Socorro I.S.D.
ESL Academy
Lesson Plan for Kindergarten
Teacher : Campus:
Date: Week 3 – June 18-21
Resources for lesson plans: Destination Reading, Destination Math, istation, Nursery Rhyme Flip Chart, Vocabulary Skill Builder Photo Cards, Alphatales, Photo Tiles Beginning and Final Sounds, Leveled Readers, Imagine It Pre-decodables, journals, Dr. Jean Better Bodies and Brains
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / ThursdayISTATION
8:30 – 9:00 / Have students work individually on istation.
9:00 – 9:30 / Greet students and take attendance. Have children sign in. Shared writing (Daily Message).
The Big book of Alpha Tales- Poem Oo Cheer (teacher guide- follow read tips) / Greet students and take attendance. Have children sign in. Shared writing (Daily Message).
The Big book of Alpha Tales- Poem Pp Cheer (teacher guide- follow read tips) / Greet students and take attendance. Have children sign in. Shared writing (Daily Message).
The Big book of Alpha Tales- Poem Qq Cheer (teacher guide- follow read tips) / Greet students and take attendance. Have children sign in. Shared writing (Daily Message).
The Big book of Alpha Tales- Poem Rr Cheer (teacher guide- follow read tips)
9:30 – 9:45 / Title: In the Small, Small Pond
Focus Question:
Vocabulary: habitat, pond, animals
KWL chart
Picture walk / Title: : In the Small, Small Pond
During Questions-
What animals live in the pond?
What noises would you hear in a pond? / Title: : In the Small, Small Pond
After Reading-
Sort- animals by characteristics
Revisit chart/predictions / Title: : In the Small, Small Pond
Response to literature
Draw and label a picture of a pond habitat.
9:45 – 10:45
WRITING / Computers / ABC / Creative Station / Read to Someone
Activity: Have students complete the reproducible independently from the First Little Readers Teaching Guide
Tiny Things P. 21 / Destination Math
Lesson: / Word-Building Mini-Book Set
Model Activity
1 Look at the picture
2 Say the word and listen to the sounds
3 Read the word and look at the letters.
4 Use the marker the write the letters in the boxes
5 Write the word on the lines.
Mini books with short sounds / Students will create a goat using construction paper to make a puppet. / LEVELED READERS
Students will read to someone, using First Little readers leveled books.
*Teacher preparation- have book bag ready for this station.
What Jumps?
What do Monsters Eat?
Party Shapes
What flies?
(Intentional cognitive instruction based on assessment data (15-20 minutes per group during Learning Centers)
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Sight words poems flipchart- me
Identify high frequency words
First little readers leveled book- Sample lesson p. 9
The Wheels On The Bus
Develop Fluency
Before, during, after reading / Activity:
Sight words poems flipchart- is
Identify high frequency words
First little readers leveled book- Sample lesson p. 9
I Like Socks
Develop Fluency
Before, during, after reading / Activity:
Sight words poems flipchart- my
Identify high frequency words
First little readers leveled book- Sample lesson p. 9
In My Pocket
Develop Fluency
Before, during, after reading / Activity:
Sight words poems flipchart- see
Identify high frequency words
First little readers leveled book- Sample lesson p. 9
Come Over
Develop Fluency
Before, during, after reading
10:45 – 11:00 / Recognize and compare lengths
Inch y Inch Part 1
Procedure: Introduce the book Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni video on and tell students to listen and watch carefully for how the inchworm measures throughout the story. Read the story, and afterward ask students to recall some of the objects that the inchworm measured. (Example: Discuss how the inchworm measured different parts of the birds.) / Recognize and compare lengths
Inch y Inch Part 2 Procedure: Review book. Give each student a worm pattern. Color and decorate. Cut out worm. / Recognize and compare lengths
Inch y Inch Part 3
Procedure: Pair students. Have each pair of students find 4 objects shorter then their worm.
Discuss (Whole Group Discussion): 5-7 minutes
Gather the students back at the carpet.
Discuss with the students their findings. / Recognize and compare lengths
Inch y Inch Part 4
Procedure: Pair students. Have each pair of students find 4 objects longer then their worm.
Discuss (Whole Group Discussion): 5-7 minutes
Gather the students back at the carpet.
Discuss with the students their findings.
Shared Reading
11:00 – 11:20 / Readers Theater: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
· read the storybook
· discuss story, specifically characters, setting, and plot,
model reading with expression, paying close attention to phrases and inflections / Readers Theater: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
· read the storybook
· have whole group echo parts
· chose parts for students / Readers Theater: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
· Read parts for students and have them echo
· focus on volume, expression, phrasing,
· have students read their parts aloud, speaking slowly for understanding. / Readers Theater: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
· students perform
· use character masks
Closing / Dismiss
11:20 – 11:30 / Daily message that includes students’ responses to what they learned today / Daily message that includes students’ responses to what they learned today / Daily message that includes students’ responses to what they learned today / Daily message that includes students’ responses to what they learned today