Purchasing Department

Addendum #1

Date: December 13, 2017

Title: RFB/RFP #LH-0487 Backup and Recovery Infrastructure

Subject: Questions and Answers

1.  How many physical (non-virtualized) servers will be backed up?

Answer: 143 Physical Servers

2.  What are the operating systems and quantities of each,among the physical servers to be backed up?

Answer: 20 AIX Servers, 3 Linux Servers, 148 Windows

3.  How many virtual hosts (not guests) will be backed up?

Answer: 53 Virtual Hosts

4.  What is the total number of physical processors in the virtual hosts to be backed up?

Answer: 114 Physical Processors

5.  Will there be any NAS/CIFS shares that will be backed up? If so, how many?

Answer: No

6.  What are JPS’s standard data retention policies? Does it differ by application?

Answer: 28 days / No, it is the same for all applications

7.  Define the retention of what JPS considers to be long term retention.

Answer: Information not required. Long term retention is outside the scope of this RFP.

8.  Is there a certain restore window or timeframe tied to a successful back-up?

Answer: 24 Hours

9.  Can you share the number of physical and virtual systems that will need to be protected? (example: 100 physical and 400 virtual). Also can JPS share the number of virtual host and the number of processors that is in each host.

Answer: 143 Physical, 563 VMs, 53 Hosts, 114 Processors

10.  Please indicate the number of database instances, and database clusters for each database that

JPS mentions 200TB of production and non-production storage, is this new storage? Or existing storage that might be backing up with a different data protection product in combination with the Commvault solution that already exists?

Answer: 105 Instances, 4 clusters

11.  We understand you wish to protect specific database applications, e.g. Oracle, SQL, Exchange, My SQL, please share the number of instances of each type. Also, if applicable, share the number of these applications which may be in a clustered application configuration, e.g. SQL Always On, Oracle RAC, etc.

Answer: NA

12.  What versions of MS SQL does JPS utilize?

Answer: SQL 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016

13.  JPS Health Systems is an existing Commvault Customer. Will you utilize or integrate in to the existing Commvault System or would you like to create a completely new data protection solution.

Answer: To Be Determined

14.  If JPS is looking for a completely new data protection solution, please share the number of physical and virtual systems that will need to be protected. (example: 100 physical and 400 virtual). Can you also share the number of virtual host and the number of processors that is in each host.

Answer: 143 physical, 563 VMs, 53 Hosts, 114 Processors

15.  JPS mentions 200TB of production and non-production storage. Will this be new storage or existing storage that might be backing up with a different data protection product?

Answer: To Be Determined

16.  Our understanding is that you wish to protect specific database applications (e.g. Oracle, SQL, Exchange, My SQL). Can you please share the number of instances of each type? Also, if applicable, please share the number of these applications which may be in a clustered application configuration, e.g. SQL Always On, Oracle RAC, etc.

Answer: All SQL

17.  For physical machines, what are the HW models in use?

Answer: G series HP servers, IBM Power 6 and Power 7 AIX.

18.  Are there any BMR(Bare Metal Recoery) requirements?

Answer: No

19.  What is the lifetime of servers before refresh or decomissioning is performed?

Answer: 3-5 years

20.  Inventory of Total number of machines to be protected?

Answer: 706

21.  How many VMs or physical machines are built in a period of 30 days?

From 2 to 25 VMs on average monthly


22.  Inventory size of the vCenter (total number of machines and OS Types)

Answer: 737, mixture of Windows and Linux

23.  Types of Datastores in Use in the vCenter?

24.  Total storage allocated to VMWare datastores (NFS and SAN)?

Answer: 150 TB / SAN Attached

25.  Are RDMs in use in the vcenter?

Answer: No

26.  What Version of the vCenter?

Answer: 5.5

27.  HW version of the virtual machines?

Answer: NA

28.  What Operating system versions in use?

Answer: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10; Windows Server 2003 32, Server 2008 64, Server 2008 R2 64, Server 2012. Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 64, SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 64, Ubuntu Linux 32 and 64, CentOS 64.

29.  Types of Databases and OS hosted on (examples, MSSQL hosted on MS-Windows 2012 R2 etc..)

Answer: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2016

30.  What is the largest size of the DB(for each type of DB in use)

Answer: Largest Database – 4.5 TB

31.  Rate of Transaction logs generated per day?

Answer: Varies – Unknown

32.  Any encryption in use at application or DB level or Filesystem level?

Answer: Proprietary Information. Will not answer on a public forum.

33.  Types of Data hosted on the systems (audio, video and compressed files etc.)

Answer: All of the above

34.  Is there a dedicated backup NW?

Answer: No

35.  What is the NW Switch type and model (speed of the connection if possible)?

Answer: N/A

36.  Is there any NW tagging in use?

Answer: Yes

37.  Growth rate of data in use over the past 1 year?

Answer: N/A

38.  Predicted data growth in the next 1 year?

Answer: 30TB

39.  Total FETB(Front End TeraByte) of the storage allocated?

Answer: 500 TB

40.  Total size of available storage in the enterprise?

Answer: 2 PB

41.  Are there any clusters in use in the environment (if so which type of clusters)?

Answer: AIX clusters

42.  What is the version of Exchange and current size of the DBs?

Answer: Exchange 2010, 10.3 TB total.

43.  Is an exchange archiving mechanism in place and should it be protected too?

Answer: Archive is not in scope.

44.  If exchange archiving is in place, what is the size of the archive?

Answer: 31 TB

45.  Are there any Tape copy requirements?

Answer: No physical tape

46.  If there are any Tape copy requirements, what is the current HW in use?

Answer: No physical tape

47.  If there are any Tape HW in place, what is the model of the FC (Fiber Channel) switch in use?

Answer: No physical tape

48.  Is there any cloud integration at this point of time for any purpose (cloud provider name)?

Answer: Private cloud only

49.  What is the current data retention policy for backups?

28 days

50.  Any refresh/migration from the current environment to the environment in subject?

Answer: TBD

51.  If there is a current backup solution in place, are prod and non-prod backups getting protected in dedicated environments?

Answer: No

52.  What are the total number of nightly jobs in the current backup solution?

Answer: 260

53.  What is the Job Success rate?

Answer: NA

54.  Total number of job failures per night?

Answer: NA

55.  Since JPS Health Systems is an existing Commvault customer, would you like to utilize or integrate in to the existing Commvault System? Or would you like to create a new data protection solution? Answer: TBD

56.  To confirm, the 200TB of production and non-production data in scope would be front-end data (i.e., the size of a full backup before deduplication and compression)?

Answer: 500TB

57.  JPS mentions 200TB of production and non-production storage, is this new storage? Or existing storage that might be backing up with a different data protection product?

Answer: TBD

58.  What is the current retention policy for the data? Please note backup schedule(s), archive schedules, number of copies, and locations.

Answer: 28 day retention, weekly full, daily incrementals

59.  What are the current Recovery Point Objectives and Recovery Tim Objectives for data retrieval?

Answer: 24 Hours

60.  The hypervisor platform was said to be VMWare. What version(s) of VMWare is/are being used?

Answer: vSphere 5.5

61.  How many virtual machines clients require protection?

Answer: All of them.

62.  How many hypervisor hosts are the virtual machines running on? Answer: 53

a.  How many processors on each physical host?

Answer: 2 on most, 4 on 4 hosts.

63.  How many physical server clients require protection?

Answer: 143

64.  How many physical NAS clients require protection? No NAS clients.

a.  How many unique IP addresses? NA

65.  Would you be able to provide a listing of all OS versions on clients requiring protection (i.e., with Windows, there may be Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, etc.)?

Answer: Windows XP (virtual only), 7, 8, and 10; Windows Server 2003 32, Server 2008 64, Server 2008 R2 64, Server 2012.

66.  Does a cloud target (i.e., Azure, AWS, Google Cloud) need to be included as part of the proposal? Or is it just that the solution must be able to integrate?

Answer: No

67.  Is eDiscovery/Compliance Search a requirement for files?

a.  How many users would own/be able to access the data?

Answer: Outside scope.

68.  What edition(s) and version(s) of SQL Server are being used?

Answer: Enterprise and SQL Express

69.  Are there additional database types (i.e., Oracle, etc.) that require application level protection? If so, please list and include edition(s) and version(s).

Answer: No.

70.  If applicable, can you please share the number of these databases which may be in a clustered configuration (i.e., SQL AlwaysOn Availability Groups, Oracle RAC, etc.)?


71.  Are the databases running on physical servers, virtual machines, or both?

Answer: Both

72.  Can you please indicate the number of database instances, and database clusters (i.e. SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups) for each database type that requires protection? Additionally, where do the instances and clusters reside (i.e., physical or virtual machines)?

Answer: 105 Instances, 4 clusters

73.  Is application-level protection required for other applications, such as email (i.e. Exchange Server) or collaboration software (i.e. SharePoint Server)? If so, please list and include edition(s) and version(s), and how many instances of each type. Also, if applicable, please share the number of these applications which may be in a clustered configuration.

Answer: NA

74.  If email is in scope, is eDiscovery/Compliance Search a requirement?

a.  How many mailboxes?

Answer: Archive is not in scope.

75.  What speed(s) are your LAN and WAN?

a.  What kind of connectivity (i.e., iSCSI, Fiber Channel, etc.)?

Answer: Fiber Channel

76.  Do you require array-based snapshot management with the solution?

Answer: No

77.  Size of FET

Answer: 500 TB

78.  # of apps?

Answer: NA

79.  # of clients?

Answer: NA

80.  # of VM’s or Sockets?

a.  Archive is not in scope.


81.  JPS mentions 200TB of production and non-production storage, is this new storage? Or existing storage that might be backing up with a different data protection product?

Answer: Existing Storage

82.  How much data is captured in the first 30 days?

Answer: NA

83.  What type of data is being captured?

Answer: Video, File, Database, Images, All Kinds

All corrections, changes, additions, revisions, and/or clarifications in this Addendum #1 to the

RFP are hereby made a part of the RFB/RFP for #LH-0487

All Respondents to the RFB/RFP shall acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Addendum #1 by

signing in the space provided and submitting the signed Addendum #1 with the RFB/RFP.

Proposals submitted without an executed copy of this Addendum #1 attached may be considered

informal and may be rejected.

Received, acknowledged, and conditions agreed to on this ______day of ______, 2017, by:

Respondent: ______

Company Name: ______

If there are questions pertaining to this addendum please contact Lizzie Harris at