Worsthorne Primary School


Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic Title / All About Me / Superheroes / Island Homes / Travel and Transport / Out of Africa / Seaside Rescue
English / Labels, Lists and Captions
Traditional rhymes
Poems for learning by heart / Fantasy stories / Stories by the same author / Traditional tales
Non-chronological report
Stories with repetitive patterns / Stories from other cultures
Recount of familiar events / Poems on a theme
Mathematics / Counting and sequences
Mental addition
Addition and subtraction
Problem solving / Place value
More and less
Halves and quarters of shapes
2D shape
Sorting in lists and tables
Addition and subtraction
Problem solving / Counting and sequences
Doubles and halves
Problem solving / Counting
Place value
Addition and subtraction
Problem solving / Counting
Place value
Addition and subtraction
Problem solving / Counting
Addition and subtraction
Position and direction
Multiplication and division
Problem solving
Science / Identify, name, draw and label basic parts of the human body
Recognise that humans are animals
Compare and describe differences in features
Recognise that humans have many similarities / Record how the plants around school look at this time of year
Observe changes in the weather and the length of the day
Record and describe weather / Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made
Identify and name a variety of everyday materials
Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials
Compare and group everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties / Identify and name a variety of common wold and garden plants and trees
Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees
Record how the plants around school are changing with the seasons
Observe changes in the weather and the length of the day / Identify and name a variety of common animals
Find out and describe how animals look different to one another
Group animals according to their features
Recognise similarities in animals
Recognise that animals have senses which help them to survive
Recognise that animals must be treated with care to keep them alive/healthy
Understand that animals are alive: move, feed, grow, use senses + reproduce
Floating and sinking
Record how plants have changed over time
Observe changes in the weather and the length of the day
Geography & History / Ordering life events chronologically
My Family Tree
How is my childhood different to that of my grandparents?
Where is the United Kingdom and what is it like?
Where in the United Kingdom do I live?
What is our local area like / Edward Jenner
William Wilberforce
Heroic Adventurers
Undersea Explorers
Polar Explorers
Secret Bases! / Coll - natural and manmade features
Similarities and differences between different localities
United Kingdom and its countries
Map symbols
Compass points / How is transport different today than in the past?
When were trains invented?
When were cars invented?
When were aeroplanes invented?
When did man first travel to the moon?
How do people travel to school?
How can we use N, S, E and W to navigate around a map?
How can we navigate around a map of the world? / Life in different countries
Water and its uses
Compare rural and city life / History of lighthouses
Famous person - Grace Darling
Seaside holidays in the past
Art & Design / Design Technology / Clay portraits
Emotions Masks
Name Art
Designing, making and evaluating photograph frames for a special photo
Self-portraits / Drawing Superheroes
Painting Superhero Scenarios
Superhero Sculptures
Superhero Pop-Ups
Balloon-Powered Cars! / Weaving
Design own island
Sea collage pictures / Exploring boats in art
Papier mâché hot air balloons
Expressing life journeys / Develop painting techniques using colour
Use adinkra blocks to create patterns
Print using adinkra blocks and corn cobs
Tie dying (if paints are in school)
Understand where certain fruits come from
Make a fruit salad / Design and make a lighthouse sandwich
Sand paintings
Marbling pictures
Design and make own puppet
Clay fish
Bubble pictures
Computing / Taking photos of ourselves and editing with photo manipulation software.
Creating multimedia presentations about favourites (e.g. colour, sport, animal, etc.), including photos and sounds. / Secret Identities: Staying Safe Online
Programming Robots / Programming – beebots to move around Coll / Using the internet to find things out – life in rural villages, cities, charities that work in Africa
Save photos of savannah animals and add captions
Use paint to draw own African animal / Send an email to lifeboat station
Sounds of the seaside – interactive program
Music / Using our bodies to make sounds, e.g. clapping, whistling, stamping, etc. / Listening Carefully
Suspense Music
Nativity rehearsals / Exploring pulse and rhythm
Play tuned and untuned percussion instruments / Exploring duration of sounds / Using voices expressively by speaking chants and rhymes
Play tuned and untuned percussion instruments
African music
Create own piece of African music / Singing - sea shanties
Seaside songs
Create own wave music
PE / Games – Overarm Core Task (Lancs SoW)
Gymnastics – Gym Core Task (Lancs SoW) Progressions 1 - 5 / Games – Overarm Core Task (Lancs SoW)
Dance – The Three Little Pigs (Lancs SoW) / Games – Underarm Core Task (Lancs SoW)
Dance – The Three Little Pigs (Lancs SoW) / Games - Catching Core Task (Lancs SoW)
Gymnastics – Gym Core Task (Lancs SoW) Progressions 6 - 10 / Games – Rolling Core Task (Lancs SoW)
Dance – Toy Story (Lancs SoW) / Athletics – Honeypot (Lancs SoW)
Dance – Toy Story (Lancs SoW)
RE / Identify things that make our world special
Jewish, Christian and Islamic creation stories
Hindu creation story
Explore different accounts of the creation of the sky and Heaven
Explore different accounts of the creation of plants
Explore different religious accounts of how animals and people were created / Experiences of giving and receiving presents
Story of the Nativity
Gifts Christians might give to baby Jesus
Presents that can be given that you cannot see
Jesus is God’s gift to the world / Chinese New Year
Hindu beliefs
Special occasions in Hindu childhood
What happens at a Hindu wedding
Festival Raksha Bandhan
Festival Ganesh Chaturthii / Why did the Israelites want to leave Egypt?
How did the Israelites escape from Egypt
What happened to the Israelites when they wandered the desert?
Pilgrimages: where do people of different religions go on pilgrimages and why? / Who was Buddha?
Buddhist symbols
Buddhist parable
How Buddhists live their lives
Where and how Buddhists worship
PSHE / Class charter
Building healthy bodies
Feelings / Real-life Superheroes: The Emergency Services
Keeping Safe / Building healthy environments / Building healthy communities / Importance of recycling / Building a healthy future
Enrichments / Trip to Towneley Park / Victorian Christmas / Visit by ‘More Music’ to celebrate Chinese New Year
Forest School / Trip to Manchester Airport / Trip to Blackpool Zoo / Trip on a steam train ELR