Hallettsville Junior High
Course Syllabus 2015-2016
6th Grade English Language Arts (ELA)
Instructor – Clayton Haltom
Email –
Room # - 148
Conference Period – 2nd Period 8:47 – 9:36 A.M.
Class Supplies Needed
· Spiral - preferably a 5subject (This spiral will be used as the student’s journal. Journal Writings as well as Daily Oral Language (DOL) activities will be kept in this spiral for the duration of the year. )
· Pen(s) - multiple pens will be needed for this class. (It is a writing class)
· Note Cards
· Extra Notebook Paper – I would advise having notebook paper so you do not have to tear out of your spiral everyday. This can be wide ruled or college ruled.
Class Supplies Provided
· Extra Pencil(s)
· Scissors
· Highlighters
· Paper Clips
· Glue Stick
· Colored Markers
Text For The Course
· Prentice Hall Writing Coach Grade 6
· Scott Foresman Everyday Spelling Grade 6
· Prentice Hall Writing Coach All-in-One Workbook Grade 6
Course Description
In this course you will learn and write in the different forms of text. You will be taught English language vocabulary along with grammar and punctuation rules. Spelling words will be incorporated into the curriculum to help learn and practice spelling irregular words.
Course Topics
· Nonfiction Narration
· Fiction Narration
· Poetry and Description
· Exposition
· Persuasion
· Response to Literature
· Research Writing
· Work Place Writing
Grading Scale
The grading scale of your total grade will be broken down to a percentage of 60% Test and 40% Daily Activities.
Daily Activities is any daily assignment such as journal work, worksheets, or other in class assignments.
Exams will be grades as daily activates. (Exams are for the instructor to see where the student is before a test is administered.)
Test grades will be shown to the student privately and then stored away in the student’s person folder. The instructor will hold on to all test and major writing assignments throughout the year.
Major Writing Assignments will be writing works that the student will spend multiple days on. They will have rough drafts as well as revision and editing drafts to turn in to go along with the final copy. These assignments will count as test grades.
Daily Oral Language (DOL)
DOL activities will be at the beginning of each day. This will be a light warm up activity to get the class going in the subject of ELA. It will be graded as a running grade throughout the week being graded on Friday. One week of DOL activities will count as one grade. DOL activates cannot be made up for missing class. Exceptions will be made to students missing for school activates or communication from a student who is not going to be in class before the day he/she will miss. If you are out sick for a week’s entirety you will not be graded for that weeks DOL activates.
Spelling Words
At the beginning or each week a list of spelling words will be given out. It is the student’s responsibility to study these words as well as utilize the class assignments to prepare for the spelling tests. Every Friday there will be a spelling test over the words. The sixth week of each six weeks the instructor will pull words from the previous five lists and have a review test.
Late Work Policy
Major writing assignments will not be accepted if turned in late. The student will have multiple days to complete the assignment and will be required to be turned in on time.
Assignments turned in a day late from the due date will be accepted with 20 points taken of from whatever grade the work of the student has earned. (If you got everything correct you will have earned an 80 for that assignment.) Anything turned in more than a day past the due date of the assignment will receive 50 points off from whatever grade the work of the student has earned.
Absence and Tardy
For everyday the student is absent, the student has the same amount of time to turn in missed assignments. (If you are out for 3 class days you have 3 calendar days to get work turned in for full credit. Weekend days count on makeup time. This is not intended to penalize the student but instead to catch the student up to the rest of the class as quickly as possible.)
Students should be seated in his/her seat when the bell rings. Failure to be seated in your desk will result in a tardy for that day. Exceptions will be made for students with physical disabilities or a written note on a case-by-case basis.
Classroom Procedures
There will be NO CELL PHONE use in class. If a cell phone is seen out during class it will be taken and returned at the end of the day.
The first day of class expectations will be discussed as a class. The procedures the class decides on will be how class disruptions from a student will be handled in class.
As a coach in the HISD program, I will hold ALL student-athletes to an even a higher standard of excellence. Disruptive conduct in class or the school building may be disciplined in athletics with extra activities or running. If the problem continues game time may be removed from the student athlete until he/she demonstrates the classroom procedures.
*** This is a tentative syllabus that the instructor does have the right to change scheduling or procedures for the betterment of the students or to enhance the learning environment of the classroom***
Syllabus Acknowledgement Form
Teacher: Clayton Haltom
Room: 148
Please visit my teacher web page at: http://jh.hisdbrahmas.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=508069&type=u
We have received and read the course syllabus for 6th grade ELA. Our signature below signifies that we agree with and fully understand the procedures and expectations of this document. As a student I will comply with these procedures and I understand that if I am tardy, absent, or suspended that I am fully responsible for all assignments missed. As a parent I will support my child’s teacher if he/she does not comply with the above-mentioned procedures. Please sign and return by Wednesday August 26, 2015.
Printed Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Printed Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Day Phone Number ______
Parent Email Address ______