Cornell Society of Women Engineers


Name: ______Email: ______

Campus Address: ______Major: ______

Phone Number: ______Year: ______Student ID # ______



* Have you ever been involved in a SWE event in the past? If so, which ones?

* Describe any other organizational or leadership experience you may have. Also, list other activities you are involved in this year.

* What ideas do you have to improve the activities for which you are applying? Explain plans for new projects, designs, or organization.

*Feel free to add any additional information or comments in the space below to describe your qualifications or ideas. If you have questions about any of the positions, contact the Directors or Presidents, Emily <ecs43> and Kristiekmr53

Enter as few/many positions as you like:

Rank / Chair Position


CAREER DEVELOPMENT Liz <eht26 or Christine <clc242>

Professional Development: Two chairs will be responsible for the Resume File and Professional Skills Enhancement (PSE) Workshop. For the Resume File, the chairs will compile SWE members’ resumes during September. PSE Workshops will be organized throughout the year, and will focus on developing professional skills such as creating resumes, interviewing skills, etc. (2-3 hours/week).

Networking and Etiquette Events: Two chairs will be in charge of organizing a variety of networking events throughout the year, as well as an Etiquette Lunch/Dinner during the spring semester. The chairs will be responsible for things such as catering and publicity and will also be responsible for locating speakers for the events (2-3 hours/week).

Special Events Chair: Two chairs would work closely with Corporate Relations to coordinate special requests for companies recruiting on campus. The chair will arrange about 5 lunches and/or dinners for companies who want to have unique recruiting events with SWE members. Planning will involve interacting with company representatives, making lunch or dinner arrangements, and publicizing the event. In addition, the chair will organize an Industry Panel featuring company representatives from a variety of fields to inform students about various career opportunities for engineers.

(1-2 hours/week)

STUDENT SERVICESBarbara <baw39> or Michelle <myz4>

Socials: Four chairs will share the responsibility of setting up social events for SWE. They will also be responsible for taking surveys at the general SWE meetings to determine student event interest. These individuals are required to both pioneering events and seeing them through to completion. There will be one chair for each class. (1-2 hours/week)

Community Service and 5K Run/Walk: Two chairs will organize SWE’s community service projects, including maintaining existing initiatives and coming up with ideas for new projects. Chairs will also coordinate SWE’s annual 5K charity fundraiser which takes place each fall in the Cornell Plantations. Chairs will be in charge of planning the race, setting up entertainment, refreshments, and allocation of the funds raised by the event. (1-2 hours/week, 5 hours/week around event)

Membership: One organized chair will set up an informative database of all paid SWE members and alumni. (1-2 hours/week)

OUTREACH Carolyn <cjc266> or Kerianne <kd255>

Women in Engineering Day: Three co-chairs to work closely with Engineering Admissions, Diversity Programs in Engineering, and the Outreach Directors to coordinate an event for prospective women applicants to the College of Engineering. Will lead volunteer recruitment for registration, tours (Engineering Ambassadors), and lab escorts. (Fall semester – 20 hours)

Prospective Candidates’ Weekend: Three co-chairs to work closely with Engineering Admissions and the Outreach Directors to coordinate a weekend for women who have been accepted into the College of Engineering. Will recruit hosts for overnight stay, invite speakers, arrange entertainment, and handle dining needs. (Mostly spring semester - total commitment of 60 hours, most of it is concentrated around the event weekend)

Girl Scout Day: Three co-chairs needed to help coordinate a one-day activity to help local girl scouts earn a badge. Choose badge, contact local Girl Scout troops, and coordinate volunteers. (Spring semester - 20 hours)

Elementary Outreach: Two co-chairs needed to design interesting, hands-on projects with the assistance of Cornell’s Nanobiotechnology Lending Library and coordinate volunteers to go to local elementary schools during the fall study week (December 7) and teach children about engineering and science. (Fall semester – 20 hours)

Community Outreach: Two co-chairs responsible for coordinating an activity in the late fall at the Ithaca Sciencenter and a similar activity in early spring for Engineering Day at the Pyramid Mall (Shops at Ithaca). The chairs will also act as the EYH Liaison to represent SWE in the annual program by recruiting volunteers from SWE and boosting student attendance. Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a one-day event consisting of workshops, where young women participate in hands-on learning experiences led by women scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. (Both semesters - 7 hours in the fall, 10 hours in the spring)

High School Outreach: Two co-chairs to help plan an event at local high schools that encourages students to stay interested in the wonders of science and engineering. (Spring semester - 20 hours)

PUBLIC RELATIONSChristine <clp65> or Shailly < ssp66>

Publicity Team: Five (ideally from different majors) very dependable and creative chairs will work together closely to promote SWE effectively on different areas of campus by postering, quartercarding, chalking, etc. This position is extremely important to Public Relations, so we are looking for students who will continue to honor their commitment throughout the year. (1-2 hours/week)

Newsletter/Photographer: One chair will be responsible for creating SWE’s newsletter and taking pictures at SWE events. The newsletter is sent to women engineering alumni and current SWE members to inform them of our activities and involvement (2 newsletters/semester). As the photographer, you’re responsible for ensuring that pictures are taken at all SWE events (whether you’re at the event, or a friend goes for you). The chair will be communicating frequently with the SWE webmaster to upload pictures/newsletters to the SWE website. (2-3 hours/week)

Faculty Relations: Two co-chairs will be responsible for setting up a database of women faculty and their accomplishments, and writing thank-you and congratulatory letters. In addition, the two faculty relations chairs will plan 3 events/semesters with the engineering faculty, whether it be a luncheon, panel, social, etc. Ideal for someone who is comfortable with regular faculty interaction. (2-3 hours/week)

Bulletin Board: One chair will be responsible for creatively decorating the bulletin board outside of the SWE Office (162 Olin) each month with a calendar, flyers/announcements, and pictures. (1-2 hours/week)

Webmaster-in-training: This chair position is a two year commitment. This year, the chair will be working closely with the current webmaster to learn about the SWE website, and how to maintain/update it. Next year, the chair will become the webmaster for SWE. Prior web design experience is a plus. (1-3 hours/week)

Corporate Relations Alex <ayw6>, Corinne <caw262>, Ansu <aaa98> or Jun je96

Corporate Relations Liaison: Help recruiters with company information sessions by setting up events and cleaning up afterwards. You will meet current recruiters and employees at numerous companies, increasing your exposure to possible employers and working on your networking skills. Additionally, liaisons will help out on one of four teams: publicity, refreshment ordering/inventory management, and behind the scenes details. Expect a commitment of 2-3 hours a week, dependent upon the number of sessions you run and your liaison responsibilities.

*Contact Corporate Relations Directors to apply