The Primary Network - Speed Learning Summer Series 2013

#SpeedLearning @ssat

Knowing how precious everyone's time is - 'speed learning' aims to provide an intensive but fun learning opportunity after school. Colleagues leave each event having picked up a series of top tips and short term strategies to support learning as well as one or two longer term ideas and thoughts.

“These events bring the very best elements of current innovative CPD thinking together in one place. Miss them at your peril!”

Come along after school for just under 2 hours and be part of the exciting buzz spreading across the country… “Speed Learning”

Where:St Laurence’s CofE Primary School, Old Church Road, Coventry, CV6 7ED

When: 4.00 – 5.45pm (registration from 3.45pm)

“I’m inspired, have been challenged and had a lot of fun – superb CPD, loads of practical tips and strategies - I feel totally energized by the buzz of the network. The best event I’ve ever been too!”

When you arrive you will be warmly greeted by teachers, teaching assistants, heads and leaders – who are part of The Primary Network; the largest school-led national network of primary practitioners. Have a well-earned cup of tea and a few biscuits whilst you hear a 15 minute keynote on the latest educational developments that you need to be aware of, from one of the school leaders. Then, choose your 5 highest priorities from the selection below, and move around the carousels ‘speed-dating’ style, to hear 3 minute nano-presentations and join discussion with like-minded colleagues on practical, relevant classroom topics.

3.45pm / Registration and refreshments
4pm / Keynote: Mitch Moore, Executive Headteacher
Our journey from Special Measures to Good in 16 months and how TEEP was a key ingredient
4.15 / Speed Learning carousel – see overleaf for details
  1. Digital Leaders
  2. Feedback and response marking in maths made easy
  3. Developing writing in Year 1
  4. Invested in iPads? – Are you getting a good return?
  5. 21st Century teaching tools
  6. First steps in thinking about 1:1 computing or BYOD?
  7. The impact of reciprocal reading
  8. How I am Learning are supporting local schools
  9. Interactive resources for the curriculum
  10. How to use video to empower teachers to reflect on, analyse and share lessons

5.15pm / Planning for impact: Turning ideas into practice and evidencing impact
5.30pm / Networking
5.45pm / Close

Each session will provide ‘top-tips’, and practical ideas that you can take back to your school and try out in your classroom tomorrow. You will have the opportunity to talk through challenges, successes and aspirations, as well as exploring ideas for the longer term, and to enjoy networking with likeminded colleagues.

Speed Learning carousel: Your choices today are…

Table 1 –Student Digital Leaders / Table 2 – Feedback and response marking in maths made easy
Glyn Barritt, Learning Technologies Leader
Encouraging students to take on leadership roles in schools to source, champion and even teach effective uses of technology, is transforming learning and teaching in our primary and secondary classrooms. Glyn will explain how schools are operating Student Digital Leadership models and outline an exciting venture (using Mozilla’s Open Badges Technology) to recognise student achievement in this area more officially. / Anthony Dewis, Leader of Learning – Maths
St Laurence’s CofE Primary
Looking at some examples of feedback marking in various contexts and from different year groups from around the school. Sharing some of the responses that the children have made and discussing the impact upon learning.
Table 3 – Developing writing in Year 1 / Table 4 – Invested in iPads? – Are you getting a good return?
Ian Meikle, Assistant Headteacher – Teaching & Learning
St Laurence’s CofE Primary
We will explore ideas for developing writing in Year 1; through a range of teaching and learning approaches and ideas. / Chris Smith, ICT in Learning Consultant
We will be talking about how iPads can support teaching & learning and raise standards in the classroom and how to plan to make sure this happens.
Table 5 –21st Century teaching tools / Table 6 –First steps in thiking about 1:1 computing or BYOD?
Charlotte Reed & Rachel Clarke
Primary English Team, Coventry LA
Using free applications (Pinterest and Word Clouds) to inspire creative English teaching, assessment and support planning and organisation at both a classroom and leadership level. / Professor Peter Twining, Professor of Education (Futures)
Open University
We will explore Your Own Technology Survey (YOTS) which is a tool to help you audit your pupils’ access to the internet and internet enables mobile devises ‘at home’. This may lead into discussions about the use of Tablets, BYOD and/or 1:1 computing strategies.
Table 7 – The impact of reciprocal reading / Table 8 –How I am Learning are supporting local schools
Lea Homer, Field Sales and Exhibitions Coordinator
Reciprocal reading is peer-led guided reading, Connectors is a reading series specifically designed for this and the session will explain how it works and the positive impacts that it can have on a child’s reading abilities. / David Meredith, Independent Education Consultant
I am Learning
What in your school development plan keeps you awake at night? How I am learning is helping Coventry schools including St Laurence’s – meet their most pressing needs, supporting learners, teachers and parents.
Table 9 - Interactive resources for the curriculum / Table 10 – Low to use video to empower teachers to reflect on, analyse and share lessons
Kieran Dwyer, Partnership Development Manager
Education City
Find out about a range of new interactive resources targeted at making learning exciting, and increasing rates of progress across the curriculum. Session includes a free trial of modules. / Peter Ingles, Managing Director
Motivation for Life (IRIS Connect Regional Partner)
Brief overview of how IRIS Connect is improving teaching and learning in hundreds of schools around the country and why you need it in your school.