Page 1 of 1 Minutes of Ashford Parish Council Meeting 20.08.15
Minutes of Ashford Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday, 20 August 2015 in the Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Chaired by: Councillor G Holder / Clerked by: Sue SquirePresent: Councillors
Mrs J Bosley
Mrs H Bremner
G Holder
Mrs S Sampson
J Szymankiewicz
10 Members of the Public / Agenda: -
Declarations of Interest
Approval of the Minutes of 16/07/15
Items raised by members of the public
Matters Arising
Planning Correspondence
Matters raised by Councillors / Clerk
Date of next Meeting
45. / Apologies. Councillor Mrs B Sandwell, BS, District Councillor Mrs A Davis, PCSO D Kingdon.
46. / Declarations of Interest.
Councillor G Holder declared a Pecuniary and Prejudicial Interest in Minute No. 51, Planning Application 59662 - Outline Application for residential development of 2 Local Needs & 2 Open Market dwellings with some matters reserved at land off Meadowside, Ashford due to his brother-in-law being the Applicant.
Councillor Mrs S Sampson declared a Prejudicial Interest in Minute No. 51, Planning Application 59662 – Outline Application for residential development of 2 Local Needs & 2 Open Market dwellings with some matters reserved at land off Meadowside, Ashford as an adjoining landowner.
47. / Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16/07/15.
Approved and signed as a correct record.
48. / Items raised by members of the public.No items raised.
Those members of the public who wished to make representations regarding Planning Application 59662 were heard ahead of the Application being discussed when the Meeting was suspended for this purpose.
49. / Reports:
49.1 Police. When sending his apologies, PCSO Kingdon advised there were no crimes to report.
He had visited Wyevale Garden Centre following concerns that the main gates were open when the Garden Centre was closed and had been advised by the Manager that replacement gates were being made. The Garden Centre has an excellent CCTV system in place.
49.2 County Councillor Mrs C Chugg.Not present.
49.3 District Councillor Mrs A Davis. Apologies given.
49.4 Councillor V Lawson. Defibrillator Check. Not present.
50. / Matters Arising:
50.1 Defibrillator Batteries. The Clerk had contacted St John Ambulance, supplier to the defibrillator for its comments who had requested the sales order number for the product. This would help in gaining a better insight why the product was faulty.
The serial number on the battery and defibrillator was also required. When this information was to hand, the information would be passed to the purchasing team who would raise the issue with the supplier.
Councillor Lawson to be asked to provide this information and the Clerk to follow this up with St John Ambulance.
50.2 Ideas for use of the telephone box at Adder Lane. Members of the public had been invited to make suggestions. The possibility of the defibrillator being moved to this structure was suggested.
Councillor Holder also advised that there had been an idea for the kiosk to be used as a small library.
50.3 Replacement signage. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Bosley, seconded by Councillor Mrs Bremner and unanimously agreed that the following signs were ordered from South West Highways:
- Replacement finger at Windy Cross – Heanton – Braunton
- Adder Lane. This was at a severe angle and could be broken off at ground level. South West Highways to be asked if they could ‘right’ it.
- Barnstaple finger missing at Springfield.
51. / Planning. The following Application was considered:
- 59662 - – Outline Application for residential development of 2 Local Needs & 2 Open Market dwellings with some matters reserved at land off Meadowside, Ashford.
Councillor Holder advised that he lived adjacent to the proposed development site.
He had prepared a brief resume to clarify the situation which he read to the Meeting.
Councillor Holder declared a Pecuniary and Prejudicial Interest, left the room and did not take part in the discussion, decision or voting thereon.
Councillor Mrs Sampson declared a Prejudicial Interest, left the room and did not take part in the discussion, decision or voting thereon.
Councillors were in agreement for Councillor Mrs Bosley to Chair this part of the Meeting.
The Meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to give representations and the following was raised:
- Concern regarding over development
- The boundary line had been amended and the plans were incorrect
- Loss of light, privacy and a noise issue
- The proposal was for three storey houses situated among an area were there were bungalows
- Highways with continuing issues on the access roads into Ashford. In addition, potential building traffic would be exiting on a blind bend.
- The site has been used for agricultural purposes, is in the countryside boarding a Conservation Area.
- Drainage. Although South West Water maintains the pumping station in the adjacent field, in the last few years there had been a collapse of pipes and drainage had to be relined which was the responsibility of the householders. There was concern that the drainage system would be overloaded and could not cope, causing a further breakdown in the system which would have a knock on effect and possible financial outlay, as in the past.
- The entrance to the building site was not very big, converging with three existing driveways. One resident would not be able to see anything when exiting the driveway as the development will have caused a blind spot.
- On the Planning Application it is stated that two local needs properties are proposed in order to satisfy HGS9. This refers to agricultural and forestry workers and was not relevant.
- A member of the public produced paperwork from North Devon Council in 1988 when a proposal for three dwellings was refused due to highway concerns and a subsequent Appeal upheld. It was pointed out that the volume of traffic had greatly increased in those 27 years and there should be concern regarding the road leading to Ashford and road safety, especially as there was no pavement, poor lighting and no suitable infrastructure in place.
- Factual errors in the planning statement
- The plans do not correctly show the location of the neighbouring properties
- The development would change and look and feel of the village
- The Parish Council had indicated a 5% growth in the life of the forthcoming Local Plan over the next 10 years
- Over development on a small site.
- Houses of three storeys among a development of surrounding bungalows
- Loss of light to nearest properties
- Loss of privacy
- Noise pollution
- Highways, continuing access
- Previous use as an agricultural field, is in the countryside boarding a Conversation Area
- 27 years ago North Devon Council considered the road was not suitable for a development which was refused and a subsequent Appeal was upheld. Application 4376 date 10/5/88 refers. Now a significant increase in traffic.
- Drainage and the fear of overload with breakdown of pipes, having to be relined and financial cost to householders
- No pavement on main approach to the village and poor lighting
- No suitable infrastructure in place
- Policy HSG9 referred to in the plans refers to agricultural and forestry workers and not local needs as quoted in the planning Application.
- This Parish Council’s response to the Local Plan proposals two years ago identified development of 5% over the next 10 years.
- There are a number of factual errors contained within the planning statement.
- The plans do not correctly show the location of the neighbouring properties
- If development went ahead would change the look and feel of the area felt to be contrary to the countryside in Ashford.
52. / Planning Correspondence:
52.1. The following ND Council Decision Notices were noted:
- 59020 – Erection of one agricultural workers dwelling & associated works at Lower Smythams, Higher Newclose Lane, Ashford.
- 59406 – Extension & alterations to dwelling at Cherry Cottage, Ashfield Lane, Ashford.
52.2 Nature Trail using existing Public Rights of Way. In connection with the enquiry from North Devon Council regarding open space projects regarding a Planning Application, it was noted that the project agreed by Councillors at the July Meeting had been submitted.
53. / Finance.
53.1 Balances.NatWest Current Account as at 20/7/15: £10.00
NatWest Business Reserve Account as at 10/8/15: £2,556.17
53.2 The following payments were approved and authorised:
Mrs S Squire August Salary net of PAYE £82.51
Contribution towards broadband £ 3.00
Photocopying £ 9.35 £ 94.86
HMRC August PAYE £ 20.80
Mr S Wightman Grounds maintenance for July 2015 £144.89
53.3 Bank Mandate. Councillor Szymankiewicz had completed the additional party form to be added as a cheque signatory. To be submitted to the Bank for the system to be updated.
53.4 Six monthly check of Accounts by Councillors Mrs J Bosley and V Lawson. This was deferred to the September Meeting due to Councillor Lawson not being present. / Clerk
54. / Correspondence.
54.1 Devon Access to Services Project. Letter enquiring:
- Do people living in your Parish have difficulty in attending medical appointments due to transport difficulties?
- Or have people living in your Parish already identified this as an issue and set up a Community Car Scheme?
55. / Matters raised by Councillors /Clerk.
55.1 Mrs S Squire, Parish Clerk, advised details of annual leave to be taken in October.
55.2 Councillor G Holder gave details of the arrangements for the Farewell of 22 Squadron being organised by North Devon Council and Braunton Parish Council. It was unlikely that any personnel from Chivenor would be present.
55.3 Wyevale Garden Centre, Ashford. (Received after the Agenda had been sent). Email offering the opportunity to make use of their restaurant for a social gathering. Providing afternoon tea in a specially prepared area just for a specific group up to 10 will receive a 10% discount and groups over 10, 20%. Noted.
55.4 Councillor Szymankiewicz had noted that various cars were offered for sale at the entrance to Ashford Inn Fruit Farm at different times and questioned whether this was a business. The situation to be monitored.
55.5 Councillor Holder had noticed an odour during the evening from South West Water Sewage Treatment Works and would telephone about this the following day.
55.6 Councillor Mrs Sampson advised there was a provisional booking for driver training on 5 September in the Church Hall, delivered by Mr N Rowe.
55.7 Councillor Mrs Sampson had not received the circulation bag. The Clerk to email Councillor Lawson as it was believed the bag was with him. / Cllrs
56. / Date of next Meeting: Thursday, 17 September 2015 in the Church Hall at 7.30pm.
The Meeting ended at 8.58pm.
Summary of Decisions:
Minutes of 16/07/15
Order for replacement signage
Councillor Mrs Bosley to Chair Minute No. 51 of the Meeting (Planning)
These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.
Chair of Ashford Parish Council: / Date: