Commodores’ Report

By: Commodore Faye Broseker

I would like to thank Riverside Yacht Club of Maryland for hosting our October Board meeting. The November General meeting will be hosted by the Wellwood Yacht Club. Please see Vice Commodore Lou’s report for more information regarding the meeting schedule.

The Balls are in full swing and it has been great to see so many clubs supporting their sister clubs. Look forward to see and partying with you throughout the remainder of Ball season.

The 2nd annual YCM Day at the Races Christmas Party is right around the corner. Please put this on your calendar and contact Kathy Hellner at 410-729-1971 or to attend this fun filled event. This was so much fun last year and it is sure to be fun again. Santa Claus will be there, and if we can keep him away from the betting booth, he may even be able to deliver some gifts.

We have another club, Maryland Cruising Club, who has submitted its application for membership. The membership will be voting on Maryland Cruising Club’s application at the January General Membership meeting. We look forward to welcoming another club to our Association. If anyone knows of a club that would like to join YCM, please contact Rear Commodore Joe Hellner.

Look forward to seeing you at the upcoming balls and have a “HAPPY AND BLESSED THANKSGIVING.”

Vice Commodores’ Report

By: V/C Lou Konopacki

Riverside Yacht Club hosted our board meeting

and provided snacks which were well appreciated. It`s always a pleasure to come to Riverside Yacht Club.

If anyone would like to order clothing with the YCM burgee, please contact Mike at Chesapeake Embroidery: (410)256-5080 or Cell, (410)215-0063.

There will be a gift exchange for those that wish to participate at the Christmas Party at Laurel Race Track on Dec. 16. Participants should limit the gift to $5.00.

We are here to support club functions and help to make them a success. We need to have this information to post in the newsletter. Let us help you.

Wishing everyone a happy THANKSGIVING

Rear Commodores’ Report

By: R/C Joe Hellner


Boating, Waterways, and the Environment

By Legislative Affairs Officer Anna Davis


Secretary’s Report

By: Dan Miller


Treasurer’s Report

By: Deb Noon


I would first like to start off by thanking all of the member clubs for the honor to represent them as an officer for Yacht Clubs of Maryland. I will do my best to serve you with honor and dignity.

I must apologize for not having a message in the October edition of this newsletter. I am acting Commodore of Bush River until November 17, 2006, and I have been a bit busy finishing off those duties. So to Comm. Steve Keefe of Bodkin, at least I made it in this month!!

I must admit that I am not sure exactly what a Treasurer is to report on from month in this format, but I will try. As Treasurer of Bush River I never had to put in an article in our monthly newsletter, but I did get to write letters to those members that may have been less than timely in their payments.

I am happy to report that all member Clubs have paid their dues!!

Hope everyone is well and happy as move into the busy holiday season.

See ya ~ Deb

Board Member Reports:

By: Immediate PC Jill Cashman


Board Member

By: Charlie Downs


Board Member

Glen Bowser

With winter fast approaching we must do our part when winterizing our boats by using environmentally safe and biodegradable products. Every little bit helps, keep our Chesapeake Bay clean.

The Bowser family wishes everybody a Happy Holiday.

Dates to Remember

November General Membership Meeting - Wednesday 29, 2006 @ Wellwood Restaurant

If you plan to eat dinner, it is suggested to get there early. The meeting will start at 7:30 pm.

The December Board meeting will be held at Laurel Race Track.

January membership meeting will be held at Bodkin Yacht Club Jan. 31, 2007. The menu will follow.

Sick and Welfare

Karen Anderson,YCM, has had a fall.

Ginny Lambert, White Rocks YC, suffered a broken leg.

I/PC Jill Cashman’s Dad had a stroke.

Tom Kettler, EYC, is recovering from a stroke. Keep in your prayers Laura Bunting, mother of Queen of Chesapeake and Bob Manders, White Rocks YC.

If you know of anyone in the clubs who is sick, having surgery, or has crossed over the bar, please contact me. You can either call me on 410-282-5598 or email me directly at.

Bulletin Board

Maryland Cruising has sent in their application to join Yacht Clubs of Maryland. They will be voted on at the January 2007 general membership meeting.


Christmas Party at Laurel Park

Dec. 16, 2006

Time 12:00 pm.

See Flyer

YCM Golf Tournament

October, 2007

Chesapeake Embroidery (for YCM clothes)-

Call Mike @ (410)215-0063

Scuttlebutt and Spindrift –

By Salty Sam the Sea Dog


Social Affairs Committee

Terri Rockel

2nd Annual YCM Christmas Party

Kathy Hellner,


The Holidays are fast approaching as is our Christmas Party at Laurel. Attached to this newsletter is the flyer with the information about the event.

Several people asked about hotels in case they wanted to spend the night. There is a nice Comfort Suites approximately 2 miles south of the track on Route 1, their information is:

Comfort Suites, 14402 Laurel Place,

Laurel, Maryland, 20707,

Phone 301-206-2600.

There are a number of restaurants within walking distance Comfort Suites, i.e. Bennigans, Fridays, Don Pablos, Lone Star etc. There are not really any hotels much closer to the track, there are cabs that can take you to the track if you don’t want to drive.

We are going to do a voluntary gift exchange, if you want to participate, please bring a gift with a cost of $5 - $10. Santa will be making an appearance and maybe even have a few betting tips!

You can make your reservations by email at (phone 410-729-1971). You can mail me a check or give it to me at the delegates meeting. Checks should be make out to “Yacht Clubs of Maryland” and my address is 1059 Rustling Oaks Drive, Millersville, MD 21108

We had a great time last year; it really is a lot of fun, so sign up now and join us!


Kathy Hellner

Protocol Matters

Captain Protocol, PC Joe Heller

People often ask me about the Queen of the Chesapeake and how she relates to a club or organization. The most important thing to realize is that the title is owned under copyright by Maryland Yacht Club. The Queen operates under rules maintained by Maryland Yacht Club, which runs the pageant to select the Queen and takes an active role in ensuring the success of the office and each young woman selected to serve. No other club or yachting organization governs the office of the Queen and none control her actions. Maryland YC for over 50 years has been successful in maintaining her independence, including from Maryland YC itself. While her home club certainly has significant influence, each Queen decides her own destiny within the rules governing the Queen of the Chesapeake.

The Queen of the Chesapeake is a representative and goodwill ambassador for all Chesapeake Bay yacht clubs. She traditionally wears white at formal appearances. Yellow is the traditional color for her flowers. She is an advocate for the Chesapeake Bay and will often work during her reign for a cause of her choice to improve the Bay or provide charity to others. Like our club princesses, she symbolizes our pride in the next generation and our confidence in a bright future for boating, yacht clubs, and the Chesapeake Bay. Her duties include appearing and speaking at yacht clubs and yachting organizations that invite her to do so, schedule permitting. By the rules governing the Queen, clubs and organizations must first invite her by letter or other form of official invitation. The Queen, in turn, must respond to all official invitations with her acceptance or regrets.

The Queen usually gets more requests than her schedule or personal priorities can accommodate. In the spirit of doing the best they can, Queens often make visits to several events in a single day putting in many miles of travel. In turn, yacht clubs and other organizations must be flexible and adjust their programs to accommodate the Queen of the Chesapeake as needed to permit her appearance at multiple functions.

Support for the Queen is traditionally provided by her home yacht club, which helps with things like communication, logistic needs, schedule management, fund raising (serving as Queen can be expensive), and transportation. The Queen’s family is usually heavily involved as well. Other clubs, organizations, or persons may also be involved depending on a particular Queen’s needs, preferences, and circumstances. Past Queens are another source of support including the handing down of white gowns (each Queen must have several to be able to cover all her appearances).

Because of the importance of the Queen and princesses to Chesapeake Bay area yacht clubs, support for the Queen and princesses is a priority for overarching organizations such as the Chesapeake Commodores Club, the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Association, and the Yacht Clubs of Maryland. Each of these organizations taps into the power of many dedicated knowledgeable people who work together to assist in ways suited to the strengths and capabilities of that particular organization.

The Queen also takes on the role of role model, leader, and mentor to the princesses of Chesapeake Bay area yacht clubs. As a member of their generation, the Queen can be very effective in sustaining communication, organization, and maintenance of common standards and expectations (i.e. “keeping all the princesses on the same page”). The Queen usually takes the lead in helping to organize princess group activities such as participation in charity functions or the annual visit to the DRYL Queen Pageant.

Till next time, see you around the Bay!

Princess Corner

I still need several clubs to send me articles about their Princess. If you have not, please do so we can ensure that each Princess is recognized. Send articles to


****** Yacht Clubs of Maryland – Bay Breeze (November) ******