
This section reflects the promotion of a safe, stimulating environment which reflects the importance of the people within it with an emphasis on caring for the environment within and outside of thesetting.

Each question must be addressed with at least one piece ofevidence being available on assessment. This can be: documentation, observation ornarrative:

DDocumentation – for example written evidencesuchaspolicies, photos, children’s work, planning, letters, newsletters, setting website, meeting notes, extracts fromreports.

OObservation – this could be an observation made bythelocal coordinator. It must be within 12 months of theassessment.

The local coordinator can add a date and signature to say that they observed what the setting has described. Inaddition

observed evidence is that which the assessors see during their time at the setting e.g. displays, signs, scrapbooks.

NNarrative – this form of evidence includesdiscussionswithany individuals, groups, partner agencies or children during the assessmentvisit.

Leadership andCommunication
All of these questions need tobe addressed / Examples
These are ideas of things you might like to consider, you arenot expected to do all ofthem / Evidence of things we havedone
(D ON) / SignedDate
1.1 / What policies or action plans do you have in place, which are regularly reviewed and updated, to reduce your impact on theenvironment? / -Environment / eco policy which includes involving children in the ‘5’ R’s process - reduce, reuse, recycle, repair andrespect
-Environment / eco actionplan
-Environment / ecocode
-Designated member of staffwith responsibility for environmental actions
1.2 / What environmental issuesand global awareness training have staff received and how has this influencedpractice? / -Gardeningtraining
-Eco Schoolstraining
-Outdoor learningtraining
-Forest Schoolstraining
-Beach Schoolstraining
-Local county councilvisit/talk
-Practice has changedby….
Planning &Delivery
All of these questions need tobe addressed / Examples
These are ideas of things you might like to consider, you arenot expected to do all ofthem / Evidence of things we havedone
(D ON) / SignedDate
2.1 / What activities and experiences do you provide, whichencourage children to make decisions about reducing their impact on the environment? / -Activities that include waste minimisation (reusing, recycling, composting) and caring for the environment, energy and water saving and travel to setting, global awarenessetc
-Growing and nurturing plants and food
-Feeding birds, looking after animals e.g.chickens
-Outdoor markmaking
-Children as compost monitors, lightmonitors
-Incentives to reward children’s involvement e.g. stickers when the lights are turnedoff
-Singing eco songs, eco stories, role playetc
2.2 / What local / national initiatives are you involved in thatpromote
environmental issues for childrenor parents/carers? / -EcoSchools
-Keep Wales Tidyday
-Forest Schools
-Visits to community allotment, community gardens, garden centre, local farm, beach, woodland, RSPBetc
-Getting involved in local events/ carnivals andfestivals
2.3 / How do you monitorimprovements? / -Smiley checksheets
-Reduction in bags of waste e.g.food
-Visual displays of savings against the 5R’s
-Before and after pictures of changes to anarea
2.4 / How do you ensure consistent messages are provided/mixed messages are avoided in relation to environmentalissues? / -Staff role models e.g. recycle, compost, switch lightsoff
-Setting rules/poster are consistent with environment policy e.g. switch off lights, reusepaper
-Practice complements learning i.e. lights switched off, paper recycled, pushtaps
-Electronic communication – use of email
2.5 / How do you respond to locally identified environmental issues (whereappropriate)? / - Flexibility in plannedactivities,
e.g. change in weather/flooding, litter thrown into premises / animal fouling
Ethos & Environment
All of these questions need tobe addressed / Examples
These are ideas of things you might like to consider, you arenot expected to do all ofthem / Evidence of things we havedone
(D ON) / SignedDate
3.1 / How do you create an environment that is welcoming, friendly,pleasant, safe and sociable for parents/carers and children, and how do you involve thechildren? / -Environmental audit e.g. Eco- SchoolsWales
-Parent/carer questionnaires for views about theenvironment
-Staff meetings to discuss improving the settingenvironment
-Clear signage andinformation
-Setting arranged in to zones or areas
-Correct indoor temperature maintained
-Calm environment, clutterfree
-Displays at childheight
-Pegs at child height withphotos
-Age appropriate furniture and play equipment
-Arranging planned regularoutdoor trips andactivities
-Outdoor seating, play and climbingareas
-Appropriate clothing for outdoorse.g. wellies, rain suits, gloves, sunhats
3.2 / How do you actively encourage the reduction of waste and litter, promote waste management and choose products with minimal packaging? / -Bulkbuying
-Use recyclable/compostable packaging and re-usablebags
-Newsletters sent by email or on website or reduced toA5
-Do not use disposable plates and cups
-Food waste iscomposted
-Paper and cardboard is re-used andrecycled
-Plastic, metal and glass is recycled
-Encourage the use of package free packedlunches
-Use of local fruit and vegshop
3.3 / How do you actively encourage the users of the setting to use sustainable forms oftransport? / -Staff carshare
-Walk to local areas of interest instead of usingmini-bus
-Provide bus/train timetable in welcome pack or ondisplays
-Bike/scooter racks / bike/scooter storagearea
-Somewhere to storepushchairs
-Walk to nurseryevent
Family & CommunityInvolvement
All of these questions need tobe addressed / Examples
These are ideas of things you might like to consider, you arenot expected to do all ofthem / Evidence of things we havedone
(D ON) / SignedDate
4.1 / How do you engage with individuals, outside agencies, businesses and/or members of the community to support environmentalactivities? / -Parent/carerquestionnaires asking for relevantsupport
-Visiting garden centres, waste management and recyclingplants
-Utilising workshop providers, local environmental groups/allotment societies
-Eco-Schools, Early Years Teachers
-Natural ResourcesWales
-Keep Wales Tidy
4.2 / What information do you provide for parents / carers about the importance of environmental initiatives in thesetting? / - Newsletters, website and/or displays include informatione.g. recycling, gardening, ecopolicy/ code
-Open gardening day with parents/ carers andchildren
-Parents/carers accompany children on visits to e.g. garden centres, farms,RSPB
4.3 / How do you ensure that all members of the setting community comply with policy with regard to smoke free environments, to include e-cigarettes? / -Signage
-Information notice board, newsletters,website
-Awareness about smokefreecars/ homes
-Promote Stop Smoking Wales
-Smoke FreePlaygrounds