Table B.1: Percentage of data entries that mention indicators of soil erosion (A) and surface runoff (B). The number of reviewed studies that mention the indicator is given between parentheses. We distinguish between studies on just erosion, just surface runoff and on erosion and surface runoff combined.

Indicators for erosion / Erosion only
(n= 14; 141 entries) / Erosion and surface runoff
(n= 17; 205 entries) / B
Indicator for surface runoff / Runoff only (n= 11; 73 entries ) / Erosion and surface runoff
(n= 17; 205 entries)
Yearly rainfall (m3ha-1yr-1) / 34 (8) / 16 (92) / Yearly rainfall (m3ha-1yr-1) / 96 (10) / 92 (16)
Rainfall regime / 55 (10) / 12 (73) / Total rainfall (m3ha-1) / 33 (3) / 73 (12)
Rainfall erosive event (m3ha-1) / 43 (1) / 35 (5) / Slope (%) / 58 (4) / 96 (16)
Rainfall intensity (m3 ha-1h-1) / 11 (1) / 39 (7) / Soil type / 86 (8) / 70 (14)
Slope (%) / 69 (5) / 96 (16) / Soil texture / 76 (7) / 86 (13)
Soil type / 36 (8) / 70 (14) / Soil bulk density (g cm-3) / 13 (3) / 47 (7)
Soil texture / 73 (8) / 86 (13) / Clay content (%) / 3 (1) / 55 (9)
Soil bulk density (gcm-3) / 60 (6) / 47 (7) / Vegetation cover (%) / 25 (4) / 76 (13)
Clay content (%) / 55 (4) / 55 (9) / Canopy cover (%) / 42 (4) / 16 (5)
SOM (%) / 14 (3) / 32 (8) / Soil moisture (mm, %) / 81 (7) / -
Vegetation cover (%) / 66 (6) / 76 (13) / Throughfall (% of rainfall) / 31 (3) / -
Canopy cover (%) / 4 (5) / 16 (5) / Evapotranspiration (m3 ha-1yr-1) / 26 (5) / -
Annual soil loss (kg ha-1yr-1) / 6 (2) / 45 (11) / Annual surface runoff (m3 ha-1yr-1) / 14 (3) / 41 (8)
Soil loss (kg ha-1) / 55 (3) / 42 (6) / Surface runoff (m3ha-1) / - / 27 (7)
Surface runoff coefficient (% of rainfall) / - / 42 (6)