Tweedie Exploration Fellowships may be awarded for archaeological, ethnological, sociological or linguistic exploration and research in the less-known regions of the world, with preference given to Asia and Africa. This research must take place in the relevant region. Archaeological excavations are specifically excluded. Archival or library based research will not be considered.
Applicants must have completed their first degrees but cannot be in salaried ‘career level’ employment. Applicants must complete the application form (including referees comments*), submit a CV of no more than two pages of A4. Application forms are available on the web at
The Fellowship will not normally be awarded for a second time to the same candidate; applications should be planned as single-season projects. Fellowships can be held alongside other grants and awards.
Applicants must address the following points in their applications:
1Details of the project and methodology
2Evidence of their experience for such work and their capacity to undertake the particular research proposed
3Total costing of the project with an indication of any financial assistance they expect to obtain from other sources. If applicants are applying for a project involving a team of people, they are asked to specify the items being applied for
4The sum applied for from the Tweedie Exploration Fellowship Fund
5Supporting statements from two Referees (including Referee’s contact details)
Projects which the Tweedie Exploration Fellowship has supported include the following:
“Sacred Landscapes and the Ritual Control of Water: Ancestor Cults, Rock Art, and Agency at the Headwaters of Fortaleza River, Ancsh Peru”; “Imperial landscapes of ancient Mali: settlement patterns and social organisation”; “A way with words. An ethnographic film based research project into the use and significance of English and mother-tongue literacy in post-colonial Zambia”; “Beneath the Divide: Power, Violence and State Effect in the Kachin Borderlands”; “Tobacco in India – Its Legacy and Social Implications”.
It is expected that a total sum of the order of £4,000 will be available for all grants in 2015; no individual award will be more than £1,000.
The deadline for completed applications and referee comments is 5pm on 31 January 2015. Any application received after the deadline will not be considered. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that referee comments are submitted along with the application by the deadline. Complete applications should be sent by email to . Original signed copies should be posted to Mrs Jacqueline McMahon, College of Humanities and Social Science, University of Edinburgh, 55-56 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JU.
*Referees should comment on your application and the suitability of this project for funding from the Tweedie bequest by using the section provided on your application form.
Awards will be announced in March 2015