Authors / Titles- Required Texts
Amster, Randall and Ndura, Elavie, eds. / Exploring the Power of Nonviolence
Ghandhi, Mohandas / Essential Writings
Griswold, Charles L. / Forgiveness: A philosophical Exploration
Minow, Martha / Breaking the Cycles of Hatred
- Additional texts, authors, and titles
Ateek, NaimStifan / A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation
Berrigan, Frida / “Defense Budget Shell Game,” In These Times
Berrigan, Philip / Widen the Prison Gates: Writing from Jails
Biggar, Nigel / Burying the Past: Making Peace and Justice After Civil Conflict
Blank, Jessica, and Jensen, Erik / The Exonerated
Blank, Jessica, and Jensen, Erik / Living Justice: Love, Freedom, and the Making of The Exonerated
Brehony, Kathleen A. / Ordinary Grace
Carter, Jimmy / Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
Cose, Ellis / Bone to PickForgiveness, Reconciliation, Reparation and Revenge
Dalai Lama and Chan, Victor / The Wisdom of Forgiveness
Gobodo-Madikizela, Pumla / A Human Being Died that Night
Goodman, Amy and Goodman, David / Exception to the Rulers
Goodman, Amy and Goodman, David / Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and the People Who Fight Back
Hemingway, Ernest / A Farewell to Arms
Herwitz, Daniel / Race and Reconciliation: Essays from the New South Africa
Hunt, Swanee / This was not Our War: Bosnian Women Reclaiming the Peace
King, Martin Luther / Letter From Birmingham City Jail
King, Martin Luther / The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Kramer, Kenneth / “The Taoist Way” in World Scriptures
Krog, Antijie / Country of My Skull
McCarthy, Colman (editor) / All of One Peace: Essays on Nonviolence
McCarthy, Colman (editor) / I’d Rather Teach Peace
McCarthy, Colman (editor) / Strength Through Peace: The Ideas and People of Nonviolence
McCarthy, Colman (editor) / Solutions to Violence
McSorley, Richard, S.J. / It’s a Sin to Build a Nuclear Weapon: The Collected Works on War and Christian Peacemaking of Richard McSorley, S.J.
McSorley, Richard, S.J. / Kill? For Peace?
McSorley, Richard, S.J. / New Testament Basis for Peacemaking.
Milne, A. A. / Peace with Honor
Minow, Martha / Between Vengeance and Forgiveness
Murray Polner, Murray and O’Grady, Jim / Disarmed and Dangerous: The Radical Lives and Times of Daniel and Philip Berrigan
Nussbaum, Martha C. / Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life
Outlaw, Lucius T. / On Race and Philosophy
Prejean, Helen, Sister / Dead Man Walking
Ramose, Mogobe B. / African Philosophy Through Ubuntu
Rawls, John / “The Definition of Civil Disobedience,” in A Theory of Justice
Roy, Arundhati / War Talk
Shutte, Augustine / Ubuntu: An Ethic for a New South Africa
Singer, Peter / The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty
ThichNhatHanh / BeingPeace
ThichNhatHanh / Peace is Every Step
Thoreau, Henry David / Civil Disobedience
Thurman, Robert / Why the Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth as the Solution for China, Tibet, and the World
Tutu, Desmond / No Future Without Forgiveness
Yunus, Muhammad / Creating a World Without Poverty