Councillors: T Duffin (Chairman),
A Duffy, S Haywood, P Maguire
F Newitt, M Pirt
Mrs L Davies – Parish Clerk
3 members of the public
RESOLVEDthat Councillor T. Duffin be elected Chairman and Councillor M. Pirt be elected Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Council year 2017/18
The Chairman declared a non-prejudicial interest as the landowner adjacent to the Council’s Cemetery and Councillor S. Haywood declared a non-prejudicial interest in relation to the items on the agenda affecting The Green.
(A minute’s silence was held in commemoration of the 100 year anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele)
(a)Concern was raised regarding the appearance of the Chinese Take-Away situated on Leicester Road. Councillor S. Haywood reported that this matter had already been referred to the Conservation Office at Charnwood Borough Council.
RESOLVEDthat this matter be referred to the Conservation Officer at Charnwood Borough Council to ascertain whether any action can be taken
(b)The Chairman agreed to allow the representative from the Peace Garden Action day to speak at the appropriate point on the Agenda, namely 6(a).
(a)‘Ditch work’ – The Chairman advised the revised quotation was still not available.It was agreed this matter would be now dealt with through the budget process for 2018/19.
(b)Cemetery Chapel – Additional quotations have not yet been received. In view of the cost it was agreed that the matter would not be pursued further at this stage. The Heritage Group could now make use of the Chapel and erect their storage units. The restoration of the Chapel would be included as part of the budget discussions for 2018/19.
(c)Report from the Cemetery Gardener -The Cemetery Gardener’s report was tabled and discussed. The Committee thanked the Cemetery Gardener for her most helpful report. The Committee expressed its concern regarding the issue of residents digging up plants from Cemetery borders and the issue of the pruning of the yew trees.
(d)Garden of Remembrance – The Clerk reported the latest position in relation to the discussions with the adjoining land owner regarding the trees and advised that the landowner would not agree to the removal of the trees and the replacement fence.
(e)Grave Damage – The Clerk reported on a complaint received relating to damage to a headstone and circulated photographs. Councillor S. Haywood reported that he had undertaken a site visit some time ago but although it was acknowledged that some minor damage appeared to have taken place it had been impossible to ascertain how it had occurred and by whom.
(f)Cemetery Regulations – The Clerk requested that the current Cemetery regulations be amended to include a disclaimer relating to memorial stones and any damage. She advised that this was the advice given by the Society of Stone Masons.
(1)The ditch work and restoration of the Cemetery Chapel be included in the budget discussions for 2018/19
(2)The Cemetery Gardener be requested to provide details of the residents relating to the digging up of the cemetery plants and the incident be reported to the Police
(3)The Cemetery Gardener be requested if assistance was required to enable the pruning of the yew trees to take place.
(4)No further action be taken on the issue of the trees adjoining the cemetery
(5)The Chairman and Councillor S. Haywood meet with the complainant regarding the memorial stone damage and report back to the next meeting
(6)The revision to the Cemetery Regulations relating to Memorial Stones be approved.
(a)Peace Garden – report of Peace Garden Action Day. A representative of the Mountsorrel Heritage Group tabled its report following the Peace Garden Action Day in May 2017 and reported that the next action day was scheduled to take place on 10 August and requested the Council consider the following requests:
- Re-instatement of the pavement with tarmac following work done to provide electric to the garden from the street lamp located on Sileby Road, Mountsorrel
- The square located near the bench at the top of the garden being re-instated with tarmac
- Removal of the self-seeded saplings between the Peace Garden and the Riverbank
- Include in the budget for 2018/19 funding for repainting the fence and gates
- The erection of bird and bat boxes within the Garden
- Include in the budget for 2018/19 funding for continuing improvement and maintenance of the Peace Garden of £250.00.
- Consideration be given to the planting of a Christmas Tree within the Peace Garden
(b)Market Place – The Clerk advised that only one quotation had been received for the painting of the street lights and street furniture. The quotations received were now over a year old and it was now unlikely that this work could be undertaken prior to the winter months.
(c)The Green – Lime Trees – The Clerk reported that two quotations had been received for remedial works to the two lime trees but following further consideration in view of the requirement to obtain permission from Charnwood Borough Council to undertake the work it might be prudent to include all the trees on the Green and obtain revised quotations and a report detailing the work required.
(d)Tree Warden – The Clerk requested the Committee to consider the appointment of a Tree Warden for the Parish who would act as the eyes and ears of the Parish and bring to the Parish Council’s attention matters requiring action.
(1)It was unanimously agreed to extend the thanks of the committee to the Heritage Group for the work that had been carried out during the Action Day.
(2)The clerk make contact with Western Power to request the re-instatement of the pavement following the work from the street light on Sileby Road
(3)Consideration of the planting of a permanent Christmas Tree in the square located by the bench at the top of the Peace Garden be investigated in 2018 with a recommendation to the Committee to its meeting in January 2018.
(4)Quotations be obtained for the removal of the saplings located between the Peace Garden and the riverbank
(5)The repainting of the fence and gates of the Peace Garden be included in the 2018/19 budget
(6)Permission be given to the Heritage Group to erect bird and bat boxes in the Peace Garden
(7)The requested budget of £250 for the ongoing maintenance costs for the Peace Garden be included in the budget discussions for 2018/19.
(8)The painting of the street furniture and the lamp posts be included as part of the budget proposals for 2018/19
(9)Revised quotations be obtained for the work on the trees located on The Green together with a report and the Clerk seek permission from Charnwood Borough Council to undertake the identified works
(10)The Clerk approach the resident who raised the issue of the trees located on The Green to ascertain whether he would be interested in becoming the Parish Tree Warden.
(a)Christmas light switch on 2017 – The Clerk requested the Committee to consider whether it wished to include any additional decorations and tree for the Memorial Centre.
(b)Christmas Carol Concert 2017 – The Clerk requested the Committee to consider the date and arrangements for the Carol Concert for 2017
(c)The Clerk reported that no report had been received from the Leicestershire Wildlife Trust on the marshes since 2016.
(d)Britain in Bloom/Best Garden Competition – the clerk reported that this matter was referred from the Annual Meeting of the Council held in April 2016 and requested the Committee to consider either the re-instatement of the Best Garden Competition or as an alternative enter into the Britain in Bloom competition organised by the RHS.
(e)Barons Way – The Clerk reported that the responsibility for the maintenance of the garden areas in this area had now passed to a new organisation and that contact had been made requesting that the state of the garden areas be addressed.
(f)Castle Hill – The Clerk requested the Committee to consider increasing the number of cuts for Castle Hill to 4 times per year.
(g)Floral Baskets – The Clerk reported that the order for the additional 6 flower baskets had now been placed and it was anticipated that these would be in situ in time for the Revival weekend.
(1)the Council’s electrician be contacted with a view to obtaining a quotation to provide additional lights and decorations for the new Memorial Centre and Church House.
(2)The Council’s Memorial Centre Working Party be requested to consider the purchase of an artificial tree for the foyer of the Centre
(3)Councillor B. Allard be requested to act as the co-ordinator for the Christmas Carol Service for 2017
(4)The date for the Christmas Carol Concert was agreed as 12 December 2017
(5)The Clerk contact the Leicestershire Wildlife Trust for a report on its activities in connection with the Marshes.
(6)No further action be taken on the Best Garden Competition/Britain in Bloom competition at the present time.
(7)Barons Way – the report was noted
(8)The increase in the number of cuts to 4 per year for Castle Hill be approved with immediate effect
(9)Floral Baskets – the report was noted.
The date of the next meeting to be determined following consultation with the Chairman.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.