Dear friends! Welcome to our workcamp GREEN MOSCOW 2014!
Here you can find all necessary information for your trip!
DATES / 30/06 – 20/07PLACE / Moscow
CAMPADDRESS / Moscow, Leninskie gory 1, building 12. Botanic Garden of MoscowStateUniversity
The project is organized by the botanical garden of the Moscow State University (MSU). This University is the largest University in Russia and one of the oldest. It was founded in 1755 by Mikhail Lomonosov, whose name was later added to the name of the institution in his honor.
The botanic garden of MSU was founded at 1706. Then it was just a chemist’s garden. Medicinal herbs were grown there. In 1805 it was bought by MSU and since the middle of the 19th century exotic plants started to be grown in the garden. Classes for the students have been conducted since the end of 19th century in the botanic garden. During its lifetime a few thousands sorts of the plants were grown in the garden.
Work: The main task of the work includes the rearrangement of two parts of the garden’s territory. The volunteers will have to take care of the garden and flower-beds, to cut bushes, take away rubbish and to dig up ground. Also they will plant, and gather berries and fruits. One of the possible activities of the volunteers is helping to lead excursions in the garden. The new site of the Botanical Garden, designed for people with disabilities. The volunteers are expected to work six hours per day. And be ready for manual labor.
Leisure time: Volunteers will be able to make a tour of Moscow, to visit the Kremlin and the Red Square, to visit other Moscow botanic gardens and the protected natural territories of the Moscow city and also famous Moscow museums. Different sport games, parties, play etc.
Accommodation: The volunteers will live in the dormitory of the MoscowStateUniversity. Bathroom and kitchen are available. The volunteers will have breakfast, dinner and lunch in the canteen.
VERY IMPORTANT!!! You should apply for Russian visa only with our invitation letter. In any case we can`t provide you with accommodation.
Language: English.
Age: 18+ years old.
- Some information, presentations about ecological situation in your country or city. Volunteers will participate in an ecological conference and will make presentations about this topic.
- some warm clothes,
- special medicaments for yourself (if you need in it),
- repellent anti mosquitoes,
- some info materials and pictures of your country,
- your delicious national recipes,
-your favourite music and national music,
- presentation in Power Point: about your participation in ecological projects, (you can ask more details about the presentation project coordinator),
You should send us in advance the information about place and time of your arrival (will it be train station, or airport). We will try to meet you there or send you the exact information how to reach the place of the camp from the airport or train station where you will arrive.
How to reach the workcamp place?
We expect that you will arrive to Moscow by plane. Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo airports in Moscow are served by most of the international airline companies.
More information about Moscow airports:
- Sheremetyevo airport:
- Domodedovo airport:
- Vnukovo airport:
If you arrive to SHEREMETYEVO airport(If you arrive in another airport please let us know and we will explain you how to reach a metro):
You can use busses or aeroexpress to get Moscow.
Aeroexpress you will find by arrow in the airport. It takes about 7 minutes walking to get from the aeropert to aeroexpress station. The way to Moscow by aeroexpress takes about 30- 35 minutes. In you will buy ticket in advance it costs 350 rubles (about 8-9 euro).
Aeroexpress leaves Sheremetyevo to Moscow at 05:00, 06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 22:30, 23:30
Go out of the Airport building and take a bus or mini-bus to metro-station “Rechnoy Vokzal” (Речнойвокзал) or Planernaya metro station (Планерная).
To get the metro station Rechnoy vokzal (Речнойвокзал) you need to take a bus # 851 or mini bus # 148
To get the metro station “Planernaya” you need the bus # 817 or mini bus # 149.
The mini bus costs 60-80 rubles (1,5-2 EUR), the bus costs around 30 rubles (70-80 cents). In fact they come almost every 5 minutes so you’ll not wait for a long.
Then you’ll have to take a metro and reach metro station named Universitet (Университет), in the metro station there will be a sign “ГлавноезданиеМГУ”(the main building of Moscow State University), you have to go out there. Then you should cross the road and to the left it will be a bus stop. You have to take a bus №119 to the side of MoscowStateUniversity. 3rd bus stop will be yours. You should cross the road and turn to the right. In 20 meters there will be a gate and green sigh “Botanical Garden MGU” (БотаническийсадМГУ). You should go through the gate in 10 meters there will be another gate, go through them also. Then it will be a building and you should go inside and ask Inna Filatova. In any case you should let the contact person Inna Filatova (see the contacts above) know in advance when you are coming. She will meet you in Moscow.
Moscow metro map
( - in Russian
- in English)
In case you got lost or late please call to Inna Filatova, +7-915-360-79-72
USEFUL LINKS AND INFORMATION if you stay in Moscow :
Most shops are open from 9am till 8pm. But it’s always possible to find twenty-four-hours food kiosk where one can buy at least chocolate and beer. Most metro stations in Moscow open from 5:30 a.m. to 01:00 a.m. Buses, trolley-buses, and trams operate throughout the city, and run from 5:30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
Russian Federation (RF) or Russia is situated in Eurasia continent, part – in East Europe and part – in North Asia. RF is the biggest state in the world. Its territory is about 17 075 000 square kilometers. The capital of Russia is Moscow.
Political system
Russia is a FederalRepublic. The head of the state is the President elected based on general election for 4 years (present – Vladimir Putin). The head of the executive authority is the Chairman of the government - the Prime minister (present – Dmitry Medvedev). Legislature is a two-chamber Parliament - Federal Assembly, which consists of the State Duma and the Council of Federation.
The total population is about 150 millions people (55% - woman and 45% - man). Russia is a multinational state. The state language overall territory of the country is Russian, however local inhabitants are guaranteed to safe their own local languages (such as Tatarskiy, Chuvashskiy, Mordovskiy etc.) There are different religious in Russia. The most popular is Orthodox; inhabitants of multinational Russia also profess Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism etc.
The climate of Russia is rather various because of huge territory of the country, however on the most part of territory it is continental or moderately continental with long cold winter and in the short not hot summer. Normal temperature in June for the central part is about + 20-30 degrees. However the variety of temperatures can be very wide. Before you are leaving, we strongly recommend you to check the weather throw the net (
Russia is lasting throw 11 time zones. The local time: GMT +4:00.
Official currency is Rubble. 1 Rubble consists of 100 Kopecks.
We recommend you to bring your money in euro. Exchange offices are open every day twenty-four hours and you definitely find at least one near a metro station. Please use banks or exchange offices solely.
Average prices
Moscow metro (one trip) - about 26 rubles
Moscow ground transportation (bus, tram, trolley bus) - 15-25 rubles
Plain water (0.5 l) - 25-35 rubles
Milk (1 l)- 27 rubles
Bread (loaf) - 20 rubles
Beer (0.5 l) - about 30-50 rubles
Dinner at a cafe/canteen - 200 – 400 rubles.
You should get visa for visiting Russia. The type of your visa is Humanitarian (Youth relationship). Please call to Russian Embassy or to Russian Consulate in your country where you are going to apply for visa and ask them:
- what documents do you need to apply for humanitarian visa,
- do you need to make an appointment or not,
- how many days will it take to make your visa.
For making visa you will need an official invitation letter. We will provide you with it Sometimes you can apply with fax/scan copy of an invitation, sometimes you need an original document. Please, check this information in advance. Pay attention that the invitation you get by post is not a visa!!!
Sometimes in Consulate you can be asked about aim of your trip and some details. That’s why we inform you about content of the invitation letter.
- Your name,
- Your data (passport number, date of birth),
- Duration of your trip. We always put in the invitation letter more days than the duration of the project: 5 days before and 5 days later.
- The aim of your trip. We kindly ask you to remember this information and to be ready for questions about your activity in Russia.
- Also we put information that your project has no commercial, religious or political aims and you will not get money for your voluntary work. Your food and accommodation will be covered by your hosting project.
VERY IMPORTANT!!! You should apply for Russian visa only with our invitation letter. In any case we can`t provide you with accommodation.
Migration card you will get in a plane, train or in the airport. You have to fill it in (two parts) and give it together with your passport in the custom, the customer will put stamp on it and give you back one part of the card. This is very important document! Please, don’t lose it till the end of your stay in Russia. Because when you will go back home, you have to show it in the border again.
For filling the migration card you should write the name of organization and address of your project. You can find it up.
Every foreigner has to be registered in Russia if s/he stays more then 7 days in one city. So, first thing you should make in Russia – registration. For it please give campleader your passport, migration card and all your tickets. Please keep all your tickets and don`t stay in one city more than 7 days without registration.
BASIC Russian:
English / Russian / PronunciationGood afternoon / Добрый день / Dob-ryi den
My name is … / Меня зовут / Me-nya zo-vut
Can you hеlp me? / Вы можете мне помочь? / Vy mozhete mne pomoch?
I would like to buy ticket to … / Я хочу купить билет в … / Ya ho-chu ku-pit bi-let v …
six,seven,eight,nine,ten / Один, два, три, четыре, пять, шесть, семь, восемь, девять, десять / Odin, dva, tri, che-ty-re, pyat, shest, sem, vo-sem, de-vyat, de-sayt
Thank you / Спасибо / Spa-sibo