
Qualifications:1. Kentucky Certificate for Principals.

2. Such additional qualifications as the

Superintendent or Board may find

appropriate and acceptable.

Reports To:Superintendent

Job Duties/ Responsibilities:1. Assumes responsibility for effective and

efficient operation of all aspects of the

school including, but not limited to:

personal selection, evaluation and

supervision, finance, curriculum and

instruction, communication, student

achievement, student safety, parent and

community relations, assigned building

and campus, management of records,

planning, school climate, scheduling, and

management of the school plan.

2. Leads the SBDM council and staff in

developing policies, guidelines and

procedures designed to increase levels of

students achievement.

3. Leads the SBDM Council and staff in the

development of an institutional program

consistent with District and State goals

and initiative.

4. Maintains high standards of student

conduct and enforces discipline as

necessary, according to due process for

the rights of students and guidelines

consistent with law and district policy.

5. Attends and/ or provides for supervision

for all school related programs and


6. Keeps abreast of changes and

development in the profession by

attending professional meeting,

reading professional journals and

other publications, and discussing

problems of mutual interest with other in

the field.

7. Asserts leadership in times of civil

disobedience in school in accordance

with established Board policy, supervises

the facility during times of emergency or

as directed by the Superintendent, and

develops and administers school safety

and emergency response plan.

8. Uses technology to enhance productivity

and professional growth; accesses and

manipulates data; communicates and

collaborates with colleagues, staff and

community; conducts research/solves


9. Facilitates the development,

articulation implementation,

and stewardship of a vision of

learning that is shared and supported by

the school community.

10. Advocates, nurtures, and sustains a

school culture, climate and instructional

program conducive to student learning,

and staff professional growth.

11. Ensures management of the

organization, operation, and resources

for a safe, efficient and effective

learning environment.

12. Collaborates with staff and community,

responds to diverse interests and needs

and mobilizes community resources.

13. Acts with integrity, fairness and in an

ethical manner.

14. Influences the school environment on

behalf of students and their needs.

15. Remains abreast of and enforces district

policy and procedures; state and federal

laws and regulations.

16. Prepares a variety of reports/documents;

makes presentations; maintains a variety

of records as required by the


17. Participates in required training and

professional growth activities relative

to job assignment as directed by or

approved by the Superintendent.

18. Performs such other tasks and assumes

such other responsibilities as may be

assigned by the Superintendent.

Terms of Service: Salary and work days to be established by the

