Ansley Rural Fire District
October 6, 2008
President, Jim Johnson, called the meeting to order at 8:02 pm at Bailey Crop Services conference room, AnsleyNE. The Open Meeting Law is in Ansley Rural Fire Information Book.
Present were members: Jim Johnson, Brett McAbee, Mike Bailey, Tim Loy, Lynn Henry and acting Secretary/Treasurer Joanna Cook.
Others present: Doyle Wood.
Acting Secretary/Treasurer, Joanna Cook, read the minutes from the September 15th meeting. Amendments to the minutes were made and Tim made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and Mike seconded. Roll call vote: Yes: Jim Johnson, Brett McAbee, Mike Bailey, Tim Loy and Lynn Henry. Motion carried.
Acting Secretary/Treasurer, Joanna Cook, read the Treasurer’s Report as follows:
Treasurer’s Report:
Brett made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Lynn seconded. Roll call vote: Yes: Jim Johnson, Brett McAbee, Mike Bailey, Tim Loy and Lynn Henry. Motion carried.
Mike made a motion to pay all the bills plus the bill to Schaper & White. Seconded by Tim. Roll call vote: Yes: Jim Johnson, Brett McAbee, Mike Bailey, Tim Loy and Lynn Henry. Motion carried.
Old Business:
There was nothing to report on the Grant and Building Committee.
Tim made a motion to ask the Building Committee to have at least one member present at our meetings (which are the first (1st) Monday of each month) and to have a written report ready. Mike seconded. Roll call vote: Yes: Jim Johnson, Brett McAbee, Mike Bailey, Tim Loy and Lynn Henry. Motion carried.
Tim asked about the status on the County approval of the merger between Rural and the City of Ansley. It was brought to the attention that the County needs to act within 30 days of receiving it.
Brett is going to invite the Grant Administrator to the next meeting to answer some questions regarding the grant. Everyone is to make a list of questions they feel that need some answers.
New Business:
Doyle Wood said he and Bill Drake were at a consignment sale and saw a truck that they thought was in very good shape and could be used as a grass rig. They called Mike Bailey, Lynn Henry and Jim Johnson for approval. They give their approval to buy the truck. They paid $3,500.00 for it. The money came from the Berwyn Firemen’s fund. Discussion was held. Lynn brought up that it is blue and it needs painted and decals put on. Mike made a motion to spend $1,750.00 to get the truck painted, rhino lined and decaled with the proceeds from the sale of the old dodge to go against the money spent. Lynn seconded. Roll call vote: Yes: Jim Johnson, Brett McAbee, Mike Bailey, Tim Loy and Lynn Henry. Motion carried.
Mike said he would be in charge of getting the truck work taken care of.
Next meeting will be November 3, 2008 at 8:00 pm at Bailey Crop Service Conference Room, Ansley, NE.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Brett seconded. Roll call vote: Yes: Jim Johnson, Brett McAbee, Mike Bailey and Lynn Henry. No: Tim Loy. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:27 pm.
Joanna J Cook
Acting Secretary/Treasurer