WELCOME: Tony Pearson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed all!
ATTENDEES: Sheila Connelly, Angie Brogden, Lee Perry, Hollee Nadeau, Charles Kite, Tony Pearson, Angie Levy, Trish DeLuke, Matt DeLuke, Mike Joyner, Patti Hamler
SECRETARY: Sept 2013 minutes were presented for membership approval. Motion by Lee Perry and second by Hollee Nadeauto file.
TREASURER: Treasurer, Trish Deluke,presented report. Reported she is meeting with accountant soon to move ABC account over to Quickbooks.
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: AD, Mike Joyner, reports fall sports are winding down and winter sports beginning with parent’s meeting on Oct 21. Ticket to play info is on website. Senior portraits look very nice. Fall sports banquet scheduled for Nov 19. We will keep same format and tweak starting with winter sports banquet if needed. Has ordered baseball uniforms and they came in under budget. Girls lacrosse team has already been added to CAP 8 schedule. AD is looking for lax uniforms but has not yet ordered.
Season Passes: Tony Pearson reported for Donna Iapalucci. 67 adult and 158 student season passeshave been sold.
Membership: Tony Pearson reported for Donna Iapalucci. 49 current members of ABC.
Corporate Sponsorship: Tony Pearson and Angie Brogdenreported. Dr. Galland has agreed to $7000 sponsorship over 3 years. Angie Levy will print invoices and give to Trish DeLuke for both Dr. Galland and Triangle X-Ray. Agreement has been made with Gladwell Orthodontics to be exclusive orthodontic sponsor - $3500 first year, $3200 next 2 years. They’ll also provide t-shirts and stadium cups with both logos. Their sponsorship will be announced at each game and his board is already up. Heritage Eye Care and other previous sponsors are being contacted. Help is still needed on this committee.
Apparel: Tony Pearson reported that old WFR apparel is selling well at reduced prices, but there is still some inventory. It was suggested to contact basketball coach to sell slides (currently $2/pair). Some apparel revenue in this month’s treasurer rpt. was from Austin Flowers Memorial t-shirts, so that revenue amount will decrease from what is showing.
Fundraising: Hollee Nadeau reports Old Liberty will charge $25 per golfer to host golf tournament, 144 max golfers, most $ raised will likely be from corporate sponsors. AD added that Old Liberty will also delete $800 annual fee for WFHS golf teams to use their course if WFHS ABC hosts a tournament. After discussion, it was decided a committee needs to be formed and a date set (possibly in May). Currently seeking someone to head up possible golf tournament/fundraiser. AD also mentioned a “reverse raffle” fundraiser – needs at least 300 tickets sold at $100 per ticket, $5000 grand prize, sideboards with 50/50s, etc. Usually a catered meal is provided, need a good MC, is about 3 hours of work. AD will bring info packet to Nov 11 ABC mtg.
Volunteers: Hollee Nadeaureports still having trouble getting enough volunteers for JV Football, but has plenty for Varsity Football. Discussion concerning whether people who come in wrong gate can walk on track to get to visitor’s side. AD will have extra people directing at bottom of parking deck for Oct 18th game with Heritage to alleviate this problem. SEBTS will volunteer at Nov 1st game. Hollee to set up sign-up genius for both girls and boys basketball season concession volunteers.
PTSA: Angie Levy thanked ABC for 2 student passes given to PTSA. PTSA mtg Oct 15th, will have computers up for parent volunteers to register with WCPSS. Early release food for teachers on Oct 18th, email to be sent asking for donations. Sr. Breakfast on Oct 25th, email to be sent asking for donations. PTSA and ABC partnering to send emails out when needed.
Sr. Nights: Anne Travis reported that 3 sr. nights held so far, and all went well. Posters look good again this year, rosettes for moms costing about $20 per event.
Banquets: Lee Perry reported fall sports banquet scheduled for Nov 19th, free for athlete, $8 per guest, AD will create program, all senior posters will be up, ABC to pay for plaques.
OLD BUSINESS: 1) Much discussion concerning audit of ABC financials since both WCPSS and ABC bylaws require it. Audit does not have to be performed by a CPA which is very costly, but can be a group of people appointed by ABC (group not part of executive board). Lee Perry agreed to find 5 appropriate/neutral people to volunteer, and Ms. Hamler agreed to check WCPSS policies regarding audit protocol. 2) Ms. Hamler agreed to reimburse $229.73 which was spent on a new Cougar Crazies flag out of an appropriate school account (once she receives invoice). 3) Discussed possibility of “Chilis” night fundraiser. 4) Discussed whether to do an Athletic Program Book (did not do one for fall sports). Lee Perry suggested a Senior Program (to encompass whole year and be given out at Senior Day) which would advertise all ABC sponsors. Angie Levy will coordinate with Lee Perry to get this done.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Girl’s basketball team asked to use concession stand for Nov 16 jamboree and split proceeds 75/25. ABC to supply inventory, team to run concessions. Lee Perry motioned to allow aforementioned, Angle Levy 2nd, motion passes. 2) Discussed a new time for sponsor appreciation dinner. Will likely try to host Sponsor Appreciation Dinner at January 24, 2014 basketball game against Broughton. 3) Tony Pearson brought forward 2 amendment proposals to current ABC bylaws. Proposals must be announced 30 days prior to a vote. Proposals will be discussed at next ABC meeting.
UPCOMING DATES: Tailgate/Band BBQ Fundraiser Event, Oct 18. Senior Night Nov 1st. 1st Round of Football Playoffs Nov 15th. Girls Basketball Jamboree Nov 16th.
THE NEXT BOOSTER MEETING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 AT 7PM inside the WFHS Athletic Sports Bldg behind the Lindsey Gym. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month. Respectfully submitted by: Sheila Connelly, Secretary, WFHS ABC