LESSON TOPIC: Circles of Sexuality

Human Development

10th grade

Ms. Valle

I found this lesson plan on the Advocates for Youth website and use it to introduce the topic of sexuality and relationships with the 10th grade. It provides lots of material for discussion and gives an overall perspective on the subject of sexuality.



  • To develop and understand a broad definition of sexuality
  • To define and discuss sensuality, intimacy, sexual identity, sexual behavior and reproduction, and sexualization
  • To provide a forum for students to become more comfortable discussing these issues amongst themselves as well as beginning to examine how they want to be “in relationship”


  • Newsprint and markers
  • Board and chalk
  • Leader’s resources on Circles of Sexuality, An Explanation of the Circles of Sexuality and Sexual Development Through the Lifecycle; one copy of the handout, Circles of Sexuality, for each participant

Introduction: Explain that when many people see the words “sex” or “sexuality”, they most often think of sexual intercourse. Others also think of other kinds of physical sexual activities. Tell the group that sexuality is much more than sexual feelings or sexual intercourse. It is an important part of who everyone is. It includes all the feelings, thoughts, behaviors of being male or female, being attracted to and attractive to others, and being in love as well as being in relationships that include sexual intimacy and physical sexual activity.


  • Write sexuality on the board and draw a box around the word sex point out that s-e-x are only three of the letters in sexuality
  • Display the 5 circles of sexuality and give each student a handout. Explain that this way of looking at sexuality breaks it down into 5 components: sensuality, intimacy, identity, behavior and reproduction. Everything related to human sexuality fits somewhere in these 5 circles
  • Beginning with the circle sensuality explains each circle briefly. Take 5 minutes to read the definition out loud, point out its elements, and ask for examples of behavior that would fit in the circle. Continue with each circle until you have explained each component of sexuality.
  • Ask if anyone has any questions and then finish with the questions below.

Discussion Questions:

  • Which one of the five sexuality circles feels most familiar? Least familiar? Why do you think that is so?
  • Is there any part of these five circles that you never before thought of as sexual? Please explain
  • Which circle is most important to know about? Least important, why?
  • Which circle would you be interested in discussing with your parents?
  • Which circle would you feel interested in talking about with someone you are dating?


Adapted from Life Planning Education, a comprehensive sex education curriculum.

Washington, DC: Advocates for Youth, in press