Chapter 8 Study Guide

Lesson 1 (pgs. 250-259)

§  Describe the functions of roots, stems and leaves

o  Roots-anchor the plant, absorb water and nutrients

o  Stems-carries substances between roots and leaves, provides support

o  Leaves-capture sun’s energy and carry out photosynthesis

§  Stomata

§  Transpiration

§  Describe the structure of roots, stems and leaves

o  Roots

§  Taproot & Fibrous root

§  Root Hair

§  Root Cap

§  Vascular Tissue

§  Area of Dividing Cells

o  Stems

§  Woody & Herbaceous

§  Vascular Tissue

§  Cambium

§  Heartwood

o  Leaves

§  Stomata

·  Why do they open and close?

·  When are they open?

·  When are they closed?

§  Upper Leaf Cells

§  Lower Leaf Cells

§  Describe the structure and function of seeds

o  Seed Coat

o  Cotyledons

o  Embryo

§  Describe the process of germination and how it begins

§  Describe what happens in seed dispersal and why it happens

§  Know the structures and function of the parts of a flower

o  Sepal

o  Petals

o  Stamens

o  Pistils

§  Describe what happens in pollination

Lesson 2 (pgs. 260-267)

§  Know what happens in the sporophyte and gametophyte stages of a plant’s life cycle

§  Know the difference between annuals, perennials and biennials

§  Know how plants reproduce

o  Pollination

o  Fertilization

o  Zygote Formation

o  Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

§  Explain the difference between vascular and non-vascular plants

§  Know what a gymnosperm is:

o  Reproductive structure = cone

o  Explain reproductive cycle

§  Know what an angiosperm is:

o  Reproductive structure = flower

o  Explain reproductive cycle

§  Explain how seeds can be dispersed in gymnosperms and angiosperms

§  Identify differences and similarities in gymnosperm and angiosperm reproduction

Lesson 3 (pg. 268-275)

§  Explain how organisms reproduce asexually

o  Budding

o  Fragmentation

§  Know how many parents are involved in both asexual and sexual reproduction

§  Explain why sexual reproduction results in offspring with DNA from mom and dad

§  Explain why asexual reproduction results in offspring with DNA from one parent only

§  Identify advantages and disadvantages for asexual and sexual reproduction

§  Explain the life cycle of the jelly fish and how it is both sexual and asexual

o  Know the terms medusa, polyp and larva

§  Explain internal fertilization

§  Explain external fertilization and where it usually occurs

§  Know what a gestation period is and why it varies

Lesson 4 (pgs. 276-287)

§  Know the structures and function of the parts of an amniotic egg

o  Embryo

o  Amniotic Fluid

o  Shell

o  Yolk

o  Albumin

o  Allantois

§  Know what the placenta does in placental mammals

§  Explain what complete metamorphosis is:

o  4 stages

§  Egg

§  Larva

§  Pupa

§  Adult

§  Explain what incomplete metamorphosis is:

o  3 stages

§  Egg

§  Nymph

§  Adult

§  Explain the process of metamorphosis for:

o  Insects

o  Be able to give examples for complete and incomplete metamorphosis

§  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for parental care or no-parental care