Town of Jamestown
Boone County, Indiana
June 20, 2017
The Jamestown Town Council met for a Special Council meeting on June 20, 2017 at 2:30 PM at the Jamestown Municipal Building, 421 East Main Street, Jamestown. Council members attending were: Shane Childress, John Fultz and Chassity Hawkins. Others attending were: Katie Conyer, Cookie Leeke, Amy Nooning, Aaron Clapp, Juanita Edwards, Larry Deem Brian Stephens-Hotopp, Cory Whitesell, Jon Query, Alex Hilt, Scott Creager, Bobby Taylor and Barb Hawkins.
Council President Shane Childress opened the meeting 2:31 PM. He began with the discussion regarding Sewer Plant issues. Mr. Cory Whitesell of HWC Engineering discussed the immediate needs and how they would incorporate with the comprehensive plan. He asked Mr. Jon Query of HWC to discuss the immediate needs and how they have been prioritized. Alex Hilt, of Umbaugh, was present to discuss how the town could fund those items that are needed in the immediate future. Mr. Scott Creager, of UMAC who is the town’s sewer plant operator, discussed the issues at the plant and throughout the sewer system. He also discussed issues and damaged to the newer infrastructure out at FTIC and the need to for an industrial sanitary sewer ordinance and rates. He states that we are not collecting enough to cover the cost of processing what they are sending to the plant. He states that the town needs to include in the ordinance, regulations regarding what they are dumping into the sewer system. Both Scott and Cory Whitesell agree that the town should have a 10 year plan in place for maintaining the sewer plant and system. Mr. Query suggested that Installing an influent screening structure and replacing the main lift station are the highest priority. The next item is to replace the blowers and controls then install a new sludge pumping system and replace sludge dewatering system. These are the top three priorities. The last two major items are replacing chlorine disinfection with UV disinfection and replaced aging SBR equipment. He stated that the top 3 priorities will cost in the ball park of $1 million dollars. Mr. Alex Hilt of Umbaugh and Associates presented options for funding. The most reasonable option is to do an SRF bond replacing the bond we are currently paying on. The current bond will be paid off in November of 2018, however, the issues with the sewer plant are of an urgent nature and cannot wait. Alex will explore working with SRF to do a new bond and pay off the current bond early. More information will be gathered and the council will make a decision at another meeting in the near future. Umbaugh will send a proposal for an updated rate study and bond issuance. The council will consider a proposal from HWC for preliminary engineering for the project at the next council meeting.
Stormwater issues and funding were discussed next. Amy Nooning will be working on the writing an ordinance for stormwater. The Council intends to apply for an OCRA grant in the spring for a stormwater construction project. The council does not want to put this off nor can they put off the sewer plant issues. Therefore, grant funding is the best option for the stormwater. SRF bonding is also an option, however, there are not any funds be collected yet to make payments. There will be much more information to come on this issue. Umbaugh will send a proposal for the rate study. HWC is submitting the stormwater plan to OCRA for approval. Once that is done the grant can be closed and the plan implemented. Katie Conyer is currently working on the new income survey. We cannot apply for any OCRA grants until this is complete. The results of the survey will determine eligibility. There is still a lot of work to be done.
Member Fultz made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Member Hawkins seconded. All voted aye.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 PM.
John Fultz
______Tamara “Katie” Conyer, Clerk Treasurer
Shane Childress
Chassity Hawkins HuHu