Quicksilver – Rambert’s Youth Dance Company

Audition 2017/18 – Application Form

Application closing date: Tuesday 29 August, 5pm.

Please note that applications received after this date will unfortunately not be accepted.

Successful applicants will be contacted prior to the audition date.

Audition Date: Sunday 3 September (By invitation only)

Please complete the following application form in full and return by email to or by post FAO: Rosie Jeffery, Rambert 99 Upper Ground, SE1 9PP.

Should you be successful in your audition to join the company, membership runs for one full academic year (September 2017 – Summer 2018).

About You

First Name
Date of Birth

Contact Details

Town/City / Postcode
Emergency Contact Name
Relationship to Dancer
Emergency contact telephone


Please advise us of any medical information, illnesses or access requirements we should be aware of (e.g. asthma, epilepsy, allergies) that you suffer from and list any medication that you take.

This information is confidential and used only for health and safety purposes during the audition workshop.

Please tell us a little about your previous/current dance training and experience, and styles of dance you are currently or have previously trained in:

Why would you like to be part of Quicksilver?

Are you currently (or have previously been) a member of another youth dance company/group/Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) programme If so, please give details:

How did you hear about Quicksilver?

Thank you for completing this form and your interest in Rambert. We will be in contact with you on receipt of your application and will confirm details with you shortly.


Rambert is committed to equal opportunities. Completing this form is voluntary. The information you provide on this form will stay confidential. This form is not sent to the selection panel and has no part in the shortlisting process.

What gender are you?

Male □ Female □ Non-binary □ Prefer not to say □

What is your ethnicity?

Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong. Please tick the appropriate box


English □ Welsh □ Scottish □ Northern Irish □ Irish □

British □ Gypsy or Irish Traveller □ Prefer not to say □

Any other white background, please write in:

Mixed/multiple ethnic groups

White and Black Caribbean □ White and Black African □ White and Asian □

Prefer not to say □

Any other mixed background, please write in:

Asian/Asian British

Indian □ Pakistani □ Chinese □ Bangladeshi □ Prefer not to say □

Any other Asian background, please write in:

Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British

African □ Caribbean □ Prefer not to say □

Any other Black/African/Caribbean background, please write in:

Other ethnic group

Arab □ Prefer not to say □

Any other ethnic group, please write in:

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Yes □ No □ Prefer not to say □

If yes please advise how we can assist you with your application?