Buffalo Trail Elementary School 4th Grade3rd Nine Weeks
Reading / Language Arts / Math / History / ScienceNonfiction: Researching
4.5 Comprehension
● Cause and effect
● Use text organizers (type, headings, graphics) to predict and categorize information
● Fact and Opinion
● Summarizing
● Visualizing
4.6 Research
● Comprehension of informational resources
●Evaluate and synthesize information
Fiction: Critical Questions
4.4 Meaningful Connections
●Describe relationships between text and previously read materials
/ 4.1 Oral Communication
●Giving directions
●Contribute to discussions
●Seek ideas/opinions
●Use grammatically correct language and specific vocab. to communicate
4.2 Oral Presentations
●Use subject-related info and vocabulary.
●Listen to and record info
●Organize information for clarity
4.7 Effective Writing – Student will write cohesively for a variety of purposes
●Identify intended audience.
●Use a variety of pre-writing strategies.
●Use transition words for sentence variety.
●Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information.
4.8 Editing Writing– Student will editwriting for correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure and paragraphing
●Include prepositional phrases
●Use correct spelling for frequently used words, including common homophones
●Use singular possessives
4.9 Research – The Student will demonstrate a comprehension of information resources to research a topic
●Contstruct questions about a to
● Collect information from multiple resources including online, print and media
● Use technology as a tool to organize, evaluate, and communicate information
● Give credit to resources used in research
● Understand the difference between plagiarism and using their own words.
/ 4.13 Outcomes and Data
● Between what 2 numbers does probability values lie?
● Identify the likelihood of an event occurring and relate it to its rational representation
● Provide real life examples of something that has a probability of 1, 0, 1/2
● Represent the probability of an event as a common fraction
4.2 and 4.3 Fractions
●Pictorial Representations
●Equivalent Fractions
●Greatest Common Factor
●Simplest Form
●Compare Fractions
●Order Fractions
●Mixed/Improper Fractions
●Least Common Multiple
●Add/Subtract Fractions
Like Denominators
Unlike Denominators
4.4 Decimals
●Decimal Place Value
●Convert Fractions to Decimals and Vice Versa
●Compare Decimals
●Order Decimals
●Round Decimals
●Add/Subtract Decimals
4.9 Elapsed time
● What is elapsed time?
● How do you determine elapsed time?
● Determine elapsed time given between 2 given hours and additional minutes.
● Given a beginning and ending time of an event, use at least two different strategies to calculate elapsed time.
● Provided an ending time and an elapsed time, determine the start time of the event.
4.5 Reasoning, Problem Solving and Mathematical Communication
● Solve single-step and multistep real world problems
● Communicate about mathematics using correct vocabulary
/ VS.6a-c Political Growth
●Powerful Virginians set rules to
protect both economic and
political rights and explain the
documents they created
●Westward Expansion
VS.7a Civil War Issues
●Northern and Southern States
●Events Leading to War
●Creation of West Virginia
VS.7b Civil War Conflict
●Major Battles
●Important People
●Effects on lives of Virginians
●Effects of certain groups of people
●Influences of economic development
VS.9Twentieth and Twenty- first Century Virginia
●Economic and social transition
●Identifying important political and social events
●Identify important people and their contributions
VS.10a Virginia Government
●Executive Branch
●Legislative Branch ●Judicial Branch
/ 4.1 Scientific Method
●Observations, conclusions, inferences and predictions
●Experimental design – hypothesis and variables
●Display data, interpret and make predictions from graphs, charts, tables
4.3 Electricity and Magnetism
●Basic Circuits
●Static Electricity
●Simple Electromagnets
●Historical Contributions
4.5 Ecosystems
●Behavioral and Structural Adaptations
●Organization of Communities
●Flow of Energy through Food Webs
●Life Cycles
●Influence of Human Activity on Ecosystems
One to the World Project – Invention Convention
●Apply scientific concepts, skills, and processes to everyday experiences.
●Experience the richness and excitement of scientific discovery of the natural world through the