Week 33/11 Dates 15/08/2011-19/08/2011

Weekly Planning Lists

Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007

(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007

(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”

(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area / Contact Number / Meeting Location
Central Area
South Central Area
South East Area
North West Area
North Central Area / 2222932
8166710 / Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office
Contact Area Office for location
Finglas Area Office
Bunratty Area Office



Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2667/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Ms Soirse Doheny
Location / 188, Kimmage Road West, Dublin 12
Proposal / 1. Proposed minor internal alterations at ground floor. 2. Proposed change of use of 7.2sqm of ground floor from domestic to childcare use. 3. Proposed internal alterations & change of use of full first floor from domestic to childcare floor area 149.8sqm. 4. Proposed construction of external steel escape stairs from rear garden to first floor to rear of dwelling and with new door opening at first floor for access.
Registration Date / 15-Aug-2011
Additional Information Received
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3143/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / J. Clohisey,G. Farrelly & F. Cahill
Location / Units 1-2, Chandlers Guild, James Street, Dublin 8
Proposal / Provision of off-licence (7.7sqm) subsidary to the main retail use.
Registration Date / 16-Aug-2011
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3156/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Ted Doyle
Location / Rear of 384, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 rear access at Rehoboth Place.
Proposal / Demolition of 98sqm of existing single storey out houses at the rear and erection of two number three storey two bedroom semidetached dwellings with balconys at first floor level and off street carparking with access from Rehoboth Place.
Registration Date / 18-Aug-2011
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3162/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Dublin Mid-Leinster, Health Service Executive
Location / St. Columba's, Armagh Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12
Proposal / Planning permission is sought for temporary Health Centre Accommodation, to replace the existing health centre at Cashel Road. The proposed accommodation will consist of 480.85sqm of accommodation comprising: administration office, 2no. general offices, meeting room, staff room, 2no. staff toilets, general store, reception, waiting area, 2no. public accessible toilets, 7no. consulting rooms consisting of; 2no. baby clinics, wet clinical room, dry clinical room, general practitioners (G.P.) room, treatment room, nurses room, with 2no. associated storage rooms.
Registration Date / 19-Aug-2011


Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3138/11
Application Type / Retention Permission
Applicant / Michelle Mills
Location / 43, Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12
Proposal / RETENTION - The retention consists of a first floor extension 44sqm for purposes of personal gym / storage added to main shed at bottom of rear garden and the retention of a single storey storage shed 7sqm and the retention of single storey sauna 5sqm to the front of main shed in the rear of garden.
Registration Date / 15-Aug-2011
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / WEB1139/11
Application Type / Retention Permission
Applicant / Ann Tuohy
Location / 118, Blackditch Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal / The development consists of the retention of the vehicular driveway and 3.6 meter wide vehicular driveway entrance with piers, boundary walls, gates including pedestrian entrance gate and piers and permission sought to dish the public footpath and kerb and any associated site works.
Registration Date / 15-Aug-2011




Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 0084/11
Application Type / Section 5
Decision Date / 17-Aug-2011
Applicant / Sasfi Hope-Ross
Location / 91, Comeragh Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Proposal / EXPP: External insulation of house, front & back.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2891/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 16-Aug-2011
Applicant / Daniela Maftei
Location / Ground & Mezzanine Floor Retail Unit 3, Building 7B, Of Heuston South Quarter Development, Bounded By St. John's Road West, Military Road, & Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal / Permission for development at this site; Ground and Mezzanine floor Retail Unit 3 of Building 7B (DCC Reg. Ref. 1918/06) of the Hueston South Quarter Mixed Use previously permitted development register reference PL29S.206528 (Dublin City Council Reg Ref 2656/03). This site is located in Dublin 8 & is bounded principally by St. John's Road West (to the north) Military Road (to the east) & by The Royal Hospital Kilmainham (protected structure) to the south and west.
The development will consist of; The subdivision of the existing permitted retail unit 3 (144sqm) into separate lower and upper units of which the lower unit is to be changed in use to a restaurant/cafe & signage, consisting of brushed aluminium/stainless steel lettering for the cafe unit. The upper unit is to be accessed from the Mezzanine level courtyard to the north of the unit. The upper level is to take in the existing permitted void over the lower level with the addition of 14sqm of space with the total area of the lower unit 3 being unchanged at 79sqm and the upper unit 3a now being 79sqm.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2896/11
Application Type / Retention Permission
Decision Date / 18-Aug-2011
Applicant / Shane De Blacam & John Meagher
Location / 4, Saint Catherine's Lane West, Dublin 8
Proposal / Extension of permitted uses (planning ref 4261/00) on the ground, first and second floor of 848sqm to include paramedical use (primary care) and the change of use of the ground floor rear to a general practitioner medical office of 169sqm and the retention of basement ramp off Saint Catherine's Lane of 46sqm.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2910/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 16-Aug-2011
Applicant / Hutchison 3G Ireland Limited
Location / 294-298, Harolds Cross Road, Dublin 6W
Proposal / Permission for the istallation of 3 no. panel antennas (shrouded) and 2 no. point-to-point dishes on roof-top together with equipmtment cabinets, other associated site works.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2911/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 17-Aug-2011
Applicant / Mrs Antoinette Foy
Location / 364, Galtymore Road, Dublin 12
Proposal / Single storey extension to rear of.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2922/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 18-Aug-2011
Applicant / Bridget Whelan
Location / 21, Saint Michael's Terrace, Dublin 8
Proposal / Two storey extension to the rear.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 2923/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 19-Aug-2011
Applicant / Perfect Smiles Dental Surgery
Location / 3, Meath Street, Dublin 8
Proposal / The development will consist of change of use of existing retail shop to medical.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3138/11
Application Type / Retention Permission
Decision Date / 19-Aug-2011
Applicant / Michelle Mills
Location / 43, Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12
Proposal / RETENTION - The retention consists of a first floor extension 44sqm for purposes of personal gym / storage added to main shed at bottom of rear garden and the retention of a single storey storage shed 7sqm and the retention of single storey sauna 5sqm to the front of main shed in the rear of garden.
Area / Area 2 - South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3143/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 19-Aug-2011
Applicant / J. Clohisey,G. Farrelly & F. Cahill
Location / Units 1-2, Chandlers Guild, James Street, Dublin 8
Proposal / Provision of off-licence (7.7sqm) subsidary to the main retail use.