Working Document Isabelle Savard for Q4R

Checklist for the LO Contributor

In order to assure pedagogical, technical and socio-cultural reusability, the 4 dimensions of quality serve as a guideline to elaborate the task list. The tasks of a LOR Reuser are to implement best possible quality assurance strategies for thecreation, implementation and maintenance of a LOR. The list is meant to help the LO Contributor to implement and maintain a Learning Object Repository of high quality.

Participates in the elaboration of policies, in collaboration with all stakeholders, by: / Done / To Do / N/A
  • Suggesting how the repository policy can best meet the pedagogical needs of contributors.

  • Suggesting ways that the repository policies can allow for and encourage culturally appropriate uses of resources.

  • Informing repository managers of any special technical requirements.

  • Suggesting ways that the repository policies can meet the accessibility and ergonomical needs of contributors.

Pedagogical Dimension

Done / To Do / N/A
Proposes an existing or created LO to the LOR :
As a Designer:
  • Respects pedagogical quality dimension according to Editing policy
-The educational setting is flexible and appropriate for target audience
-Aims and objectives of the learning resource are aligned to the target audience competency level
-The teaching approach corresponds to the knowledge domain and the level of the target audience
-The language corresponds to target audience
-Learning strategies arematched to content and audience
-Assessment methods are matched to content and audience
  • Consults pedagogical guidelines
As a Reuser proposing existing LO found elsewhere:
  • Respects pedagogical quality dimension according to Editing policy looking at the following type of criteria:
-The educational setting is flexible and appropriate for target audience
-Aims and objectives of the learning resource are aligned to the target audience competency level
-The teaching approach corresponds to the knowledge domain and the level of the target audience.
-The language corresponds o target audience
-Learning strategies arematched to content and audience
-Assessment methods are matched to content and audience
  • Consults pedagogical guidelines
-Validates pedagogical quality of a LO according to the LOR Policy
-Consults pedagogical checklist or guidelines
  • Consults rights policies

  • ProvidesTitle, Author, Description, Keywords and Special requirements for each LO to the LO Indexer.

  • Reports how, in which pedagogical context, and whether in part or whole the resource was used.

Cultural Dimension

Done / To Do / N/A
Identify personal cultural bias.
For each LO proposed, the LO Contributor:
  • Reports how, in which cultural context the resource was used (culture of the resource author, culture of the reuser, culture of the intended learner).

  • Evaluatesand reportsthe degree of adaption needed to account for cultural variables in order to reuse the resource in other cultural contexts.

  • Identifes, if known, “equivalent” resources to satisfy diverse learner’s cultural needs.

Respects and abides by the Repository’s Cultural policyand verifies:
-Culture-specific metaphors are optimized/minimized *
-Acronyms and abbreviations are well explained and sparsely used*
-Jokes, humoristic comments and idioms are avoided*
-Colloquial language (jargon) is minimized*
-Gender-specific references are optimized / minimized *

Technical Dimension

Done / To Do / N/A
Provides all technical information and special requirements of the LO to the LO Indexer.
Reportstechnical issues to the LOR Publisher.

Accessibility/Ergonomical Dimension

Done / To Do / N/A
As a LO Designer:
Respects and abides by the Repository’s criteria for ergonomical soundnessand accessibility specifications.
As a LO Reuser proposing existing LO found elsewhere:
Evaluatesand Reports accessibility and ergonomic characteristics of a proposed resource using existing feedback systems.
Reportsaccessibility and/or ergonomic issues to the Repository manager or management team.