Title:Study on effective of some medicinal plants to control ectoparasite of Thai native chickens

Researcher:Tanakorn Phoobunthong

Tunwa Wiyabot

Aungfa Cailaochan


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………………………………. Member

………………………………. Member


The study on effective of some medicinal plants to control ectoparasite of Thai native chickens was divided into 2 experiments each of 48 Thai native chickens.

The first experiment was to compare the suitable kind of medicinal plant to control ectoparasite by using completely randomized design. Thirty native chickens were used and were divided into five treatments: distilled water, custard apple seed (Annona squamosa Linn. Annonaceae.) extract, citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus (Linn.) Rendle.)extract and Neem seed (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.) extract and tobacco (nicotiana tobaccum. Linn.) extract. Each treatment had three replicates of two native chickens. The kinds of ectoparasites were quantified and were identified before immersing into 5 percent concentrations of extract from tobacco, custard apple seed (Annona squamosa Linn. Annonaceae.), citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus (Linn.) Rendle.) extract and Neem seed (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.), compare with distilled water. It was found that thelargest amount and most kind of ectoparasites was Louse. The quantification was conducted after treatment as 12, 24 and 36 hours. It was found that both extracts from tobacco and citronella grass had the significant statistically controlled the amount of ectoparasite compared with distilled water (P>0.05). However, citronella grass extract was weakness to chicken and high cost, and then the tobacco extract was chosen to be the best medicinal plant to control the ectoparasite.

The second experiment was to compare the suitable concentration of medicinal plant solution to control the ectoparasite. It was continued conducted from the first Experiment. It was showed that tobacco extract was the best medicinal plant solution. Therefore, these experiments were conducted for a suitable tobacco extract concentration by using the completely randomized design on eighteen Thai native chickens. They were divided into nine units. Three concentrations from tobacco extract were sampled: 3, 4 and 5 percentage respectively. Each concentration had three replicates of two native chickens. The levels of concentration of tobacco extract were used as 3, 4 and 5 percent, respectively. The ectoparasites were quantified identified before immerse in each concentration of tobacco extract; 3, 4 and 5 percent, respectively. The quantification was performed at 12, 24 and 36 hours after treatment. No significant statistically difference (P>0.005) was found between all the treatments but the 5 percent concentration of the tobacco extract had better effective control to the ectoparasite. The native chickens then were gathered to treat in a house, which husk was covered the floor to recover the ectoparasites. The quantification was checked at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. No significant statistically difference (P>0.005) was found between all the treatments but 5 and 4 percent of tobacco extract concentration trends to control the ectoparasite longer than 3 percent of tobacco extract.