WRA 110-748 (hybrid)Writing: Science and Technology
Thursday, March 13 2014
- Previous Class
- Peer Review
- Returning to the Themes
- Blog 22
- Project III
- Partially Annotated Bib Assignment
- Next class
Spring 20141
WRA 110-743 (hybrid)Writing: Science and Technology
Previous Class
Three blogs that forced you to write P2
Midterm and the 4.0 scale:
4: 100-90
3.5: 89-85
3: 84-80
2.5: 79-75
2: 74-70
1.5: 69-65
1: 64-60
Peer Review
In this class we are going to practice with multiple forms of peer review. P1 was all online, P2 is hybrid, and P3 will be all f2f.
Let’s look at the P2 Peer Review Assignment sheet on D2L
Returning to the Themes
In the beginning of the semester we defined the three class themes. Now that we are just past midterm, let’s take some time to revisit them (and do some practice for P3, which we will talk about later today).
- Get into groups of three
- Each group will be assigned one of the class themes
- When you have your theme, go to the Class Annotated Bib (on the course website)
- Using ONLY the information on the annotated bib, what conclusions can you make about the definition of your theme? Use specific examples to back this up.
- Get with the other group that had the same theme and compare notes
- What strategies did you use to look at the data?
- What conclusions did you come to?
- Share with the large group
- What do the themes mean now?
- What research/reading strategies did you use?
- Titles/citations
- Read the last sentences of each
- Divided up the “body” reading
- First few sentences
- Wrote statement about what it’s about
- Make a keyword list
- Read the last few paragraphs (says why important)
- Skimmed the source
- Scanned the source for stats/numbers/anything that pops out
Blog 22
Let’s talk about the three things that you read for Blog 22.
- Get into groups of three again
- Each group is responsible for one source
- Download the “3.13 Rhetorical Analysis” chart from D2L
- Fill it out based on your source: AUDIENCE, GENRE, ETHOS
- Be sure to offer specific evidence from the text for each.
- Get with the other group that had the same source and compare notes
- Share with the large group.
Audience / Genre / EthosInterview / People who might want to buy the book—probably a broad audience / Interview on a webpage; / Heimlich is a doctor; boston.com is credible most of the time (back this up…)
Medical Journal / People interested in this journal and geriatrics; drs and heimlich / Journal; case report / References/people involved
Infographic / General public; maybe children: cartoonish / Infographic; illustrations and basic instruction / Didn’t give sources; created by an artist; the pictures seemed familiar
Let’s discuss:
- How are these sources similar?
- Different?
- What conclusions can we draw about how this topic is being discussed?
Project III
Let’s take a look at the assignment sheet on D2L
Let’s use the Theme activity we did earlier as an example
Annotated Bibliography Assignment (individual)
Let’s look at the assignment sheet on D2L
Next Time:
For Week 11 (3.20)
- Notes due on Eli to all peers (3.16)
- Peer response letters due (two printed copies of each letter) (3.20) in class
When you come to class 3.20
- I won’t be here (I will be presenting at a conference in Indianapolis)
- Use this class time to meet with your group members.
- Give each person a copy of the letter you wrote for them. Take at least 10 minutes/person to discuss how the paper is going, what sort of feedback you had, and any questions that still remain.
- After class, put the other copy of each peer response letter in Katie’s WRAC mailbox (room 265 in WRAC department)
- Blog 23 due 3.20 by 5pm
- What did you learn from peer review this time?
- What changes do you plan to make to your paper based on your peers’ feedback?
For Week 12 (3.27)
- Blog 24 due 3.23
- Choose one topic from the class annotated bib and find four texts about the topic that were written for four different audiences (refer back to the rhetorical analysis chart from class today if you need help).
- Talk about the “how”
- What is done differently for each audience?
- What does this mean?
- Why is this distinction important?
- What does this mean for your future as a critically engaged world citizen?
- Be ready to share with the class when we meet again
- Blog 25 due 3.26
- Read chapter 13 in Culture and Technology and tell me what you thought. How does this information connect to P3? To other things we’ve read/discussed? To your topic specifically? Pose one question for discussion.
- Blog 26 due 3.26
- Read chapter 15 in Culture and Technology and tell me what you thought. How does this information connect to P3? To other things we’ve read/discussed? To your topic specifically? Pose one question for discussion.
- Paper due at grading conference (3.24-3.28)
- Google doc link will be sent out next week
Spring 20141