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THOSE PRESENT: Ted Barnes,Lisa Fizer, David Hedderly-Smith, Mike Jamison, Dan Schofield, Holly Smith, and Cory McNeely. Troy Duffin was not present. No homeowners were in attendance.

Ted brought the meeting to order.

  1. Minutes from the July 11th meeting were reviewed. Dan made the motion to approve as corrected. Holly seconded. Vote all in favor.
  1. Financial statements at and for the seven months ended July 31st, as well as year-to-date budget to actual reports, were reviewed and discussed.
  1. The new trails being constructed by Leon Gale on Pineridge Lot 11 were discussed at length. Approx. three weeks ago, owners in the area noted that significant trails were being constructed on the hillside above Mr. Gale’s home, apparently on his property. Craig Hoggan sent Mr. Gale a letter asking him to stop trail construction, and also noted he had not complied with the ACC’s requirement that he provide final colors for his siding and roof before beginning construction. Craig was recently contacted by Mr. Gale’s attorney, Dwayne Vance, who was surprised the HOA took exception to his trails, and noted that Mr. Gale claimed had complied with the ACC submittal requirements. It was noted that Craig would be in contact with Mr. Gale’s attorney to discuss matters further and see what could be worked out.
  1. The board discussed the Pinebrook rec center and pool project. Cory noted that there has been work in the community that Jeremy Ranch is proposing a recreation center of their own, and is considering other HOA’s in the area to join (PHOA has not been contacted). It was suggested that Pinebrook residents who have expressed interest in the past should be contacted to see if they’d be willing to revive. Cory and Holly will coordinate contact information for those who have expressed interest.
  1. It was noted that the court has granted the HOA’s renewed motion for summary judgment in the Baird lawsuit. Craig Hoggan’s office is awaiting the final signed judgment and will forward to the HOA. It was noted that the recorded judgment will be a valuable tool in the future if homes are found to be marketed as nightly rentals.
  1. Cory discussed whether the HOA, possibly in conjunction with Gorgoza Water Company, should consider using social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter to circulate information to the Pinebrook community. It was noted that if the HOA doesn’t create a Facebook page, that it would only be a matter of time before someone in the community does, which will be out of the HOA’s control. It was suggested that the HOA move forward with social media now, if for no other reason than to reserve the right to a Pinebrook Facebook page first.
  1. Mike Baker’s metal roof was discussed. It was again noted that Mr. Baker has refused to remove the roof or remedy the situation with painting a non-reflective coating on the surface. Ted suggested we discuss the matter with Craig Hoggan to get his opinion on how to proceed, and to what extent a monetary penalty could be assessed. It was also suggested a meeting be held Dan and Craig to discuss this matter, as well as others, as soon as possible.
  1. Max Greenhalgh’s home that, among many things, violated height restrictions. Dan noted that Max has substantially complied with the requirements issued by Summit County and the architectural control committee. He noted that Gorgoza has issued a water letter to Max, and that the issue has been settled.
  1. Items to be included in the 2013 budget were discussed. It was noted that the most pressing item to address is remodeling the basketball court at Buckboard and Stagecoach. The board is in general agreement that the height of the wall be increased, the court shorted to half-court, and the balance of the area be turned into a park area. It was noted that parking should be sufficient for several cars in front of the court without needing additional parking spaces. Bids should be obtained, and the project be scheduled for 2013. Ted noted that if costs are excessive, the project may have to be split between 2013 and 2014.
  1. Mike Jamison mentioned that the PMA should be asked to install posts for those who do “slack-lining”. It has been noted that individuals have been running slack lines between trees in the park, which will likely cause damage.
  1. Holly mentioned that owners have requested a bench at the tennis court. It conjunction with this, there was discussion of the individual who teaches tennis lessons at the court. It is unknown whether his students are residents of Pinebrook, so it was suggested that Craig send him a letter reminding him that the court is privately owned by the PHOA, and that either he or his student(s) must be members to use the court.
  1. There was general discussion of whether the PMA should approach Elk Run to take over the use and maintenance of their tennis courts. Ted noted this was discussed in the past, and that it might be time to revisit that issue.
  1. Recent owner complaints regarding engine brakes were discussed. Because the offenses happen infrequently, it was suggested that additional signage not be posted at this time, and that there is a sign on upper Pinebrook Road that prohibits engine brakes. Dan suggested that language be added to the Construction Plan Approval Agreement that prohibits the use of engine brakes.
  1. The next board meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, October 3rd at 7:00pm
  1. No other matters of business voted upon. Meeting was adjourned.


Cory McNeelyTed Barnes
