Acceptance of the Code of Professional Conduct for Trainee Teachers (School Direct Programmes)
During your training you have been introduced to and are expected to demonstrate the Professional Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers. The Code of Professional Conduct for Trainee Teachers at LJMU (on the website Section designed to make sure that you are fully aware of the expectations in both academic and professional aspects of your course.
PART 2 of the Teachers’ Standards relates specifically to Professional Conduct.
The Faculty and the LJMU Partnership will support you during your training and work to ensure that you receive your entitlement of a quality learning opportunity and endeavour to promote equality and diversity.
The Faculty will work to provide a quality placement experience in schools and other educational establishments within the Partnership and beyond.
Code of Professional Conduct for Trainee Teachers at LJMUName: / LJMU ID: / Date:
Programme: / Lead School/consortium:
I agree that my Disclosure and Barring certificate number and issue date No Yes
may be shared with my placement provider (please tick the box)
I acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Code of Professional Conduct for Trainee
Teachers at LJMU as outlined on the itt-placement website. I understand that aplacement may be terminated if I fail to comply with the Code of Conduct, or the professional expectations of staff in my school and that in order to be recommended for QTS I must demonstrate the expectations of Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards
Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………….
NB: The health, safety, welfare and education of pupils and young people are of the utmost importance in decisions relating to your progression through the Programme of Study and in deciding upon your ‘Fitness to Practise’. Failure to recognise and adhere to the Professional Code of Conduct will result in a Fitness to Practise Panel being convened.*NB: if your circumstances change you are under a legal obligation to notify the WBL team of any pending proceedings relating to children eg. Family welfare/criminal/civil proceedings
This form MUST be completed and uploaded via the Abyasa Student Web Hub.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. In accordance with the GDPR, the data provided will not be passed to a third party and will only be used for the purpose of Placement activity/Alumni activity/ NQT support/networking and OFSTED/NCTL Government requirements. By signing this form you agree to this.
Sept 2018