Minutes of Monthly Meeting August 3, 2015
ROLL CALL: Kevin Emery, Dennis Fontaine,Tobin Yager, and Paul Stanley (Trustees);Skip Clough, Plant Superintendent, Ann Arsenault, Office Manager. AminBahour(Trustee) and Tom Harmon (Administrative Assistant) absent.
CALL TO ORDER: Paul Stanley called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM
Dennis Fontainemade a motion to accept the Meeting Minutes of the July 6, 2015 meeting as presented, Kevin Emery seconded, all in favor.
PUBLIC AUDIENCE Jay Stevens, Albert Roberge
- 2015/07/09 Jessica Mayo et al Dismissal, for information only
- 2015/07/15 Michael P. Minard request for adjustment March-May and June-August for sewer usage to water their lawn. Per Board of Trustees, add to the agenda after the next quarterly reading is received. Criteria, for past adjustments has been a 3 year look back for usage. May be allowed for accidental/inadvertent use. Deduct meters are available for anticipated overages.
- 2015/07/09 MMA SBSD insurance coverage, information only. Trustees requested comparison to the cost of the policy last year.
Berwick Road Assessment charges August 17th letter should be revised to include interest over the seven years. Recalculate quarterly amount accordingly. The interest rate on unpaid quarterly charges will be 7% as set up in the sewer district software.
NEW BUSINESS No new business
I & I Study presentation by Jay Stevens
Storm water is getting into the sewer lines. The Green areas are not affected by the rain. Great deal of fluctuation at Beaver Dam and the dam near Marshwood. Tobin Yager asked if there was a way to bill for storm water. Billing for what is being handled by the sewer district would be an incentive to tighten things up. Per Skip, Berwick Academy could tighten up the manholes. Paul Stanley stated that in consideration for the billing and inflow issues, we need a meeting with Berwick Academy, and he would like to have them come to the next Board Meeting.
Odor Control Per Skip this has been a bad year. Decanters and pipe broke, and this has resulted in costly repairs. Phosphorus can’t exceed .5. Necessary maintenance.
Woodland Hills Skip has started working there. He is keeping track of his time. They will be invoiced.
Septic – updated AR report, very small balances over 30 days.
Billing Issues: Access to proper readings. Tobin Yager proposed to send the bills out as they are-normal bill for the six accounts. If they call the office, the reason for the sharp change in the amount of usage will be explained. The five Berwick Academy accounts and the Robillard account, 373 Main Street will be reviewed at the next meeting.
For customers with questionable usage, go back the last 3 years and average the usage. Charge them the average for the quarters in question for 9 Liberty Street and 12 Parent Street. Send the calculated charges, their current bill, with a letter of explanation.
Credit Card link on the website Trustees approve. Have a disclaimer posted on the web page to assure customers are aware of the fees incurred when paying with their credit card.
PAYING OF BILLS Kevin Emerymade the motion to pay the Julybills in the amount of $93,950.98, and Dennis Fontaineseconded. Approval of rent payments for June & July for the total amount of $1500. Paul Stanley made a motion to pay the rent, and Tobin Yager seconded the motion.
Tobin Yager made a motion to conclude the meeting, Kevin Emery seconded it. Meeting adjourned 8:17 PM