Unit Design


Characteristics and Functions of Plants

3rd Grade

Developed by

Candice Welling

Saginaw Preparatory Academy

Unit Design Worksheet

Unit Title: Characteristics and Functions of Plants / Subject/Course: Science
Topic: Plants / Grade(s): 3 / Staff Name: Mrs. Welling
Stage 1 - Desired Results
Established Goals (GLCE’s, etc.):
L.OL.03.31 Describe the function of the following plant parts: flower, stem, root, and leaf.
L.OL.03.41 Classify plants on the basis of observable physical characteristics (roots, leaves, stems, and flowers).
W.GN.03.03 Write an informational piece including a report that demonstrates the understanding of a certain idea and supporting details using organization.
W.GN.03.04 Use the writing process to produce and present a research project; initiate research questions from content area text using a variety of resources.
Students will understand that...
·  plants have a variety of different parts.
·  plant parts have a function for the survival of the plant.
·  plants can be categorized into groups by physical attributes. / Essential Questions:
1.  How do the plant parts help it to thrive and grow?
2.  What categories can plants be put into?
3.  How are plants classified?
4.  Is my report written using the correct format?
5.  Where can I find out more about plants?
Students will know...
·  the function of the different plant parts.
·  how to observe and categorize plant parts that have similar characteristics.
·  how to research to write a report.
·  how to use the writing process to research a topic. / Students will be able to...
·  recognize different plant parts.
·  explain the function of the plant parts.
·  observe and categorize plant parts with similar characteristics.
·  research a topic using report format.
·  use the writing process to research a topic.
·  use reference materials to find information.
Unit Enduring Understanding:
The students will understand each part of the plant and its function. / Unit Question:
What is the function of a plant?
What do the parts of plants do in the growth and development of the plant?
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks: (Summary in GRASPS form, end of the unit)(Summative After)
Goal: Classify and describe function of plant parts
Role: You are a master gardener at a nursery
Audience: Your audience is a group of interested beginning gardeners
Situation: You are teaching these beginning gardeners the function of each plant part
Product: Plant seeds: Observe the function of the plant parts and create a poster to demonstrate their function
Standards: Rubric 4 points: plant, poster, observation, report
Key Criteria: (Rubrics, etc.)
Building A Structure: Characteristics and Function of Plants
Teacher Name: Candy Welling
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Poster / All parts and functions are shown accurately, professionally presented, with correct spelling / Most parts and functions are shown accurately, neat presentation, most words spelled correctly / Some parts and functions are shown accurately, presentation needs improvement, has many words misspelled / Few parts and functions are shown accurately, messy presentation, has a great deal of misspelled words
Report / Grammar and spelling correct, and neatly presented / Most of the grammar and spelling is correct and neatly presented / Some major grammar or spelling errors, may be messy and not well presented / Little care given to using correct grammar and spelling, messy and poorly presented
Plant / Seed planted correctly, was cared for properly and grew / Seed planted correctly, cared for most of the times and grew / Seed planted, some care was given and started to grow / Seed may not have been planted correctly, some care was given, seed did not grow
Observation / On task, working hard, getting a great deal accomplished / On task most of the time, getting work done / On task some of the time, not working up to expectation / Off task most of the time, playing and disruptive
Other Evidence: (Quizzes, Tests, Prompts, Observations, Dialogs, Work samples, etc.)(Before, During)(For learning) COLUMN 4 of Content Expectation Analysis Sheet
1.  Graphic Organizer of Plant Parts
2.  Discussion
3.  Quiz
4.  Unit Test
Before During After
Discussion quiz unit test
KWL graphic organizers write report
Research create poster
learning log
Describe the assessment/s and state the prompt if applicable. x F x S
What type of scoring tools will be used for evaluation?
□ Analytic rubric □ Checklist
x Holistic rubric x Answer Key
□ Criterion rubric □ Other
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Students make daily entries in their Plant Learning Log. Entries may include written reflection, sketches, and/or a chart/table.

Unit Design Worksheet

Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Differentiated Instruction (Layers, Tiered, etc.):
Layer C (vocabulary, reading activities)
Must do 3 of the activities (10 points each)
_____ Make vocabulary word cards
_____ Play “Plant Parts Concentration Game”
_____ Play “Plant Part Bingo”
_____ Plant Explorer http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/revision/Science/living/plants.html
_____ All About Plants http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/revision/Science/living/plants.html
Layer B (problem solving)
All Activities are required (10 points each)
_____ Label a Plant Activity
_____ Helping Plants Grow Well
_____ Help Plants Grow http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/living_things/help_plants_grow/play.shtml
Layer A (read and reflect)
All Activities are required
_____ Grow a plant from seed. (25 points)
_____ Reflect daily in Learning Log. (5 points each entry)
_____ Create a poster that shows and explains plant parts and their functions. (25 points)
_____ Characteristics and Functions of Plants Test (25 points)
_____ Report on Plant Parts and Their Function (25 points)
Learning Activities: (consider the WHERE TO elements)
W We will learn about plants and what each part of the plant does to support the plant.
H We will plant our own seeds and watch as they grow into plants to hook and hold attention.
E We will use flipcharts, vocabulary games, websites, charts, and discussion to equip students with needed information.
R We will use numerous websites to rethink and revise student’s thoughts.
E Students will self evaluate through daily learning log entries.
T Learning will be tailored by using multiple intelligence activities. Kinesthetic learners will plant seeds and observe growth, visual learners will have videos, flipcharts and charts, and auditory learners will use discussion.
O The learning will be organized on a day-by-day schedule.

Unit Design Worksheet

Essential Vocabulary
Definition: The bloom or blossom of a plant; the reproductive organ of an angiosperm plant
Context: Flowers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.
Definition: The main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration in plants
Context: When you look at a forest in summer, you can see the green leaves of trees.
Definition: A process used by plants to convert water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight into carbohydrates and oxygen
Context: Photosynthesis allows plants to make their own food.
Definition: The usually underground part of a seed plant body
Context: Roots hold the plant in place.
Definition: A fertilized and mature ovule containing a plant embryo
Context: A new plant will come from the seed.
Definition: Stalk; a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant
Context: The stem pokes up through the soil.
Sequencing the Learning
Intro. of Plant Unit
Plant Flipchart
“Plants and Their Function”
Learning Log Entry / Tuesday
Level C Activities
Learning Log Entry / Wednesday
Plant seeds
Learning Log Entry / Thursday
Level C Activities
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Friday
Level C Activities
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry
Level B Activities
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Tuesday
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Wednesday
Level B Activities
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Thursday
Level B Activities
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Friday
Create poster that shows/explains the plant parts and their function.
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry
Cont. work on poster
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Tuesday
Write Report on Plant Parts and Their Functions
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Wednesday
Write Report on Plant Parts and Their Functions
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Thursday
Review Plants and Functions with Plants Flipchart
Plant Care
Learning Log Entry / Friday
Unit Test: Plants and Their Function

UBD Unit Design Worksheet / Saginaw Valley State University