Appendix 2: Breastfeeding questions used to define starting breastfeeding, breastfeeding duration at 2 months, and breastfeeding duration at 6 months.
Breastfeeding initiation
Have you ever breastfed your child? (this refers to the child participating in this survey)
q No
q Yes
How many weeks in total did you breast-feed your child up until now? weeks
Breastfeeding at 2 months
In what way do you feed your child at the moment? (one answer only)
q Breast feeding only
q Bottle feeding only
q As much breast as bottle feeding
q More than half breast feeding
q More than half bottle feeding
How many months of age was your child when you stopped breastfeeding?
q I am still breastfeeding
q Younger than 1 month
q Between 1 and 2 months
q Between 2 and 3 months
q Between 3 and 4 months
q Older than 4 months
How often do you breastfeed your child at the moment? (only give one answer)
q I no longer breastfeed
q 1 to 2 times a day
q 2 to 3 times a day
q 3 to 5 times a day
q 5 to 7 times a day
q More than 7 times a day
Breastfeeding at 6 months
Have you breast-fed your child in the last 6 months?
q No, go to A4
q Yes
How often do you breast-feed your child at the moment? (one answer only)
q I no longer breast-feed my child
q 1 to 2 times a day, go to A4
q 2 to 3 times a day, go to A4
q 3 times or more a day, go to A4
How many months old was your child when you completely stopped breastfeeding it? (one answer only)
q Between 6 and 7 months
q Between 8 and 9 months
q Between 10 and 11 months
q Older than 11 months