of how or if the County is going to help fund this.
CITY HALL LANDSCAPING – Rene’ Moore (CA) shared she just printed off an update quote from FLI Landscaping with the changes that were brought about from the last Council meeting. Ms. Moore also shared she went and got information regarding the cost of ecology blocks. Ms. Moore pointed out she has placed a large flyer in the Post Office and it was in the E-News but wanted more guidance from the Council on how to proceed asking for donations. Mayor Anderson had made a large wooden thermometer showing the donations coming in from the public to help pay for the landscaping. Councilor Cranston stated he can’t ask for donations to do this landscaping project, it just doesn’t feel right. The City set aside $15,000 for landscaping the new City Hall and Councilor Cranston feels that is more than adequate and to not go over that amount. Councilor vonBorstel stated he sees on the newest quotes where the City could eliminate some of the pavers and replace them with gravel or cement. Councilor vonBorstel sees no reason to have pavers on the side of the building or in the back and only make walk paths in the front with pavers. It was thought that a weed barrier, round-up, red rock or river rock would be a good alternative for the pavers.
Mayor Anderson really wants the new City Hall to be a showplace for all the citizens to be proud of. Councilor Payne stated he thinks citizens would wonder why spend that much on landscaping when we have outstanding debt. After much debate over this topic there was a motion (vonBorstel/Payne) to limit all landscaping at $17,000 ($15,000 City + $2,000 donations) and whatever else brought in by donations will go back into the General Fund. Motion Carried with Council President Perisho opposed.
BUDGET HEARING FOR THE 2015-2016 BUDGET – Council President Perisho opened the floor to the public regarding for the City’s 2015-2016 Budget as approved by the City’s Budget Committee.
Wm. Perry Thurston stated he was on the budget committee and voted against the budget due to the $15,000 set aside for landscaping and by the way “I think this building is ugly, and that’s my opinion”.
Public Hearing was closed.
There was a motion (Cranston/vonBorstel) to approve Resolution 2015-03 adopting the 2015-2016 Budget and making appropriations. Motion Carried.
There was a motion (Cranston/vonBorstel) to approve the Resolution declaring the City’s election to receive State Revenues in 2015-2016. Motion Carried.
FLOOD MAPPING – Shawn Payne stated in 1984 the City chose not to flood map possibly due to the high cost of flood insurance and that any homeowner with a Federally backed loan would be required to obtain flood insurance. The cost of insurance could be anywhere from $700-$2,200 a year. The City could have the chance to be flood mapped now while FEMA is coming through and doing some other areas in Sherman County. There was a motion (Cranston/Payne) to check into getting the City flood mapped through the FEMA program. Motion Carried. More information to come.
MORO CEMETERY POLICY – Rene’ Moore (CA) shared the latest draft copy of the Moro Cemetery Policy that was comprised from the Cemetery Board and Councilors workshop. Ms. Moore felt since it was just handed out, it would be a good to read over and it will be brought back at a future Council Meeting for approval. Mayor Anderson wants to make sure the wording is real clear on what size lots are available for purchase, those being full lots, half lots, single lots and cremation lots.
WATER BILL – Citizen John Waldron came to ask the Council to be charged only for water that he uses and not by 3 EDU’s (Equivalent Dwelling Units) he currently is billed. Mr. Waldron stated he has been reading his meter and he is using only 8,000-10,000 gallons a month. Mr. Waldron is willing to pay more if he goes over that amount. Mr. Waldron stated he would be willing to read the meters each month and that would be no cost to the City. The question came up as to what are the EDU’s of other businesses. The residence of John Waldron is 3 EDU’s because of their apartment and three rental apartments. It was asked how many EDU’s the motel is billed and they are billed 4 EDU’s, the Senior Housing is billed 12 EDU’s. Councilor Cranston realizes the billing was set up that way years ago, but now we have water meters. Council President Perisho thinks we should check into our EDU’s and see if they need adjusted or not. It’s been a long time since the EDU’s were set in place and now would be a good time to check into them. Councilor vonBorstel would like to add this topic to next month’s old business for a review of EDU’s. Mr. Waldron in turn stated “I’ve done my homework on this and not going to lose and he hopes to settle this amicably if at all possible”.
· Rene’ Moore (CA) shared with the Council that she received a request for records from Wm. Perry Thurston asking for the fees to obtain records be waived. The Council feels that would be setting precedence and will stick with the policy to charge a fee for any records requested.
· Rene’ Moore (CA) shared she has a box full of the old time black and white photos that would look really nice in the Council Chambers printed on canvas and would help with some of the echo problem. Councilor vonBorstel would like to take a look and help with this project.
· John English (DPW) shared the City had a visit from OSHA today. There was one violation issue with some wire in the old City Hall, but we were not fined. Mr. English stated that the issue has been resolved. It was pointed out that on the OSHA officer’s paperwork it stated his inspection was to be at 101 Dewey Street. He couldn’t legally inspect the new City Hall but will make note of the address change.
· Council President Perisho stated he will not be at the July Council Meeting due to being out of town.
Next Council Meeting is scheduled for July 7, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.
Mayor, City of Moro Attest Date
City of Moro
Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2015