The survey of American Literature course is designed to familiarize you with not only the literature written by American authors, but also with the social, economic, and political forces that influenced what was written and read by American writers, poets, playwrights, and novelists. We will examine the numerous genres of American Literature beginning with the ancient Native Americans to present day selections.
The course will also stress the importance of both critical and creative thinking skills, and it will emphasize the importance of the writing process as a key element to successful writing not only for the classroom, but beyond. We will examine issues that touch each of our lives and hopefully learn more about ourselves and those around us.
You are required to complete the following:
- Informal Assignments. These will be daily activities based upon the various selections of literature or topics discussed in class. They may take the form of reader responses, data presentations, discussions, or oral reports. Each will be evaluated on how well you transfer the material covered into the assignment given. Although they will not be graded as heavily as the assignments that follow, it is essential to note that because there are so many of them, they will weigh heavily upon your grade.
- Formal Assignments. Weekly, you will be required to compose a formal response based upon the material we have covered in class. Most likely, these will take the form of an essay, but you may also be asked to provide a written or oral analysis or to prepare a specific document. How well you demonstrate your understanding of the principles and material covered will be reflected in your evaluation.
- Projects. Project-based learning will significantly impact this course. At least once each grading period, you will be assigned a project designed to reflect what we have covered over a nine or ten week period. Some of these may be completed alone; others may be part of a collaborative effort. Although these projects will, in most cases, generate the smallest number of grades, they will carry the most weight. It is necessary that you complete every one.
- Writing Portfolio. Throughout the year, you will be required to compile a writing portfolio that will reflect the best of what you have done in this class. More details about this will follow in the coming weeks. Your completed portfolio will constitute your final exam grade in this course.
To help you succeed in this class, you will need the following:
- A three ring binder (You needn’t purchase anything expensive; any three ring binder will do.) It will serve as a place to keep all of the handouts that I provide, all of the notes that you are asked to take, and any other information you gather.
- A set of sorting tabs
- Loose leaf paper
- Writing implement
Your final grade will be determined by how well you complete components A through D. Although some components will weigh more heavily than others as explained above, it is essential that you complete all assigned work to reflect your capabilities.
Completion of this course will provide one credit of English necessary for your graduation.