Press Release

August 2013

International Conference on Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Pregnancy Sickness Support is bring together experts from around the globe to discuss the latest knowledge, understand and research about hyperemesis gravidarum.

The conference, titled Biopsychosocial Understandings of Hyperemesis Gravidarum will be held at City University, London on 5th September 2013.

About Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)

An under-appreciated and poorly researched condition, HG affects thousands of pregnant women every year in the UK. Without treatment the condition is dangerous and potentially fatal and sadly in the UK it frequently ends in termination of much wanted babies. A number of complications are associated with the condition and anxiety and trauma post-pregnancy are common with the condition due to the prolonged and relentless nature of symptoms.

Despite there being a number of safe and effective treatments for HG, adequate care remains a lottery and women are frequently refused treatment and left feeling unsupported by their healthcare professionals.

Equally Healthcare professionals report that they feel unprepared to treat this frustrating condition which can be resistant to first line treatments and challenging to asses.

The conference will cover a range of topics from understanding women's experiences to the latest treatments, research, protocols and care plans. Healthcare professionals will come away with a greater understanding of HG and more confidence in treating the condition.

Confirmed Speakers:

Dr Roger Gadsby and Dr Tony Barnie-Adshead - Warwick University: What causes pregnancy sickness?

Caroline Maltepe - Motherisk Programme, Canada: Pre-emptive use of Diclectin for Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Dr Catherine Sykes and Dr Brian Swallow - City University, London: Seeking help for Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Caitlin Dean, RGN - Pregnancy Sickness Support: Development of a peer support network; Results from our large scale survey of women's experiences of Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Health care professionals understanding of Hyperemesis Gravidarum; A pre-pregnancy care plan for HG.

Dr Marjory Maclean - Consultant, AMU Ayrshire Maternity Unit: Development of guidlelines and protocol for in patient management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Emma Moxham, RGN - IV Specialist Nurse, Sirona Care & Health: Treating Hyperemesis Gravidarum with home IV's, a case study and protocol development.

Dr Aldo Maina – Italy: Transdermal Clonidine in the Treatment of Severe Hyperemesis